is trying to
private chat with you.

Agility Affair Chow
you own: 0.

Bandana of Youth
you own: 0.

Forest Spirit: German Shepherd
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles!
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My dude, hope you are still around! I'm still kickin it! :)
can i put teeth under my pillow anyway
You have been visited by the HecFairy! Kinda like the Toothfairy, But you don't have to put anything under your pillow..
Welcome to Ice Wolf3 (#32780)'s profile.
currently: Surviving
Last Seen: 2:52 PM on 10-24-2024, played for 441 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?
I am trying to start up a few breading lines. Pm me if interested. This is my main if you are looking for a dog please go to my side. *=maxed
Good Friends:)
Mama of 4 cute ailens
Cёlє₴тїal Кёииёl₴ (Maїи){Dоg₴} _______________________ my favorite waja
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
5 | Training Sessions: 66