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Kickstarter for Al - digital art and bowties!
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Hey guys. Before you leave rush and check my art and buy it or choose not to, I want to post WHY I'm selling my art (as well as all the items in my shop).

I'm living in a dangerous situation, shall I say.

I have anxiety and it's being triggered (I express it in emotional breakdowns which range in severity, but are dangerous nontheless) I am under medication but its not a daily thing, and if it weren't for the fact that A. I can't find it and B. It knocks me out, I'd be using it more frequently than now.

Living at home during summer break (college resumes in late August) is proving to be a real handful. I'm only about two weeks in and I already want to return to school and leave home.

Why I want to earn money:
To move out.
Not this year, but hopefully during next summer (which will be the summer prior to Senior year).

I want to live with a friend or two in a house, and the minimum cost for a nice 3 bedroom house PER person is roughly $500, and that's if we're lucky because those places include utilities.
If I choose an apartment, prices are about the same.

What I need money for:
Supplies such as furniture, food, etc. (especially since I will be there year round)
Gas for my car
Supplies for my dog that I will have with me
Any extra finances

I want to start small, and as of now, I'm trying to do everything I can to get SOME money to get myself started.

Anyways, what I will be selling.

Prices will be changing and will be varied by amout of detail, time spent, etc. Prices for a 750x750 or 1000x1000 image will cost anywhere from $7-15, for example.

Link to my dA:

Example of work

I also sell bowties, but that won't be open and ready until I have fabric and have enough moey to ship. These bowties are for dogs and cats, and will hopefully come with rings to attach to the collar.

So yea, everything will be in USD, I'm sorry, but please read above if you don't understand why I WILL NOT be accepting bones and cash.

Please message me, or post on here if interested.
If you're not 100% set on this, please do not bother. I don't want to have to waste time on trying to get in touch with everyone if no one is going to reciprocate :)

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

06-18-2013 at 10:47 PM
Thank you very much!

06-18-2013 at 5:22 AM
hehe i'd buy some stuff, but i'm poor too, so I shall advertise this around to my many friends :)

06-17-2013 at 11:45 AM
Here is the link to my etsy shop where you can buy the bow ties. I'm not shipping anything yet, so please forgive me. Still gotta get supploes<br /> <br /> http://www.etsy.com/shop/CocosDapperBoutique

06-4-2013 at 10:56 PM
Thank you Surrender.<br /> <br /> And Ravette, I actually have been searching, but due to this being such a small store area with most jobs being given to full time employees, it's very hard.<br /> <br /> I'm a college student who can only work during summer and I don't have a car OR previous work experience so it's hard. This money is mainly to get a jump start, and I'm hoping that I can make enough by selling all my items and stuff on here to at least get something started :)

06-4-2013 at 6:44 PM
Have you tried looking for a job? It'd get you out of the house and get you more money than this will. It would also be more reliable. I am worried you won't make your goal for what you need ^^;. Especially if housing is monthly payments. <br /> <br /> Goodluck Al! The bowtie is cute!

06-4-2013 at 6:01 PM
Dang I saw this and I wish I had more money. I am glad to see you're getting out. I've been in a place where I was constantly unsafe and it is a scary thing. I hope your friends are able to help you through this and that you can stay away from that bad situation for good.

06-4-2013 at 4:05 PM
UPDATE:<br /> Picture of a bowtie on my dog! :)<br /> <br /> <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/984242_485187428216706_1945936247_n.jpg">

06-1-2013 at 6:13 PM
Update: Going to possibly be staying at some friends houses during the courses of the summer thanks to a incident with the family. I called my best friend in tears and I walked over to the field nearby with my dog sans leash. I'm better now, but my eyes have opened up. I need to leave. Might up the prices up soon by giving a SET price (meaning it's non negotiable) but for now the format still applies.


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