Stray Dog Idea!
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I think that maybe there should be 'Stray Dogs' where the dogs in the pound would be there so long then some would escape to the streets where they become strays or there owners let them escape, or dogs are randomly put into the system (not dogs the belong to people, just random dogs like some foundies). So you could go to 'Life' or 'Earthly Goods' and could go to 'Stray Alley' where each day you got 5 turns and if you were upgraded you got 10 or 15 and you could search for a stray, and if you found one it would be a picture of the dog, coat info, gender, and TP and you could attempt to catch it with a 'catchpole' which are your turns, you could either catch it and it goes to your kennel or it gets away for example "You slowly move closer to the stray but just as you go to put the loop around its head it runs at you and right between your legs! Aw shucks!" but, if you donate some odd amount to get a 'Magical Catchpole' which guarantees you'll catch the dog or you could donate a smaller amount or use referral points to get a 'Net' which raises your chances of catching it, but you could also have a chance of finding these items while searching for strays; example "You scan the alleyway for any sign of life and see none, but you spot something in the trash, its a Magical Catchpole!" but this wolud be rare. You could also donate or use referral points to get more normal Catchpoles, again the donation amount for these would be less than Nets or Magical Catchpoles.
So in the end people could donate to get Magical Catchpoles, Nets, or Normal Catchpoles. It also would be something fun and unique that I haven't seen on any other dog sim. It would be a good way for new members to get dogs. It would keep the pound from overflowing with dogs and members could release there dogs with high TP that are to old to trial or they feel they are to old to breed, or just too old or they dont want them anymore so other members could get a chance at them, or to let other newer members have a chance at catching them.
So in the end people could donate to get Magical Catchpoles, Nets, or Normal Catchpoles. It also would be something fun and unique that I haven't seen on any other dog sim. It would be a good way for new members to get dogs. It would keep the pound from overflowing with dogs and members could release there dogs with high TP that are to old to trial or they feel they are to old to breed, or just too old or they dont want them anymore so other members could get a chance at them, or to let other newer members have a chance at catching them.
KoviPolf (#40916)
07-11-2017 at 11:06 AM
Danish Quality (#41687)
11-22-2016 at 7:39 AM
FuzzyFurredFox (#39716)
01-25-2016 at 10:48 PM
Stag (old account) (#30642)
09-8-2013 at 4:22 AM
Love this idea! It makes the game more interactive too. Fully support!
Jully [GSD Breeder] (#16068)
09-7-2013 at 8:50 PM
PitBull (SmSK Breeding - Side Account) (#14586)
08-11-2013 at 6:28 PM
Support! I had an idea like this once, but only a few people supported. But this would be so cool!
MidTwill (#28431)
08-8-2013 at 8:23 PM
This would be awesome! And it would add more realism to the game.
Chelsea's side (#31426)
08-8-2013 at 3:45 AM
supported 101%
Aust (#9721)
08-7-2013 at 2:13 PM
Support 782%!
Aluvzaussies (#29902)
08-1-2013 at 1:28 PM
I support. This is pretty awesome!
Yack (#30339)
08-1-2013 at 11:42 AM
Poonie {the Fox} (#514)
04-10-2013 at 11:32 AM
i support! nice idea! :D