Easter Egg Hunt (available march 31 for 1 week or 1 month... TBD)
Joining an Easter Egg Hunt
Easter egg hunts are conducted ever 4 hours during the event. You must have 1 easter egg token per dog to enter. Currently the number of dogs per player, is limited to 5, however after a day of testing the number
of dogs allowed per player will be increased in accordance with server load.
Easter Egg Hunt Tokens are collected by logging in at least once every 4 hour period, and will also be made available in the monthly shop or bone barn.

Cash awards:
The purse size is determined by the number of entries in the game. Payouts are determined according to finishing 'in the money'
Purse size
- base 5 players, award $1000
- for every player below the base, -25% of purse,
- for every player above the base, +10%
Finishing in the money
- base 5 players, pays 1st to 3rd
- for every entrant below the base, -1 paid position,
- for every 3 entrants above the base, +1 paid position
Payout adjustment by placing
- 1st place takes the full purse
- for each monied position below first, the payout decreases by 10%
Easter Eggs!
Easter eggs are spread throughout the course, a dog must use their skills and wit to collect them
Quantity and distribution
- the quantity of eggs is determined by number of entrants in a match. generally, 2 eggs per entrant
- each may be placed anywhere on the map, including on obstacle tiles or a tile already containing an egg
- an egg must be 'searched for' and successfully 'handled' (not breaking or dropping) and bringing it home
Common eggsOccurance: 64%open for plentiful doggie treats!Uncommon eggsOccurance: 27%open for higher end treats ,dyes and basic accessoriesRare EggsOccurance: 7%open for rare items and and easter themed accessories!
The course
Each coursse has a description, which hints at which obstacles and breeds may be advantageous. Breeds may have a strong or moderate advantage , a like disadvantage, or be neutral in performance to a course
Dog Actions
Each turn, a dog may take one or more actions depending on the tile and the objects on the tile. When a dog reaches the end of the course, they will exit the game. they may not go back to collect additional easter eggs
Turn Order
A dogs speed for a particular turn is determined by its speed attribute and modified by other aspects such as its age , energy level etc. Easter eggs are first come first serve, and in a tight race, speed matters!Modifiers
- Speed -- primary attribute.
- Age --The younger the faster, elderly dogs receive a penalty
- energy level - more the better
Move forward
If a dog has passed any obstacles on the tile, or detects no easter eggs, they will move forward one tile. This consumes an actionReturn to start
If a dog is carrying an easter egg, they will return home, one tile per turn. This consumes an actionTest an Obstacle
If an obstacle is present, the dog will test against the obstacle to pass it, until they succeed. successive attempts at the obstacle become easier with each try, each try consumes the dogs turnDogs will encounter real world analogs to obstacles they encounter on an agility course. The applicable skill will be tested and modified as follows.
- applicable skill -- primary attribute. .
- Age -- Young dogs receive a bonus, old dogs a slight disadvatnage
- Repeated attempts at an obstacle grant it a bonus for each failure
- energy level -- bonus dependant on score
- Luck -- not applicable
if the dog has passed any obstacles, they may search the tile for treats! Searching is a free action, and will continue their turn after searching.A dogs drive serves as the base for search.
- Drive -- primary attribute. Dogs need to be driven to search for and sniff out eggs.
- Age -- Older dogs may be slower, but they know where humans hide the scooby snacks!.
- attention span -- bonus dependant on score
- Luck -- straight bonus
Test an Objective
if a dog detects an objective (Ahem, easter egg) , they will test to successfully pick it up and bring it home without breaking it. this consumes an action.
Easter egg handling has no primary attribute or skill allocated to it.
- adult Dogs(trial age) - strong bonus
- Eldery Dogs(can no longer trial) - slight bonus
- under 7 months - penalty
- energy level - energetic dogs may drop the ball so to speak. couch potatoes do best, b/c they are more methodical.
- fixed dogs receive a moderate bonus
- attention span -- bonus dependant on score
- luck -- straight bonus
A course contains a given number of tiles, each one after the other. A tile may contain one obstacle, and any number of objectives. Objectives are the goal of the dog to reach and successfully interact with. They are addressed in the order the are they were inserted. example: ['rare egg', 'common egg' , 'golden egg'] The rare egg objective will be dealt with first by a particular dog before moving onto the common egg, followed by golden egg.
