Scholar Collar
you own: 0.
you own: 0.
Heat Cookie
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles!
[view all]
wait I manage to log in!
Zee I can't seem to log in soochpooch... it says passord invalid
I only wanted 1 floating hearts.
If you have a CS Account, I'd be happy to give you a free pet for a V-day gift c:
ok what one is she/he?
My sissy fell asleep so I can stay on ^.^ what does Shiba have to say?
Yup. That's fine. *twiddle thumbs*
>.> I'm supposed to get off in a couple minutes, but layer tonight will be fine ;)
ok haha you were saying that if I wanted any GSD if you had any for sale.
or is it a girl?
ya sure do you still have him?
Well it not that theirs a lot of traffic I haven't been able to get on it at all today. I tried to go on a every hour or so since 12 and it's now 7 :\ I don't even get to a page saying there is to much traffic, I get to server isn't found. Hopefully it will be back up by tomorrow.
Ummm was SoochPooch moved? I can't get the page to load...
A friend made it. Cord, #5983. She is not open for requests right now though.~
A friend made it. Cord, #5983. She is not open for requests right now though.~
Great, I\' thrilled to be a part of your site.
I\'m Foopet breed there btw.
Great, great news, I finally got onto Sooch Pooch, now you can make me a Mod :)
O I see. I\'v been good but I think I slept in a little to early this morning haha.
You should check out all the suggestions I put in Small Ideas (I\'m Smudgers)
What are you all overwhelmed about?
Yes,sorry my computer has been getting stuck when i press the button in. I will try to come on more often =)
Yes that would be great
Ok, I just got home from a Class Sorry for the late response.
Hey, how are you?
Its ok. :)
Weird, I did that and it messed up both my main, and side.
Ive been on, but I\'m not that active :P
Below on your profile you used mybannermaker.com to make a few banners. When I tried it messed up my whole profile. How did you do it?
I\'ve signed up. I\'m Jingle Jingle Jingle
Sorry can I be a newbee helper It was acidental
Sorry can I be a newbee helper It was acidental
I signed up. I\'m Smudgers. What jobs are available?
Let medraw a quick example then upload it for you
Oh darn, well yes, ok! =] I will definitely join when it is open to the public =]
Kk, Signed up :3 I have the same username that I have on here which is \"MadameLalita\"
I can draw like that but a bit better.
I know ^^
Could you give me the link please?
Could you give me the link please?
Would you be willing to provide me the link to the site? I didnt see a link in any adverts, & well cant find it on google.
Also I would *love* to be a mod or preferably newbie helper after I myself get past the \"newbie\" stage on it & become acquainted with current members. ^_^
Also I would *love* to be a mod or preferably newbie helper after I myself get past the \"newbie\" stage on it & become acquainted with current members. ^_^
Can I try out sooch pooch? I cannot seem to find it xD
Can I try out sooch pooch? I cannot seem to find it xD
Hey Zee, is sooch pooch down? I can not seem to get on.
That sounds like fun. I would love to get involved with a site like this, and can ensure unless my internet goes bonkers, or I leave for my brother\'s hosue that I will be on daily. I give you my word.
Example please?
The link did not work can I please have another one?
I would be dedicated. I could be on everyday, but there are random days I would not be able to. These days would included when I have my week long camp during the summer, if that would be okay.
So can I ??
I\'m not one to leave, but I do want background info about the site before I make any final decisions. I\'ve been on Foopets(I only quit because they changed it) I\'m on my second year of Howrse, and I love it here on Ala.
I have a program on my computer for art and stuff. Actually, I have two :) and can I have a link to the site?
They are slightly cartoonish and anime like. Ill put some on my prlofile when i get back from school. Whats the site art style like?
