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Australian Shepherd - marking color updates?
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I remember a long time ago a mod saying that Australian Shepherd and Border Collies would not be redrawn (someone was asking about it in chat) and I understand that redrawing these breeds would mean redrawing ALL the items as well so I was thinking of other ways to bring new life to these breeds ones that wouldn't involve redoing their items, here is an example of what I mean, I noticed a bit of a problem when I tried making a blue merle tri-color Aussie custom.

This is an Australian Shepherd with a blue base coat, Tan 4, black blotches at 100% opacity and a white marking... just because I like white markings,

As you can see the black blotches are invisible on the blue base coat, this is also just personal preference but I'm not a fan of the particular shade of tan it looks a little dull to me and I think a brighter shade would really make a difference.

Here is an altered version, same markings but I've darkened the Black blotches and changed the tan color to a brighter shade,

If I could make an Aussie like the one above I sure would (probably several with varying coats) and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would make Aussie customs if the colors were a little more eye catching :)

I think Border Collies could also possibly look nicer with a little recoloring (I don't collect those so I don't know for sure but I think they have similar colors)

EDIT: Please browse through other users comments to see suggestions of how this could be done without changing existing dogs.

02-17-2014 at 5:01 AM
I love it!<br /> I hated how when i played with the aussies(or any breed, really) in the customizer, quite a few markings were very hard to see with certain base coats. Along with how dull and somewhat unrealistic the tan shades were. I have never seen a dog with tan shades as dull and dark before. Whether it be a dog i've seen in my town or one online. But even the ones that do have darker tan still have alot of color and "light" in them, for lack of better wording x3

02-17-2014 at 4:15 AM
I support this -of course. ;) I've actually tried to stay away from the natural Aussies and BCs because I found their coats to be a bit dull, however I do personally own glitches, so I see how that could be a problem. <br /> <br /> Perhaps on the topic you all were discussing, just adding a new set of bases with the label (updated) as well as some new, brighter markings for the tans and some of the secondaries? Set a poll and vote?

02-17-2014 at 2:44 AM
Yeah I was thinking about that, I don't have a perfect solution for people who like their dogs as they are, I guess if it was changed their only option would be to not update their dogs' images. New markings all together could certainly work (and would please everyone I'm sure) but that would be more time consuming I imagine.<br /> <br /> I'm hoping another user comes up with a better idea that would please people who already had their perfect Aussie hence why I posted the ad someone must have a good idea :)<br /> <br /> EDIT: A poll could also be a good idea, perhaps some people would be willing to accept an unwanted change in a few of their Aussies in favor of Aussies with more lively colors, see how many people feel strongly about it either way.
edit history
2014-02-17 00:15:31 by #17304

02-17-2014 at 2:00 AM
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought the markings were a little dull.<br /> <br /> Though Larthan brings up a good point.<br /> <br /> By upping the contrast of said colors, people who've already made their 'perfect' custom, whether it's natural or glitch, might not be too happy with the changes if its not something they like better in their personal custom.<br /> <br /> Perhaps new markings all together?<br /> Like...instead of upping the contrast of already existent markings, new markings could be released and voted on; similar to new dog breeds.<br /> <br /> <br />
edit history
2014-02-16 23:09:22 by #1161
2014-02-16 23:08:34 by #1161

02-17-2014 at 1:50 AM
The only issue I could see with this is people who have designed their dogs around those particular markings' colors, or used the markings as glitch colors. Changing the base color of the marking would interfere with these dogs.<br /> <br /> Due to the nature of the database, there would be no way to update only future dogs, and not the ones already made.<br /> <br /> What would you suggest be done about those dogs already paid for or invested in due to their design, when it would change the dogs to potentially not work well anymore?


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