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Non-paypal bones
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Players that can't have paypal should be able to send in money normally so that they can have bones.This is an issue with my account because my mother would love to get me bones but can't and my dad has paypal but thinks it is a waste of money.

07-7-2011 at 10:06 PM

06-29-2011 at 2:58 AM
Payments can be mailed in via snail mail.<br /> <br /> However it is double, not triple. <br /> <br />

06-26-2011 at 4:54 AM
You can donate via snail mail. You even get triple amount for it :)

06-26-2011 at 2:30 AM
that sounds great! i have very little real life money, and i understand why people want bones for ala cash. but the truth is, real money from the bones is used to keep this wonderful site open! so..we need to pay for bones. i think though, that we should get like, two bones a month or something, just so we who can't pay can have SOME bones.

06-26-2011 at 1:47 AM
If you talk to Rob, she might allow you to send money through the mail(most likely a money order).

06-26-2011 at 12:11 AM
Um then people would make multiple accounts just to get bones and everything would go to pot. XP

06-26-2011 at 12:10 AM
I'd just like to buy bones with our game money but in sted of buying them out of auction for so high we should buy them in the main stor for 10k each bone and also have a bone salrary in the bank like for each month colect 20 bones from the bank.


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