Would I be able to be a Mod? It could be a fun experience, and I would be able to enforce the rules, too; but be kind at doing it. :) I could possible help with art once I get my tablet (at this point I can only do traditional)
Ok. I\'ll put some up on my profile. And its a good thing they\'re slightly cartoonish because I can\'t draw a realistic looking dog for my life c: I\'ll whip you up somthing cool. And can I have a link? I\'d love to join even if I don\'t get the artist job
I am great at enforcing rules with a gentle, but firm touch. I work as a babysitter, so I\'m used to dealing with kids and tenns of all ages. I am in need of something else to fill my time, and what better than being a leader on a site? I am fine with being anything, but an artist or a coder. I can\'t draw, and can\'t code, but being an Admin or a Mod sounds excellent.
I could be a mod if you want
I heard about Sooch Pooch and would like to become an artist! I can drw almost anything like wolves,dogs,cats,reptiles,fish,etcetera.
I always on after school I get out at 3:00 I know at little a little bb code,use proper spelling,grammar and punctuation. I enforce the rules, I\'m use to helping people out with their problems (My sisters and brothers fight a lot).
well i have skill on helping people with problems (i have two freinds who fight alot),i love to help others,i can understand when people say \"i am sorry \" (yet not give in),i can put in alot of time (just not during shool hours but you know),i know how to correct people politly without hurting thier feelings. Exept sadly my keyboard is stiff so i make a few errors and what do you mean by bb code (i might know it)
I heard about your adoptables website and I\'m interested in becoming an artist. I can draw most reptiles, birds, cats , and dogs. If you need an example, please message me. I usually do traditional art but I can do some other stoff too
What\'s Sooch Pooch? Sounds interesting, wouldn\'t mind joining. Link? Or is it still in the process of being made?
Umm... There was an ad I wasn\'t sure if I was suppose to message you or scribble but I would like to be a Mod or Admin please
Oh ok (:
Oh ok (:
Is the site down or something? The link isnt working...
hi can i jon the site and be a mod or an admin
Ok I kinda gett it !!
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/008/1/5/for_site_by_xlawlzx-d4lqv0r.jpg There you go. all done
Ok I read it. It was pretty short :/
Can I see it? ^^
ok it says bb code but tags or something like that
Ok I looked it up and cant find anything
Sure I know exactly what to do. Have you already made the site?
Ok how dO I do that
http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/008/0/6/for_website_by_xlawlzx-d4lqnrs.jpg Thats what I came up with (:
I am sorry but I see the dogs that you have made on SP and those are kinda hard to make... so can I switch to admin? Sorry for making all that trouble :/
I could try and do that (: Ill send you it when I\'m done
It is fine, can you show me now? I am really anxiuos and if you don\'t mind when you show me I will start right away :)
Zee did you want a specific breed of dog for me to draw?
I already did. I am Thebraveramona :)
Thats fine :) you just have to show me coding and how to add dogs to the site :)
Zee, if it is to much work, I can be some thing else. It is ok.
How about this?
Ok I have to run to the store really quick I will be back :)
So does it sound good can I be a mod ?? :)
Well I am pretty sure I can do that :)!!
What does \"coding skills\" mean but I can do the other things you said :).
Ok so can I be a Mod?
Is it ok if i draw it on paper and then take a pic of it and show you the url ?
Ok sure I can do something like that (:
Sure send me a picture (:
Can I be admin actulayy?
or newbie helper or artist :)
or newbie helper or artist :)
I\'ll be a admin or a newbie helper or an artist
I would like to be a admin :)
Did you need a Admin for Sooch Pooch?
Can I be an Artist on sooch pooch?
Did you need artists for sooch pooch? (:
Yes, it does.
And what about the mod thing?
I registered =) My username is Dobie
thank you so much.. :)
I\'ve tried and it\'s not working. Mind holding a spot for me a little longer? I\'m going to see if I can get it fixed.
I registered My username is:Malta.
thank you :) so what\'s my job?
Its fine! Thanks so much! Did you change the settings and make me a mod already?
oh one more thing, If you want to know more message me back ;) cause I\'m available to talk to you.
Yay! Thanks so much! Which am I? Mod or Newbie Helper?
