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Heartbleed and Account Safety...

Posted by

(#8598) on Apr 10, 2014
As many of you know, there has been a recent, huge problem with security all across the internet.
Unfortunately, we are in between coders at this time (our previous coder had to leave suddenly due to serious real life issues that we can't discuss) so we do not know if our service was affected by this - but do not fret!
Since Alacrity does not keep your personal information such as credit card numbers, full names, etc. - you don't have to worry too much.

Good news, everyone! We were never affected by this to begin with! :D So no need to worry about your Alacrity stuff, but in case you are on a website that WAS affected, and use the same username and/or password, I would suggest changing your password ASAP.

However, I would like to take this time to remind you that it is a good habit to change your password every so often, making sure to use upper and lower case letters, and numbers. Alacrity requires 10 characters or more - I would personally suggest using more.
While some websites support special characters, Alacrity does not, so please only use A through Z, and 0 through 9 - no apostrophes, ampersands, or anything of that sort, as it will break your password and lock you out!

If you must have your password saved, or can't remember long passwords - a small notebook with your current password and which website you use it on, hand-written, would be a safer approach than keeping it saved on your PC.

Thank you for your time, and we will be sure to update you as we are made aware of whether or not we were affected by the Heartbleed situation.

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Yeah, my gmail was a victim haha
Posted on 04-11-2014 at 3:34 PM

When I checked the heartbleed site tester your site passed. Pretty much what the site does is use heartbleed to see if if can or can't get a reading.

It says that you're site is fixed or never had a problem. Considering your coder is gone so we can confirm you guys never had a problem in the first place. You guys are awesome <3


There is the website if you want to use it. It's put forward by Forbes so it's a trust worthy source.
Posted on 04-11-2014 at 8:15 AM

Well that's good news! Thank you, Geo!
Posted on 04-11-2014 at 7:28 AM

Backup in Art Bugs

Posted by

(#6) on Mar 27, 2014
Hello everyone! I know I've been pretty quiet, and art-related bugs have ground to a halt.

There are a few reasons for this, the most important of which being that I was suffering through some very personal real life matters, and the circumstance of my computer going on the fritz a couple weeks ago. It's currently in the shop, but things aren't looking good, and it's likely I'll have to invest in a new one. I've been borrowing my husband's laptop in the meantime.

For some GOOD news, though, I can announce that the primary art for our new trialing system has been done, and files just have to be saved (lots and lots of files, gah!), and added to the system so it can start working in tandem with the code. We're very, very close!

As soon as either A) I get my computer back, or B) get the backups they ran for all my files, I'll get back to working on art bugs, so hopefully within the next week or two.

Thank you all so much for your patience and continued support!

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how do you get an avatar?
Posted on 04-10-2014 at 10:18 PM

I'm certain someone (hopefully me, but anyone may be able to snipe the eventual post! >:P) will post on the Facebook Community Group when trials do come back up.
Posted on 03-29-2014 at 7:28 PM

Computers crashing isn't fun. Especially when it's highly needed. I hope it is nothing serious Carni! And I am excited for trials coming back, its been a while yay!
Posted on 03-27-2014 at 11:02 PM

Cyberbullying and Alacrity

Posted by

(#7244) on Feb 18, 2014

This is a news post I was hoping I'd never have to make.

First off, I'd just like to say that, by and large, this update is unnecessary. The vast majority of our users are delightful, well-meaning people who do not verbally abuse or harass other players.
However, as of late we have seen a rise in cyberbullying, harassment and verbal abuse on Alacrity. This simply cannot be allowed to continue.

As many of you have already noticed and commented, the mean age of Alacrity players has dropped in the last year. Many of our players are coming to our community younger and younger, and even our player staff is now made up mostly of kids and young adults - people who are even more hurt by such attacks than the fully grown variety. As such, it has become even more vital to the administration that Alacrity continue to be the game it was founded to be - one of friendly, civil discourse and mutual respect.

While we recognize and agree that many of the growing pains the site has been going through lately are unpleasant, they are not the fault of any staff member or members, but rather the result of the unfortunate situation in which we find ourselves as a community.
I make this post to implore you all to resist the temptation that internet anonymity brings with it to treat the human beings behind the screen names as nameless, heartless, morally devoid bots here for you to abuse at your leisure.
Each username and account number on this site represents a real, breathing, harm-able person who deserves your kindness - whether they are players or if they are, on top of that, also staffers. Please treat these people as you yourself would expect to be treated.

On the subject of staff, specifically - if you haven't had the chance to get to know some of our staffers, I highly recommend it. These players take on long hours of complicated and often thankless work - without pay - because they want to see Alacrity succeed. These are kids with feelings. They're 20-somethings trying to figure out how to pay their mortgages, they're students working full time to get through school - they're not the devil. Alacrity isn't a big bad corporation trying to squeeze out every last dime, it's a bunch of young people trying to make something great happen on the internet. It has not been easy. It will not always be easy, but not one person on this staff - or on this website at all - deserves to be treated rudely just because you're unhappy about something.

I have gotten to know many of our players well over the years and I find myself protective of all of you, whether we know each other personally or even get along. We are, all of us, players. Lets all try together to be the people we expect ourselves to be, and we'll get through the rough bits and be all the stronger for it.

Always and intrinsically at your service,

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I don't get on here much anymore but I have heard things I didn't want to hear :/ I hope this gets worked out and communications get better between players.
Posted on 03-21-2014 at 8:07 PM

Wow, guess I've just been fortunate enough to not be witness to anything like that. I had no clue it was getting that bad around here.
Hearing that some members are having to endure treatment like this is quite disheartening. It's extremely uncalled for & childish.
Posted on 02-27-2014 at 7:33 PM

I agree that, when you say something in public, you are opening yourself up to whatever the response is going to be. You cannot and should not expect that everyone is going to hold your hand and make you feel good about yourself just because you chose to say something. What I'm talking about here is not that. No one should feel they have to be dishonest just because others are expecting absolute support. That's not to what this post refers. I've seen death threats on Alacrity, I've seen players tell each other to kill themselves. I've seen caustic, needlessly rude behavior and that is to what this post refers. I still expect people to act like adults, and that means respectfully disagreeing with one another sometimes. It means having real, detailed and involved discussions of what doesn't work and why. I'm all for debate. I love debate. Being mean just for its own sake, however, is damaging. It wears on people and it poisons the atmosphere and I think we're all better than that.
Posted on 02-27-2014 at 3:30 PM


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