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Second Chance Donation Day
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I think it would be great if there could be a second chance donation day. Or a week long event.

Users could donate, and get to choose from a list of past donation items (at the appropriate tier level) as their gift.

For example, maybe someone really wished they donated for the paint pallet pendant (there are only 15), or a time rewinder, whatever.

Maybe the donation level could be slightly higher. For example, if the original donation amount for an item was $25, this time around it could be 30 or 35.

It would increase the number of donations if people could get a second chance at past items.

11-20-2012 at 6:29 PM
Jaime, Donation items are not part of the blowout sale.

11-20-2012 at 6:04 PM
No support. Something similar was done for the blowout sale this summer. I presume something like it would be done for next year's blowout sale.
edit history
2012-11-20 15:05:21 by #16

11-20-2012 at 4:13 PM
MDD, the Amur and the Chance have been permanently retired from the site. They could not be included. :)

11-20-2012 at 4:12 PM
Support but not the really rare items(Amur, Chance).

11-20-2012 at 3:53 PM
super dooper support.<br /> <br />

11-20-2012 at 3:32 PM
I still do not support this it would kinda be unfair to the people who bought items hoping they wouldn't be released again

11-13-2012 at 7:42 PM
They say any site item ever released and I do believe someone asked for a leopard and got it.

11-13-2012 at 7:34 PM
Aust, I do not believe that donation items are ever part of contests.

11-13-2012 at 5:37 PM
Sorry, no. Limited items gain value over time and this would make the items start over.<br /> <br /> EDIT: And we do have opportunities to get past items with the referral contest :P
edit history
2012-11-13 14:41:56 by #9721

11-13-2012 at 5:26 PM
Support the idea of it only being items that have been up in the past year. Maybe this could happen during the summer sale to boost purchases there as well.

11-13-2012 at 5:25 PM
Support! Newer members could get a hold of old donation items "before their time :P", And if people just got enough money, they could buy something they couldn't afford 3 months ago! Support!!

11-13-2012 at 5:15 PM
Ralph, look at it this way.<br /> Many people DON'T donate at a level that gives them an item.<br /> <br /> The month is almost half over and there are only 14 supply dogs. Allowing for 2 artists copies, only 12 or so out of how many users donated enough?<br /> <br /> Amurs and Chances have been permanently retired from the site, so they would not be included.

11-13-2012 at 4:34 PM
I support this 100%. There have been items that I tried my hardest to save the money for, only to narrowly miss the deadline to get them. Having a second chance would be wonderful. I do think that there should be a limit though, only items released in the last year could be bought.

11-13-2012 at 4:34 PM
Amurs probably wouldn't be included as they were permanently retired, but it would be a great way to boost sales and the short timespan would keep it from really being an issue. You could argue rarity, but at the same time, there aren't a hugely astounding number of people who can spare money for those items, so while it gives an opportunity to a lot of people, it also doesn't give the opportunity to <i>everyone</i> if that makes sense. <br /> <br /> Support C:

11-13-2012 at 4:17 PM
I support this idea! c: Sure, some items would lose rarity, but how fair is it to users that want something released before they joined to never be able to get it? And Ralph, what if a person has the money now, but didn't then? How could they have donated the first time if they lacked the proper funds?

11-13-2012 at 3:52 PM
I do not support sorry. That would mean Amit's and ppp and time rewinders would all loose value and if. They want to donate now try could have donated the first time. I don't think a second chance for donation items would be a good idea


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