1 go on 5 out of 7 days on the computer :) so I\'m available if needed.
I\'m interested on being a mod mostly a mod or a newbie helper, I\'m very responsible, I go on every day unless there is a family emergency.My average time I spend on the computer surfing the net is 1hr and 50 mins and I\'m very loyal to my job.
Im interested in becoming a mod or Newbie Helper for your adoptables site! Could I get the link to it please? I am on just about everyday (unless I get grounded), I dont use text talk (except lol, haha), Oh, nevermind about the link. I just got it and I signed up! (I am Mikki on it) and I am expirienced with myadopts. Please get back to me ASAP! I have some tips if you want them also!
Can i have a link?
I can start today =)
Can I get for info about the adoptables site? Your messages are full, by the way.
It says \"Incorrect CAPTCHA code entered\" Though I know I did it right.
I tried to regester several times but it\'s not letting me, something to do with the code I entered in. I\'ll try again now.
ok thanks it works now :)
the link won\'t work for me
ok thanks :) ill check it out
can i have the link for the site please :) i might think about being a tester.
Yes thats fine. Could I have a link please? :)
Yes thats fine. Could I have a link please? :)
I would also like to help with your site Scooch Pooch, possibely as a mod. I have experience and would be willing to devote my time to your site, and I would love the oppertunity to work along side with you. :) Whew, I sound bussiness like! Please message/scribble me back xD
Id like to help out with your new game but your messages are full =)
Your mailbox is full. I\'d like to help out with your game if you still need someone (Mod/Newbie helper experience).
Really? whats it called?
You own dogzer?
I am good. How are you been doing?
I have a pitbull and a pap i could trade
I bought 2 lifelong Lockets from the monthly last night so i only have 19k left
Are you looking for anything?
Yes, that would be great! Thank you.
I could only do 4, because they are just 180 in the main stores, and with the merchant perk, just 153k. That is really only 2 bones, after all.
But if you change your mind, let me know!
But if you change your mind, let me know!
I would give 4 bones for the magical rubber ball.
She was still your dog and you say it right in your profile! :)
Hi! I rescued luna from the pound! she is now Santa's Lil' Helper. Could I have a banner and layout? You said you do them for free to users who buy your dogs.
Finished maxing your pup. Let me know when I can send her over. :)
Is it possible that I can get an estimate of when the site will be done? If I can't it's okay.
Okay ;)
I heard you was making a test website could i possibly join?
Really? Thanks! I accept! Just message me when I can start my career as a test monkey ;D
They are all quite pretty! Congrats! The male pup 109955 is a cute one:)
your messages are full so i cant tell you what i wanted
Number five lease and thanks again I'm glad we could settle this and have a nice evening.
As I have said ti your side I have given you a heat cookie to borrow for a single wintie litter in which in the course if over a month you hbe not messaged me or given the item or wintie. I would like to know if you could kindly return the item to me as I an in need of it and thank you.
Hello, I accidently purchased the Ghost Laterns from your shop, I was scrolling up and stopped at where the price was. May I please have my money back?
No problem! :)
I just thought I'd le you know that my offer is about to cease on the BC's. Thier up
For sale now, message me if you want the both for 50K
For sale now, message me if you want the both for 50K
Thanks :)
... XD I email you when the time comes.
Testers.... XD There isn't much need for anything actually... but tester would be next on my list.. and don't forget, you can become a mod or newbie helper when the site is built, all you gotta do is fill out a form when the time comes. =)
Your inbox is full right now. :) Might want to clean some messages out.
I just wanted to let you know that I judged the custom Sheltie design contest I ran, and I loved the third design you entered. :) I want to make it into a custom. I'm sending you a bone for winning. ^^ Are you interested in a pup from that custom's litter? Also, you win a consolation prize for entering 4 designs. Would you like $25k, or one of the Halloween items I listed in the thread?
