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Rewards Program (Ways to Get Free Bones)
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Should the rewards program be removed? Or should it be policed better to remove those programs which come with malicious software (hopefully before they've infected users' computers)? Please post your opinions here. :)
nellyღ (#12729)
11-21-2011 at 3:59 PM
Support with getting rid of them.<br /> For the fact it may cause viruses for computers, the bone market may go down a lot, so Rob may not be able to run the site.<br /> <br /> I didn't like them on Foo, I don't like them here. :|
GeistNoir (#4246)
11-21-2011 at 3:44 PM
It's relatively new, yes.
-ɸ- Ionic (#17844)
11-21-2011 at 6:22 AM
I'm just wondering (because I've only been here since early October or so), but is the Rewards program a new thing? The idea of it is good, it's just a shame that it poses a potential problem for compromising a user's computer. :-/
Selene (Compulsive Hoarder!) (#7653)
11-20-2011 at 11:42 PM
I support getting rid of the free offers. I avoid them like the plague. I'd sooner buy my bones than risk virusing up my computer. I've had to clean out all sorts of nasty viruses out before. Not fun at all. <br /> <br /> But yeah, I'm with Geist and the others here. These offers have got to go, otherwise, there could be dire consequences for some poor soul having their computer trashed by viruses or having their identity stolen.
Roo (#8507)
11-20-2011 at 11:09 PM
For reference, these are a couple I found that want SSNs:<br /> <br /> --Green dot-Special reloadable prepaid credit card! ("rewards" 3 bones)<br /> --AccountNow [Bonus! Also asks for your Tax ID] ("rewards" 3 bones)<br /> --FlexCard [they ask for it because "the government requires it"] ("rewards" 11 bones)<br /> <br /> I didn't check all of them (too tired >.<), but I wanted to post the three that I know of.
Steaks (#5484)
11-20-2011 at 10:56 PM
<i>"Clay, if they can't get rid of viruses then simply don't use it."</i><br /> Not everybody knows it gives out viruses. <br /> Again, think of the more naive, younger players.<br /> <br /> EDIT: A lot of people don't know about the malware that sticks deep in your computer and requires special measures to get out. Sometimes even going back to a restore point.
edit history
2011-11-20 20:23:57 by #5484
Carnivale (#6)
11-20-2011 at 10:43 PM
My vote is to get this thing OFF of Alacrity. We've already had people having virus issues, and apparently some of these services are asking for SSN numbers? Not okay. Not to mention, even -getting- the bones doesn't even work for a lot of people.<br /> <br /> Rewards is more of a hassle and a threat than it's worth.
GeistNoir (#4246)
11-20-2011 at 10:18 PM
It's going to be barrels of fun when someone gets a virus that trashes their registry.<br /> <br /> Those are.. yeah. No, that's not fun or easy to get rid of and I could definitely see it happening. And even more alarming than that is finding out that some ask for your SSN. Holy crap, no.
Roo (#8507)
11-20-2011 at 10:13 PM
Just because you can get rid of low-key viruses doesn't mean you're entirely safe. What happens when you run across a virus that wipes your system or gets in and latches on without you noticing? It could wreak all sorts of havoc on your system before you realize it's there. <br /> <br /> I've done many of the free, no download, not-too-personal-information offers and gotten a grand total of 1 bone.
gone (#1160)
11-20-2011 at 10:09 PM
I think it should be removed. <br /> People who are unaware of the risks could use it and then be unpleasantly surprised. <br /> <br /> It's just an ugly risk and I don't think it's worth any amount of bones. <br /> And sometimes it doesn't even give bones!<br /> <br /> So yes, I agree it should be totally removed until there is a safer option.
Nafia's Side (#7514)
11-20-2011 at 9:58 PM
Clay, if they can't get rid of viruses then simply don't use it. Others like to get bones out of it and some people see it as I do and it would wreck some people to just take it away from the simplicity of others simply not wanting it. If they did not want it, they could simply ignore it and be done with it.
Steaks (#5484)
11-20-2011 at 9:54 PM
<i>"I say keep it. I use it and I am good at getting rid of low key viruses on my computer."</i><br /> Not everybody is.<br /> <br /> I stopped using the thing after the 3rd try because I didn't get bones. So glad I didn't get any viruses from the ones I did.
Nafia's Side (#7514)
11-20-2011 at 9:33 PM
I say keep it. I use it and I am good at getting rid of low key viruses on my computer. I think the mods/admins should check the sites before releasing them to users or soon before many people clog it and give themselves viruses. I use it and I have gotten one virus that I maintained easily.
Nitrous (#9181)
11-20-2011 at 9:32 PM
Get rid of it. I completed literally every free offer that didn't require an SSN and received ZERO bones and my computer was loaded with viruses.<br /> <br /> Then, I tried to use the cell phone feature to buy them, and four times now they haven't awarded me bones and charged me money anyway.
edit history
2011-11-20 18:34:06 by #9181
Steaks (#5484)
11-20-2011 at 9:18 PM
get rid of it<br /> viruses, malware & asking for SS#??<br /> Takes one naive user one time to give away important info
кαη∂єє♥ (#7943)
11-20-2011 at 9:00 PM
I support 110%. <br /> <br /> I avoid these altogether because I don't want to risk my expensive laptop to be wiped out because of this. <br /> <br /> For myself, It is better to spend money on bones than it is to spend money buying a new laptop.
-ɸ- Ionic (#17844)
11-20-2011 at 8:05 PM
Oh my goodness. That's not okay. :( I hope those get taken down soon (if they haven't already). Last thing we need is people having their identities stolen or something.
Roo (#8507)
11-20-2011 at 8:01 PM
I did a few the other day, but hardly completed any of them - and a surprising number required a social security number to proceed. I agree, they should be taken down.
-ɸ- Ionic (#17844)
11-20-2011 at 7:59 PM
I agree with both views there. <br /> <br /> I think if there was a way to ensure that the rewards didn't give out bonus harmful software, it would be a fantastic idea. I just don't know how that could be possible since that's pretty time consuming (and it would mean someone has to be willing to risk their computer to that stuff). <br /> <br /> I think what bugs me most is that there are a lot of younger players on this site, and they may not know that these 'free' things can really do them some harm. Especially when its showing up on a site (Alacrity) that they trust and enjoy playing on. :(<br /> <br /> I do wonder how many people use the rewards thing and actually get the bones they're supposed to. I also wonder how many people do the rewards and end up with malicious software and don't even realize it. :(
Perish (#10935)
11-20-2011 at 7:42 PM
I kind of like the rewards thing. It's a way to earn quick bones. Then again, you barely ever actually get the bones you completed the offer for. <br /> As for the virus part, the infected ones definitely need to be removed. My advice is just to never download anything, no matter how many bones it gets you.<br /> In the end, the cons outweigh the pros, so I say we get rid of it.