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Advertisements - For Ad's ONLY
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I can remember when I first joined, that's almost all you saw in the advert's, was pups and dogs for sale, up for breeding, item's for sale, or things to give away.

Now that there are different voting things up, like this new breed poll, everyone is spamming the advert's with "Oh! Vote for THIS dog! Look at how cute this dog is! This dog is misunderstood! This dog is the least popular! Etcetcetc." And it isn't the nicest thing to look at, only because I'm looking for things to buy, or to help make my time on Ala better.

And speaking of the adverts, I don't think it's appropriate for people to be posting ad's for other sites. Why would you want to advertise for things that would take away from this site? You love this site, so why advertise to take people away from the site? Whether it's the "Click my eggs! They'll die if you don't!" or the "Do you like horses? Then come to this website!". I don't want to lose users because they left to go to a different site :c

Now, if you have ten friends, and you message all these ten friends with your eggs and horses, that would be different, but in my opinion - and many others - the 'click my eggs!', 'Look at my dragons!', 'Vote for this dog!" etcetc is very spammy and not the nicest to look at. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling down anyones art or anything, I'm just saying that an advertising box on a dog sim site should be for the site only, not to take other players away from the site, or try to pressure/compete with other people in the ad box about anything.

If I have offended anyone, I am sorry. This is just one suggestion I have, so that hopefully when we have future polls, people won't be doing the same things with the ad box that they're doing now. Thankyou for hearing me out. I do not wish to fight or debate, but you are welcome to say what you think, and either support or not, as long as it won't start anything with any other players. Thank you for understanding c:

~Julzyfox <3

Quote Xy - "I support, Ala ads only, no ads for other websites. I agree, this is annoying for me personally to see all the creatures and words CLICK ME OR ILL DIE"

^ Point I'm trying to get across, THANK YOU XY for understanding D8

06-24-2011 at 9:04 AM
@ Fallen; They do not only last a second, they last six hours, and every time you move from page to page - like everyone does - they pop up. It's annoying and I hate it. I completely agree with what Xy said.<br /> <br /> "ALA AD'S ONLY". Also Xy, your comment is going in the original, because thats what I've been trying to say Dx Thankyou for your support too. &lt;3

06-24-2011 at 8:11 AM
There is another board out there about this and like I did on that one, I support!

06-24-2011 at 7:01 AM
No support.<br /> <br /> Like Shinobu said, we pay $100 to put up our ads, so we should decide what to do with our $100. Ads only last a second; if you don't like what you see, refresh the page.

06-23-2011 at 4:17 AM
I say no support; it's all in good fun. Besides, we pay the $100 to post the ads, why should we be limited to what we're allowed to say? Its not like its going to last forever :/ There's no harm being done; no rules being broken; and we aren't flooding out "real ads" because it's random.

06-21-2011 at 5:53 PM
i agree with half of that, i think the "Click my eggs, shouldnt be allowed. and the member should get a warning." But i also believe that votig could be allowed, because it still stays focused on Ala. But thats just my opnion

06-21-2011 at 6:41 AM
I gotta say, I'm pretty tired of seeing "Vote for this dog!" and "Click them or they'll DIE!" ads up. After seeing a certain number of them, my inner stubborn kicked in and now I'm refusing to click any of them at all XD <br /> <br /> I find them extremely annoying, so...support!

06-20-2011 at 11:19 PM
I support to a certain extent. I see no problem with the clickables, considering I have put a few up myself and that was the only way they lived. I however, do find the "vote for ____ breed" very annoying especially the very bright colored ones which hurt my eyes to look at. I think that you shouldn't be pressuring people to vote for a certain breed so I think that they should not be allowed.

06-20-2011 at 10:36 AM
I also agree with the last half of that, about how it should have been prevented before it even happened, and there are people taking it too seriously..<br /> <br /> Another thing that needs to be watched out for...? Art theft! :O

06-20-2011 at 10:30 AM
I would like to support this, with reservations. I do not think that ads for outside sites should be discouraged-- after all, there has always been a recommendation forum for outside sites-- but I feel as though things like dragon eggs and "vote pit bulls/shiba inus" are crowding out legitimate advertising.<br /> As Carni pointed out in chat, the breed campaigns are a temporary problem, but I do wish that they had been discouraged to begin with, as some people seem to be taking their support of certain breeds a bit too seriously.


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