Firstly, us Admins have put up a
Big Bad Bug Thread that lists all currently known bugs we're working on. It's not completely up to date yet, but will be soon. Please check the thread before reporting a bug, this will keep the hub from being flooded with the same issue and will let you guys know what we're currently working on!
Secondly, If you had a mass dog death last night when we turned on crons, please report it to the Admin Hub. Any dogs that were under 200 months when they died we will revive for you. We're sorry for any stress this caused anyone with their kennels and I will make getting these dogs back for you my own priority in our bug wrangling time.
If you reported a bug recently, we would appreciate it if you could check the issue and respond to any questions the Admins and our own very awesome Coder have, so we can get to solving these issues even faster!
Lastly, we'll have a lot of news posts coming out the next few days with both exciting news regarding finishing up this server move bugs and other things! Keep an eye out.
Yours in Glitches: