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Pound Suggestion!
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All dogs that go to the pound are either spayed or neutered. I would like if this didn't happen because some pretty dogs land in the pound. Maybe an option when you adopt the dog out they give you an option to spay or neuter it and if you click yes, you will pay the money and if you click no your dog will be breedable and you don't have to pay anything except the $500 to adopt the dog. Most shelters don't spay or neuter the dogs until the dog has an adoption pending or they get adopted. It would be nice to see the pound here, have an option whether or not to get the dogs fixed. It would keep more dogs in homes because they would still be breedable. This is a genetics/breeding dog sim after all. Support?
Kit (#7244)
01-28-2015 at 7:22 PM
Hmmm. I dunno. This doesn't seem very realistic, Most shelters in this country fix dogs before adopting them out unless they're too young to be fixed, and even then they usually come with a spay/neuter agreement/deposit.<br /> <br /> We do have magical items which restore the ability to breed to fixed animals, so, really, this is already a site function? i just don't really see the point. :/