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Beauty Shows Could Be Better
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I know Ala is an agility website, but I believe the Beauty Shows section could be improved. I feel it could be slightly more customizable. For some example ideas, I think it would be cool to choose how many dogs you want to enter, 5 being the minimum. And maybe we could choose how much the winner gets, and an amount to runner-ups as well. Another thing, it would be awesome if there could be some default beauty shows added by mods or other for when there aren't enough shows being held. Just some little ideas.
Kitten Sneezes (#19175)
09-6-2014 at 9:10 AM
I'm not sure about the five dog minimum, but the other two ideas are great! I support.
Petramity (#19511)
06-5-2014 at 1:32 PM
Jambers (#8362)
02-18-2014 at 2:18 AM
I like this one! I also like the idea of actually having a runner up. Right now with the trials down for a undisclosed amount of time, I know money for me is hard to come by. It would be great to actually stand some kind of a chance in a show. Having a first second and third place would greatly improve the shows. It would also help with the lack of funds as the pocket books are streching. I love the idea of having a leveling system as well though that could come later. Right now I believe the site should try and make it easer to generate money. However it would be nice to have the cash prizes increase with each win. It would also solve the reaccuring problem of people picking their friends dogs to win the shows so they will return the favor.
Soul (#96)
01-22-2014 at 12:54 PM
Aust (#9721)
01-5-2014 at 9:40 PM
Or maybe it could be like the old trial system? Like having more wins allows you to level up for more cash prize? I do support change, defiantly. I believe beauty in this game is just as important as agility.