There was an error handling your request. make sure you are logged in!
You have not yet verified your email address. This needs to be done before you can continue playing. All you have to do is click on the link emailed to you.
An Email has been resent to you. After clicking the verification link, you can wait and this message should automatically close. but if not you can reload the page.
Upgraded accounts receive benefits! More info here!
Allowances: Upgraded accounts earn $200 a day at midnight site time if they logged on each day. Basic accounts receive $100.
Interest: The point of a bank is that upgrades earn interest every Friday at midnight if they've logged on that week, Upgraded accounts receive 2% , and basics get 1%.
**Interest accrues weekly and must be collected manually at the bank, every Friday.**
Also, money lost from random events cannot be lost if stored in the bank!
want to give away other things?
a dog? please visit your kennel, select the dog , click action , give away from the drop down
an item? please go to your inventory, select the item, and then "give this item away" from the drop down