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Change a dog's gender and make a desexed dog able to breed again with this magical biscuit.
Magical Dog Biscuit
you own: 0.
This magical collar doubles the effectiveness of each training session used when equipped to your dog. Unlimited uses, but effects do not stack even if you equip 20!
Scholar Collar
you own: 0.
This stylish cap and goggles inspire your dog to start running trials in your own back yard! Trains your dog +0.2 in a random event every four hours.
Aviator Cap
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(08-15-2011 at 10:33 AM)
no problem, I will take good care of your dog, no worries
(08-8-2011 at 11:08 AM)
You are welcome :3
(08-2-2011 at 11:59 PM)
ill take great care of him!!!
(08-2-2011 at 11:58 PM)
thank you hes beautiful!!!
(07-17-2011 at 12:10 AM)
Tanzy - Side
Half way there! 5 bones!
(07-15-2011 at 11:04 PM)
OHAMAIGOSHI! I just bought 3 Jackies that were maxed for 1k each! Take a look!
(07-14-2011 at 6:05 PM)
Tanzy - Side
Picks up phone.. Calling!
(07-14-2011 at 6:01 PM)
Tanzy - Side
Hey you! Go turn on Animal Cops!!! This one has something to do with a Guinea Piggie!!!
(07-14-2011 at 5:43 PM)
Tanzy - Side
Got a new corgi I see?
(07-11-2011 at 7:06 PM)
Ink - Side
Ghost Puppy for sale! Price reduced to $500!
(07-10-2011 at 6:16 PM)
Silverstream(The Chat Gremlin >8U)
I didn't get rid of Mizuki <3 I was sending many goggies of mine to the pound so that they would get adopted out quickly. I was having a kennel clear out.
(07-10-2011 at 5:31 PM)
Ink - Side
$500 dollars at the pound. I don't know why someone would want to get rid of a perfectly good maxed dog...
(07-10-2011 at 4:58 AM)
How much did you buy Mizuki for?
(07-4-2011 at 9:42 PM)
Hey, just thought I'd let ya know, I found two huskies that are close to max. They are on Trio's account though! Take a look!
(07-3-2011 at 6:58 PM)
mocha8's Side Account
Lol. Ok. it's fine. I actually don't know why he is that much x_x. I normall sell them for like 3-5k. Thanks.
(06-18-2011 at 1:45 AM)
Tanzy - Side
Hey Sis, I'm scribling all over your profile!
Welcome to Inksplotch (#15192)'s profile.
currently: Rain is succombing

Last Seen: 8:53 AM on 08-12-2012, played for 56 days

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Side account:
Ink - Side
What am I doing?
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 22


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