Looking to commission aussie art!
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Hello fellow alacrites! I'm looking to commission a piece of aussie art for my mom! Right now I have 17 bones, and I will almost certainly get more as time goes on! Here are the qualifications:
1) The artist must be a very very good one. Like, good enough to be on the art team here on ala. It doesn't matter if you actually are on the team, but you need to be at that level.
2)This is an obvious one: you must be able to draw aussies. I don't want anyone saying "Well, I can't draw aussies but I'm really good at huskies." My mom doesn't have any other dogs but aussies, so while I will be perfectly happy to admire you beautiful huskies I will not commission you. (NOTE: I may be looking to commission a husky artist sometime in the next year as a surprise present for my best friend Pasercute/aluvzaussies. But that is not what this thread is about.)
3)You must be able to do a professional scan if you are doing the drawing on paper. No eraser marks. I will not give you my mom's address so you can send her the physical drawing unless she tells me it is alright.
4) No cutesie-cutesie. Same thing as with the huskies. I will ooh and ahh over your adorable fuzzy aussie pups with big cartoon eyes but what my mom wants is a realistic rendition of an aussie. As an example, she likes Heleasher's art.
5)You must be able to finish the drawing/painting/whatever within three months. I am not going to wait half a year for it unless there is an unforeseen complication which you explain to me.
I think those are all the qualifications. I may add more if I remember them, but those are it for now.
How to apply:
Post right on this thread with at least three examples of your artwork. That's it.
NOTE: You are all awesome. My mom is going to pick the artist, not me, so please do not be offended if she does not choose you. I repeat: You Are All Awesome!
Edit: pictures of the aussies in question can be found on my profile.
xXWolfParradixXx (#29889)
09-1-2013 at 9:00 PM
ill join in let me get th elinks 1 sec when i post them highlight the link right click copy and paste to your searchbar then press enter ^-^