Selling This Account.
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Hello I\'m quitting Ala.This account is upgraded till 2012-10-25.It\'s got 2 bones on it, $140,000+, 30 Training sessions, 15 kennels and five dogs.
What I\'m taking is Chicken Smoothie dollars, pets and store items, DA Premium membership or points, Howrse equus, Pegasus upgrade and passes.
What I\'m taking is Chicken Smoothie dollars, pets and store items, DA Premium membership or points, Howrse equus, Pegasus upgrade and passes.
Aqualeaf (#22419)
06-3-2012 at 2:14 PM
I have a variety of CS pets/items and about 60 C$ left over; I'd be willing to offer the C$, a Pink Heart Advent and about 100 uncommons, and some random store wigs I have left over? :3
ItsAZoo (#23252)
05-30-2012 at 5:01 PM
Please pm me and I'll give you the link to my Howrse account. <br /> <br /> Thanks!