Posted byKit (#7244) on Dec 19, 2015
Hello, Darlings.
If we want to continue to attract more and mature users, we're going to have to govern this site like we trust you - because, by and large, we do!
As such, you will notice that the site's censor has been relaxed. We will trust you to govern your own language.
HOWEVER. While you can now tell people that a timewarp retards aging and your favorite musical is Damn Yankees, the rating of this site has NOT changed. It is PG-13. Some words are still not allowed, And it is still against the rules to bully one another or to speak badly of or to others.
Did you read it?
Go read it.
I'll wait.
So, "what does this change?" You might ask. Not much, really. You have a little more elbow room to speak respectfully with one another, but, because we're not preventing rude behavior, we are upping the consequences if you should choose to abuse the trust we put in you.
TL;DR: Don't be jerks at each other. Please.
Chat Speak
Please remember that excessive chatspeak is prohibited on Alacrity. We have not added any new chat speak to the censor, but are open to any suggestions if you have seen anything used excessively in chat.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'd love to explain anything I didn't communicate properly the first time around.
Your loyal Admin
Posted on 12-21-2015 at 7:54 PM
Much love,