except for the actual baby maker button.
QUICK LINKfor new dogs script.
general improvements across the board,
whats made it in
Breeding is now integrated into 1 page.
if you are not the owner,
any dog's page you visit now shows offers you made to breed with this dog.
if you are the owner,
shows you breeding requests received by this dog,
shows you any breeding offers you have made to OTHER dogs.
requests and offers now link to dog and the owner.
a thumbnail of the dog requesting the pairing is also shown.
glitch dogs can now be requested/declined by the lessee with a checkbox, with final approval by the lessor.
what didnt make it in...
there are a few cosmetic issues still lingering through the whole dog section. I'd like to get mission critical things like breeding up, and custom dogs / pup predictor 2.0
I was gonna give the requester (lessee) the ability to edit comments for breeding requests. but I decided against it, since then I would have to log the change.
whats coming next.
( behind the scenes ...)
libraries have been constructed for management of breeding, dogs, system messages , dog logs etc
(this is a major improvement. its basically what prevents alacrity adding features in a timely fashion, changing designs, upgrading etc)
integrated most of the dog functionality, allowing for upgrades, near total rewrite. 20k lines of code scrubbed was no easy feat.
breeding requests is in particular a disaster of epic proportions. after dog is set live, I'll have to then go back and finalize new breeding system design. for now, these are the improvements I can make to it.
all breeding parameters configured
companions, inbreeding, etc all setup
link up the pup attributes and
do alittle testing before setting it live