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Abbreviation | Word | Meaning |
Ala | Alacrity | This site. |
Admin | Administrator | A member of staff that assists in fixing site bugs, coding, adding new features, and overseeing problems alongside a list of other tasks. |
Aussie | Australian Shepherd | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
BC | Border Collie | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
BG | Background | A background image for your dog. |
BoM | Bandana of Maturity | An accessory on Alacrity that turns dogs into adult form when equipped. |
BoY | Bandana of Youth | An accessory on Alacrity that turns dogs into puppy form when equipped. |
CA | Custom Accessory | An accessory made by a user. |
CAM | Custom Accessory Maker | The item used to create Custom Accessories. |
Capped, TP Capped | Total Potential Capped | The highest total potential achievable through breeding at 8999.91 total. |
Cata, Cur | Catahoula Cur | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
CC | Custom Companion | A custom companion made special order by site artists at user's request. |
CT | Custom Tool | The place where you can create custom dogs, for bones, that are immortal. HERE |
Foundie | Foundation Dog | A first generation dog with no parents listed. |
Ghost | Ghost Dog | A glitch dog without a base coat. |
Glitch | Glitch | A % under 0 or above 100 in a secondary marking. Can occur through custom or breeding. |
Glitch Breeder | Glitch Breeder | A person who breeds dogs with secondary markings above 100%, or below 0%. Often owning more than one type of glitch. |
GSD | German Shepherd Dog | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
Heat | Female Heat Cycle | A Bitch begins her heat cycle at 12 months old, and will go into heat every 6 months for 1 month. (12 months, 18 months, 24 months, etc.) |
Hub | Issue Hub | The place to send questions, site issues and problems with other players to be handled by Moderators and Administrators. Can be found HERE. |
IM | Instant Message | An individual chat you can use to talk to one person. |
Invisible | Invisible Dog | A husky glitch in which no lines or base coat exists. Some secondary markings can exist but are not seen. |
JRT, Jacks | Jack Russell Terrier | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
K | Thousand | One thousand of something, usually money. $1,000 |
Lineless | Lineless Dog | A glitch dog without lines. |
Maxed | Maxed | Fully trained to the extent of a dog's Total Potential. |
MDB | Magical Dog Biscuit | A magical item that changes a dog's gender and makes fixed dogs able to breed again. |
MDW | Magical Dog Whistle | A magical item that allows you to bring back a dog from the Retirement Home, but will not resurrect dead dogs. |
MFB | Magical Food Bowl | A magical item that maxes a dog's ability in each trial object by half. |
MLL | Magical Lifelong Locket | A magical item that makes a dog immortal. |
MRB | Magical Rubber Ball | A magical item that perfects a dog's personality stats and its temporal stats (immediately maxing their total potential); it also cures injuries instantly. |
MWB | Magical Water Bowl | Maxes out a dog's ability in each trial object. |
Mod | Moderator | A member of the staff that helps in ensuring rules are being followed on Alacrity. |
Mood Dog | Mood Dog | A ghost dog whose coat changes colors depending on the background/items behind it. |
NH | Newbie Helper | A part of the staff on Alacrity that is dedicated to helping members with site questions, both old and new. |
Pap | Papillon | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
Perk | Breeder or Trainer Perk | A specialization bought with bones to enhance an aspect of an account. |
Breeder Perk: increases bred TPs by 10% per account that has it (so if you breed between two accounts that both have the perk, you'll get a 20% TP increase) and guarantees you a max litter of 4 every successful breeding. | ||
Trainer Perk: doubles your training amounts for in-kennel and out-kennel training, and gives you 20 extra training sessions per day. | ||
Phalene | Phalene | A Papillon with floppy ears. |
Pibble, Pitties, APBT | American Pit Bull Terrier | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
PM | Personal Message | A message between two people on the site, kind of like e-mail. |
PWC, Pemmie, Corgi | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
RE | Random Event | An event that appears randomly at the top of your page as you move through the site. This can give you items, money, or even training sessions, but also can cause accidents to your dogs and make you lose money. It is truly random. |
Rollover | Rollover | When the date changes on Alacrity at 12:00am. Daily things are done then, new training sessions, daily allowance, etc. |
SC | Scholar Collar | An accessory that doubles the amount raised each time you click a skill. |
Sheltie | Shetland Sheepdog | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
Sibe, Husky | Siberian Husky | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |
Sleeper | Sleeper Glitch | A glitch dog that does not look like a glitch. |
Stud | Breeding Age Male | A Stud can start breeding at 8 months old, and can breed as many times, and as often as he has the mood, health, and energy. |
SWAG Bag | Monthly Ultimate Bag | The gift bag available in the monthly store with the words "SWAG" written on it. |
Tag | Tag | May stand for either "dog tag" or "user tag". |
Dog Tag: Available only to upgraded accounts, this is a feature that allows users to custom brand a dog in their kennel that does not already have a tag. It will be with a dog for life and can be traced back to its owner. The feature is irreversible once done, likewise a user's chosen tag cannot be changed unless under special circumstances. | ||
User Tag: The picture displayed above, under, or with the account number. Only available for use by upgraded members. It has a size limit of 100 pixels high and 175 pixels wide only. | ||
TP | Total Potential | The maximum amount that a dog can be trained in all skills. |
TS | Training Sessions | The sessions that you get to train your dogs (2 per each dog slot you have). |
Zoi | Borzoi | A breed of dog available on Alacrity. |