Each turn is divided into 3 phases, initiative, free action , and move action During the initiative phase, the turn order for all dogs in the tournament are determined. dogs that zip past slower dogs may get into an argument and affect its initiative. In the Free action phase, a dog will perform any Free actions. These do not consume its movement for the turn. Free actions Search - if a dog has passed an obstacle on a tile, it shall search for objectives. avoid Obstacle - if a dog observe a way to avoid an obstacle, it will take it. In the easter egg hunt, the objective is to collect easter eggs and other easter related goodies. some obstacles are not avoidable.
During the move phase, each dog in the order of its initiative , shall take 1 action. 1/ Return home - If a dog is carrying something, it will return home at the rate of 1 tile per turn. it does not need to navigate any obstacles on the way home. 2/ Navigate obstacle - If the dog begins the turn on a tile with an obstacle, it will attempt to handle the obstacle. 3/ interact with objective. if the dog has passed the obstacle on this tile and has detected an objective, it will then spend its turn interacting with it. the following actions are associated with objectives ['use', 'pickup'] if an objective is to be carried home, it will have to carry the objective back home on the following turns. if the objective is otherwise just a test to pass, it will record the objective, and continiue searching. 4/ move to next tile. if a dog has passed any obstacles, and detects no objectives, it will move to the next tile.
REWARDS: Each objective represents a reward. some objectives only need to be touched. others will need to be carried home. There may be a reward for the eggs carried home.
MODIFIERS: a dogs breed will have an advantage on a given course. As there will be no difficulties for this version of easter egg hunt, a skill training will be turned into skill ratio. a fully trained to potential dog shall be considered to be fully qualified to handle the obstacle. However the most skilled dogs for a given test shall have a bonus , and the most poorly skilled dogs will have a penalty. All the stats of a dog form the following modifiers: Speed - determines initiative. dog[speed percentile] , dog[age group] , dog[energy_level] , skill - ability to handle obstacle dog[skill ratio], dog[ search - detect objectives (usually easter eggs, but other interesting things such as forbidden donuts) dog[drive], dog[attention span], dog[luck], dog[age group] Behavior - Alpha dogs may bark or snap at beta dogs. Social skills help your pups resist the urge to slow down for the alpha! dog[sociality], dog[self_confidence], fixed (spay/neutered)2024 Summer BBQ Hunt (available Jul 4 -> Aug 4)
Joining a BBQ Hunt
Your friends and family have decided to have a BBQ. Naturally, as dog lovers, you've invited along your furry friends! The pups, however, have decided they were not dealt a fair hand in the treats, so they have banded together to steal their owner's food! With all that protein just sizzling away on the grill, the risk has been deemed worthy of the rewards!
BBQ hunts are conducted every 4 hours during the event. You must have 1 Pupsicle per dog to enter. Currently the number of dogs per player, is limited to 5
BBQ Hunt Tokens are collected by logging in at least once every 4 hour period, and are also available in the event shop!
Cash awards:
Dogs will be dogs! As such, you've decided to place bets on the fastest one!
The purse size is determined by the number of entries in the game. Payouts are determined according to finishing 'in the money'Purse size
- base 5 players, award $1000
- for every player below the base, -25% of purse,
- for every player above the base, +10%
Finishing in the money
- base 5 players, pays 1st to 3rd
- for every entrant below the base, -1 paid position,
- for every 3 entrants above the base, +1 paid position
Payout adjustment by placing
- 1st place takes the full purse
- for each monied position below first, the payout decreases by 10%
Summer Treats!
Treats are spread throughout the course, a dog must use their skills and wit to collect them
Quantity and distribution
- the quantity of treats is determined by number of entrants in a match. Generally, 2 treats per entrant
- each may be placed anywhere on the map, including on obstacle tiles or a tile already containing a treat
- a treat must be 'searched for' and successfully 'handled' (not breaking or dropping) and bringing it home
French FriesOccurance: 64%eat for a boost to your speed!
