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Keddy_Kennel's advert:
I'm looking for Pitties for my kennel! I'm new to the game! Send me a message if you have any pitties for sale!
I hope one of these doesn't bite your dog.
Black Widow Spiders
you own: 0.
A marvelous and whimsical toy, gently undulating through the air.
Steam Powered Jellyfish
you own: 0.
These adorable and strange little creatures live up to their namesake, looking like little angels floating through the water.
Sea Angels
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(07-29-2013 at 2:51 PM)
I'm looking for someone to help me make a Custom Accessery and I saw your art on another profile. Could you help me?
(07-11-2013 at 2:54 AM)
FonfueTrain- Welshie's Forever Derp
Do you do commissions by any chance? :D
(10-20-2012 at 6:20 PM)
Hey Gracie, tried to send you a message but your inbox is full.
Welcome to Gracie (#88)'s profile.
currently: Maybe lurking

Last Seen: 4:34 PM on 12-4-2017, played for 563 days

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Side account:
Gracie's Side
What am I doing?

In-kennel Sheltie Breedings

Kennel DivisionsAbout the Breedings
We're looking at Shelties in the Maxed and Customs divisions of my Kennel, the two largest by far. All dogs are maxed.
C: Custom
L: Not in my lines yet
M: Best TP possible for generation
N: Good TP for generation
O: Poor TP for generation
P-U: Other breeds, ignore
Stands for generation
I've noticed a shortage of Shelties for sale as of late, so I want to offer the chance for other players to find new blood. I have so many Shelties that I don't even know where to begin to breed... so, I'll let you buyers pick the pairing(s) that you want.

So, please weed through my host of Shelties to look for lineages or looks that you like, throw a few in the Pup Predictor, and message me with the pair you would like bred. You'll have first pick(s) of the litter, and any extras I will sell. If you dislike all the pups, you don't need to buy any.

Dogs to pick from: My maxed dogs up to 1500TP. There may be a few exceptions.
Price: $7,000 per pup you want, or $20,000 for the whole litter.
Items equipped: Both parents will have Chances for every litter.
Pairing notes: I would prefer if the lineages were within a generation or two of each other. Customs will only be bred with other customs.

Alacrity BusinessGracie in Real Life
In-kennel Breeding: This information has been moved to the table above while I'm promoting this service!

Artwork: You can see my work at Saeko-san on DeviantArt. I do commissions of animals and humans. I tend to be a slow worker, though. Just message me if you're interested.
Name: Gracie (pen name)
Personal Info: College freshman in US
Education: Majoring in Computer Science, minor in Interactive Media
Involved in: FIRST Robotics team, Fostering rodents, Girl Scouts, 4-H, Fish! Philosophy
Interests: Art, Computers, Roleplaying, Pets, Pet Sims
Hobby: Memorizing one-liners and using them in casual conversation
Real hobby: Pet sims in general
Dream: Help develop the technology of virtual reality.
Current real life pets: Sox the cat and Ellie the roly-poly dog

Current Art Project
Check back every once in a while to see what sort of art I'm working on.

I play Terraria a lot, and I thought I'd do some fanart of my character, Colette. I love playing around with the Ice Rod - you can shoot magical ice blocks in midair, then fly over with wings. ^^

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 2 | Dogs Died In Care: 16 | Training Sessions: 312
Dogs in "That One Place"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
G6 TP4947 Gracie's Customs Line (#138436) Shetland Sheepdog 23.46 months male
In Training:
Spot of Honor:


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