I just wanted to let you know that I judged the custom Sheltie design contest I ran, and I loved the third design you entered. :) I want to make it into a custom. I'm sending you a bone for winning. ^^ Are you interested in a pup from that custom's litter? Also, you win a consolation prize for entering 4 designs. Would you like $25k, or one of the Halloween items I listed in the thread?
A tester, Mod, Writer, or maybe a Planner.
Hi, I'm really sorry, but I don't have to much patience left... XD Your art is marvelous, but just not quite what we're looking for. There are other spots you could take too. =)
Sure :)
oh and zee zee i see you want some insta pups...i have some if you want to buy them
i will he will be promptly maxed before i find him a mate ^^
Thank you! Happy Turkey Day ^_^
I would like the falling leaves please :)
Hello again Zee, this is very good, but still, it just doesn't quite click. You can very well be a part of the site, I can type up a list of alternatives if you'd like. =) Here's an example of the background we're looking for. The style and color of this background is just what we're looking for. =)
I'm not sure... One, it's digital, two, it's just not quite what we're looking for... Not quite the right shape and size. I'm sorry.
You're art is great but it's still just not quite the style we're looking for. Thank you though. =)
Sketches are fine. =)
More realistic, but still cute like a stuffed animal. =)
And please remember, this does NOT mean you're hired yet, it simply means you are coming up with an alternative example. =)
Why don't you draw a plushie? We really need plushie artists.
Items please, nobody but Eden will be drawing dogs. =) And... by any chance... you wouldn't happen to also be Zebra would you? Because a person named Zebra was going to help me in the past...
This is the style we're looking for. =)
This is the style we're looking for. =)
It's okay, thank you anyways.
Hi, I looked at your art and I'm sorry to say you just don't have the style we're looking for. But thank you anyways. =)
I would just like to see a sample of your work. Is there something quick you could show me?
Respond to what?
I got it. =)
But you're going to have to empty your inbox a little for me to be able to respond. XD
But you're going to have to empty your inbox a little for me to be able to respond. XD
Okay. =)
Sorry, Okay, that's fine.
No, I haven't.
I named them to get closer to them :) now i am looking for backgrounds for them to play in
I have a couple of mother german shepherds that they can sleep with tonight. Their new names are Matthew and Jake
they are very very cute!!!!
thank you very much! i will enjoy watching these brothers grow up :)
That would be awesome! i'd certainly like to take a look at them :) i only keep huskies that have wolfish looks, so i'd only be interested if one came out without spots.
they aren't actually, it's glitching >_<
Yeah, good idea. He will sleep well today.He's tired, trained again; He'll sleep good tonight.
yup! lol I got a ultra fancy cake in my birthday cake and sold it for 12 bones which ive been saving for when the next custom breed I liked came out
hey your messages are full but I like for designs but i think ive designed one I might make. thanks for helping me though!
ZeeZee just adding, I would like to know what the topic is for the trivia, unless it is just wild card stuff
(What I am about to tell you is fake, like it CAN'T possibly happen, just to make this whole process more realistic)
Hello. I hope you had a wonderful last night and a fresh start to this morning. I had just finished up my working at the kennel last night and I heard whimpering. I went to the back and checked on all my dogs, making sure none of them were hurt, they weren't hungry or thirsty and they were okay. But when I got to Fruit Soda's cage I had saw that he had been homesick, He seemed upset because it was night time. It was dark and gloomy out. I told him everything would be okay and he could talk to you in the morning. But, he couldn't sleep. I had stayed with all the dogs a little later and read them a story. When the story was finished, I kissed them on their little heads and went out of the kennel.
It seems Fruit Soda gets homesick at night when everyone goes to sleep...
Hello. I hope you had a wonderful last night and a fresh start to this morning. I had just finished up my working at the kennel last night and I heard whimpering. I went to the back and checked on all my dogs, making sure none of them were hurt, they weren't hungry or thirsty and they were okay. But when I got to Fruit Soda's cage I had saw that he had been homesick, He seemed upset because it was night time. It was dark and gloomy out. I told him everything would be okay and he could talk to you in the morning. But, he couldn't sleep. I had stayed with all the dogs a little later and read them a story. When the story was finished, I kissed them on their little heads and went out of the kennel.
