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Agate Collar
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2013 New Years Necklace
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Adonis Blue Butterflies
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Thank you for answering my question.
OMG haven't been on here since 2016! I'm very glad to see the site still exists -- a big chunk of my time was spent here and I cherish those memories <3
Merry Christmas. ;)
Welcome to Sin Vraal (#18687)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!
Last Seen: 3:58 AM on 12-1-2024, played for 812 days
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working away on the site!
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
27 | Training Sessions: 2058
Dogs in "puppie-palooza"
Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Foundation Catahoula Cur (#418686) | Catahoula Cur | 21.90 months | female | |
Dogulus maximus2 (#425376) | Catahoula Cur | 251.54 months | male | |
Glitch grey (#433335) | Papillon | 233.54 months | female | |
Chip (#433372) | Great Dane | 562.76 months | male | |
boobooz (#433332) | German Shepherd | 606.98 months | male | |
Colleen (#434360) | Border Collie | 251.30 months | female | |
Hot and bothered (#434894) | Jack Russell Terrier | 307.74 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#436484) | Catahoula Cur | 206.55 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#436487) | Catahoula Cur | 206.55 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#437257) | Papillon | 99.12 months | female |