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Do you believe in curses?

A lot of people do and they have beliefs of people who make them, such as King Tut, mummies, The Iceman and those people.

I believe in curses because three important people in my family died this summer AND I had to leave all of my friends.

My dad died in May, my grandpa in June and my favorite Uncle died last week.

10-6-2011 at 6:40 AM
Well I agree, Nals. <br /> <br /> Before I say what I believe I must say this first, I do not believe in heaven or whatever you wish to call it and I think you get reborn in a different form.<br /> <br /> Well, my beliefs in curses is before you go into rebirth, the spirit of the dead goes in one or more people, giving them the spirit's bad luck, which in some cases, may be death.<br /> <br /> That is how I believe in curses and I had a terrible cough for over 5 months, which was May 1 which was, when my dad died and I believe he gave it to me.

10-6-2011 at 4:04 AM
Curses have different meanings in different situations, so I think I'll kick myself out of this one. xD<br /> <br /> What I think: there are 2 situations: Curse in myths (Egyptian or otherwise) or cursing someone(enemies [sorry Geist!]).<br /> <br /> The curse in myths and superstition is sort of feared because everyone hates bad luck (who doesn't?). But I in fact don't believe them because we make our own events. :/<br /> <br /> The curse on enemies is my favorite. I wish it would really happen.<br /> <br /> Cursing on your enemies doesn't necessarily curse them to hell, but I heard that upon cursing someone you curse yourself, because <i>you</i> cursed first. :3<br /> <br /> I mean, this is my understanding. :3 If it's wrong, please tell me. ^-^

09-19-2011 at 10:42 PM
I personally put curses on all of my enemies.

09-18-2011 at 10:00 PM
<img src="http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/public/tnlSHEETb-vvl6jFRjnHAlBaCyMPmW7OuS4wIetpqOl_nhCmS3U_ue2NECcGNhsWy8qN0XRp7FueufYY4lo6ekl1K8xsCDCWen8oEb0hQD2w4unGDpmnpf0k9ZEpjjVJPuPPpQWsPran75f1OBmFz-lSqWH2DOL2A1wJREFz0_JbNnjR_BCnh9kZ"><br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS255&q=curses&gs_upl=344426l345482l2l345748l6l6l0l0l0l0l232l1063l0.3.3l6l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&biw=1280&bih=640&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9347193024096057502&sa=X&ei=KKJ2Toy1As2ksQLxs4mMBQ&ved=0CGkQ8wIwAA">Curses</a> is awesome!!!


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