It seems Fruit Soda gets homesick at night when everyone goes to sleep...
(What I am about to tell you is fake, like it CAN'T possibly happen, just to make this whole process more realistic)
Hello. I hope you had a wonderful last night and a fresh start to this morning. I had just finished up my working at the kennel last night and I heard whimpering. I went to the back and checked on all my dogs, making sure none of them were hurt, they weren't hungry or thirsty and they were okay. But when I got to Fruit Soda's cage I had saw that he had been homesick, He seemed upset because it was night time. It was dark and gloomy out. I told him everything would be okay and he could talk to you in the morning. But, he couldn't sleep. I had stayed with all the dogs a little later and read them a story. When the story was finished, I kissed them on their little heads and went out of the kennel.
It seems Fruit Soda gets homesick at night when everyone goes to sleep...
Hello. I hope you had a wonderful last night and a fresh start to this morning. I had just finished up my working at the kennel last night and I heard whimpering. I went to the back and checked on all my dogs, making sure none of them were hurt, they weren't hungry or thirsty and they were okay. But when I got to Fruit Soda's cage I had saw that he had been homesick, He seemed upset because it was night time. It was dark and gloomy out. I told him everything would be okay and he could talk to you in the morning. But, he couldn't sleep. I had stayed with all the dogs a little later and read them a story. When the story was finished, I kissed them on their little heads and went out of the kennel.
It seems Fruit Soda gets homesick at night when everyone goes to sleep...
I ensure you he will be fine :) He is doing okay. He is a little homesick but he is getting to now my border collies. :)
Sorry, your inbox was full. 5pm to 9 pm gametime are the best times for me. Other times I'm sleeping or at school.
Trained in basic and a few spare TS went into weavepole :) fed, and tucked in for a good sleep to get some extra Zzz's :)
Everyday I will :)
I understand. If he is good I will give him and item ;) and yes I am aware.
I can borrow a SC and no perk sadly.
I can borrow a SC and no perk sadly.
Yes, send him over now. I will get him settled in. I will buy some vegetarin kibble soon. For toys, he can bring an old' tennis ball or something to comfort him. I am sorry but I do not have a companion.
$25,000 is good. I will take them in tomorrow when I get home. I need to know some stuff,
- What is his feeding plan? (Specific type? A certain time? Please explain.)
- Does he have a usual training time?
- Does he have a certain toy he would like to bring?
- What is his feeding plan? (Specific type? A certain time? Please explain.)
- Does he have a usual training time?
- Does he have a certain toy he would like to bring?
Well, that is decent TP so it shouldn't take anymore than a week or two. Then again I can borrow a scholar collar from someone and make it one week.
I also base prices on the owner. What is the highest number in cash or bones that you can offer?
~ Queen (#18869)
I also base prices on the owner. What is the highest number in cash or bones that you can offer?
~ Queen (#18869)
Cord made mine :) And, by rates do you mean, time, price or what?
Hey, I have maxing services, 28 daily sessions I never use,
Your welcome :)
Hi I saw you were looking for huskys I have two huskys you might like bi-eyed benny and his brother thanks for your time
~ Snivy14
~ Snivy14
Hi! If you send Oracle over, I can give him 10 in kennel clicks for free! ( I have 10 extra TS that I don't need and I don't want them to go to waste and I saw that Oracle wasn't maxed so I thought i'd offer my 10 TS)
Okay I just looked you up on the Internatioal server and I found you. I see you have not been on sicne 10/22/11 though.
Are you on the US server or just the international server?
I am on both of them.
US: Kathy M
International: Kathy5
I am on both of them.
US: Kathy M
International: Kathy5
Yes!! I do play on Howrse.
