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private chat with you.
212 threads
Have a tag you want to sell? A manip you want to make money on? Advertise any of your sales here.
- Selling commisions mostly ferals for usd paypal
- by Obcursemix (#50208)
- "I do mostly semi realistic but do not ha ..."
no replies
325 threads
Post all dog advertisements here.
- Maxed GSDs and Papillons for Sale
- by kibakiza (#18748)
- "RK WILD SWIRL female GSD with a TP of 52 ..."
(12-4-2024 at 6:35 PM)
kibakiza (#18748) said: "New sale ad! GSD and Papil ..."
kibakiza (#18748) said: "New sale ad! GSD and Papil ..."
307 threads
All item sales occur here.
- Selling Items for USD!
- by Refiner (#27801)
- "Hey there! Rediscovered my old account a ..."
(07-1-2024 at 4:40 AM)
Refiner (#27801) said: "Whoops, apologies for the jumb ..."
Refiner (#27801) said: "Whoops, apologies for the jumb ..."
239 threads
Sell Ala accounts here. You are only allowed two at any given moment.
- Selling Acct #666
- by Hex - For $ale! (#666)
- "So I just recently remembered I had this ..."
no replies
294 threads
All sales for other game currencies/items/animals belong here.
- Wajas 500k for ala money
- by CherryCreekKennels (#50340)
- "Looking to exchange 500k WC for whatever ..."
no replies
104 threads
Post services here like babysitting dogs or selling training sessions.
- by vxna (#47276)
- ""
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