+1 pupsicle stick.Hot DogsOccurance: 27%eat for a boost to your drive!
+3 pupsicle sticks.HamburgersOccurance: 7%eat for a boost to your training potential
+5 pupsicle sticksSteaksOccurance: 2%Scarf this to Raise your dogs TP!
+10 pupsicle sticksSlushyOccurance: The Race WinnerSlurp this for a luck boost!
+10 pupsicle sticks
Each course has a description, which hints at which obstacles and breeds may be advantageous. The Scottie has an advantage in all courses. Owing to his mischievous nature and large mouth, he is especially effective at grabbing Treats and scarfing them down (it could also be due to his short stature and the humans not wanting to spill their beers!)
Otherwise, Breeds may have a strong or moderate advantage , a like disadvantage, or be neutral in performance to a course
Dog Actions
Each turn, a dog may take one or more actions depending on the tile and the objects on the tile. When a dog reaches the end of the course, they will exit the game. they may not go back to collect additional BBQ treats!
Turn Order
A dogs speed for a particular turn is determined by its speed attribute and modified by other aspects such as its age, energy level, etc. BBQ treats are first come first serve, and in a tight race, speed matters!Modifiers
- Speed -- primary attribute
- Age --The younger the faster, elderly dogs receive a penalty
- Energy level - more the better
Move forward
If the dog has passed any obstacles on the tile, or detects no treats, they will move forward one tile. This consumes an actionReturn to start
If a dog is carrying a treat , they will return home for a safe place to eat it, one tile per turn. This consumes an actionTest an Obstacle
If an obstacle is present, the dog will test against the obstacle to pass it, until they succeed. Successive attempts at the obstacle become easier with each try, each try consumes the dogs turnDogs will encounter real world analogs to obstacles they encounter on an agility course. The applicable skill will be tested and modified as follows.
- applicable skill -- primary attribute. .
- Age -- Young dogs receive a bonus, old dogs a slight disadvatnage
- Repeated attempts at an obstacle grant it a bonus for each failure
- energy level -- bonus dependant on score
- Luck -- not applicable
If the dog has passed any obstacles, they may search the tile for treats! Searching is a free action and will continue their turn after searching.A dog's drive serves as the base for search.
- Drive -- primary attribute. Dogs need to be driven to search for and sniff out treats.
- Age -- Older dogs may be slower, but they know where humans hide the scooby snacks!.
- Attention span -- bonus dependent on score
- Luck -- straight bonus
Test an Objective
If a dog detects an objective (Ahem, food from the grill or frosty delights) , they will test to successfully pick it up and bring it home without breaking it. This consumes an action.
Snack handling has no primary attribute or skill allocated to it.
- Adult Dogs (trial age) - strong bonus
- Eldery Dogs (can no longer trial) - slight bonus
- Under 7 months - penalty
- Energy level - energetic dogs may drop the ball so to speak. couch potatoes do best, b/c they are more methodical.
- Fixed dogs receive a moderate bonus
- Attention span -- bonus dependent on score
- Luck -- straight bonus
Agility Trials
New payout system and flexible tournaments!
Rules for Agility Trial Tournament
- All participants receive a minor stat boost for their dog, regardless of whether they win or lose.
- The prize structure is based on the original agility trial prize structure, which was for 5 contestants.
- The cost to enter is the number of wins your dog has multiplied by $5. If your dog has no wins, the cost to enter is $3.
- The pay structure has been altered to accommodate the number of players:
#entrantss Stat Boost Placing payout Payout 2 Minor stat increase First place award Normal payout x 25% 3 Minor stat increase First place award Normal payout x 50% 4 Minor stat increase First and second place Normal payout x 75% 5 Minor stat increase First, second, and third place awards Normal payout (100%) 6 or more Minor stat increase First, second, and third place Payout = normal payout x (1 + (numPlayers - 5) x 10%). payout example:
6 players: 10% additional bonus
7 players: 20% bonus, etc
note: secondary prize money will be awarded to 1 additional player per 3 participants beyond 5.
Secondary prize money = normal payout x (1 + numPlayers/3 - 5) x 10%