Username : Speedyclaw
Banner or layout:Layout Please
Three or less main colors :white,and Blue (just type in blue on google and youll see a plain blue picture)
Animal (be very specific,what color,what breed,etc.) : this picture if possible -http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtHVeXsPyP25qVDuKo06aKVqv14qSgYfRqY-gSH5QPaRjORwsn -but maybe bigger if possible?
Font type (standard fonts.Italic,bold and underlined are okay as well.): standard
Payment (bone or ala cash) :
Other: would you be able to put a title with the picture?
Banner or layout:Layout Please
Three or less main colors :white,and Blue (just type in blue on google and youll see a plain blue picture)
Animal (be very specific,what color,what breed,etc.) : this picture if possible -http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtHVeXsPyP25qVDuKo06aKVqv14qSgYfRqY-gSH5QPaRjORwsn -but maybe bigger if possible?
Font type (standard fonts.Italic,bold and underlined are okay as well.): standard
Payment (bone or ala cash) :
Other: would you be able to put a title with the picture?
I bought one of your female huskies- it said to tell you in the rules XD
Trick or Treat(:
What did I get though? it wasn't the Mange was it?
Trick or Treat!! I am here now at your door.
Happy Halloween! :) [Item sent]
i know i want her pups
already sold persephone, and I'll give you the payment when the pups are born
buy tommorow, if I get on...about maybe $1000
I don't have money for pups that expensive
a pit or husky, I'm selling a husky
sure, you want a dog?
want to Rp
well i dont have a maxed female im willing to part with at the moment. but i will consider selling black ice if your interested
are you looking for male or female?
it's okay. I'm not RainboZee
You are very welcome =D
whoa. You stole me nickname: Zee
actually, her mom, and I'll give you my dog Darkness
how do you create more spaces for dogs?
how do you create more spaces for dogs?
her not her mom
Oh, I was about to send Hektor your new dog over but you are not accepting transfers. If you can open them up I will send him over as soon as possible. :)
I only want Midnight Princess
yeah, but I don't have the money for them
Are the pups free?
can I have a pup?
Welcome to Alacrity ZeeZee! Make sure to find the time to read the Rules and TOS at the bottom of the page, then, wander to "Help" and watch the Videos there. That section also can answer many of your questions and has links to other pages including the Alacrity Wiki page with more helpful guides.
Any questions you can't find the answer to, you can submit to the Issue Hub, found under "Help Alacrity". Just send it to the "Newbie Helpers" and we'll answer it ASAP!
We're happy to have you here, we hope you like the site as much as we do! Stop by chat and say hello to everyone and enter the Newbie Raffle for prizes! Remember that the newbie helper team is here to help you get to know the site.
Any questions you can't find the answer to, you can submit to the Issue Hub, found under "Help Alacrity". Just send it to the "Newbie Helpers" and we'll answer it ASAP!
We're happy to have you here, we hope you like the site as much as we do! Stop by chat and say hello to everyone and enter the Newbie Raffle for prizes! Remember that the newbie helper team is here to help you get to know the site.
Welcome to ZeeZee999 (#17967)'s profile.
currently: Need staff members for Sooch Pooch!
Last Seen: 11:42 AM on 12-23-2014, played for 157 days
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What am I doing?
*Working on profile*
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
4 | Training Sessions: 30
Dogs in "Green Mountain Kennels"
Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Edelweiss *Maxed* (#40053) | Border Collie | 151.20 months | female | |
Noble Empress *Maxed* (#73938) | Border Collie | 136.47 months | female | |
Royal Deceit *Maxed* (#95028) | Border Collie | 86.73 months | male | |
Once in a Blue Moon *Keeping* (#106084) | Border Collie | 42.54 months | female | |
Rudolph *Keeping* (#108446) | Catahoula Cur | 40.62 months | female | |
Aquamarine (#111218) | Border Collie | 27.66 months | female | |
Amber (#112593) | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | 27.06 months | female | |
Zoma *Keeping* (#116497) | Australian Shepherd | 24.18 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#128093) | Border Collie | 3.37 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#128094) | Border Collie | 3.36 months | male |