What Happens After We Die?
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What do you think will happen to YOU once you stop breathing? Hell, heaven, space, other dimensions, etc. - where will you go?
But wait.. will we actually "go" anywhere? There is an opinion (or a fact?) that humans dont have souls at all...
Your opinion. I want it. Disrespect, bashing and etc are not wanted, sorry :)
🦃Vendetta🦃 (#12833)
08-24-2011 at 6:54 PM
I think we might be reborn, in a way, but of course, nobody would believe you.
also rico (#7880)
08-24-2011 at 5:44 PM
I won't go too deep.... But on Facebook once, a Like page said something like this:<br /> "Maybe the light at the end of the tunnel when you die is really the light that you go through when being born" Something like that... Pretty interesting theory, once you think of it.
Caliber | The Emo Sibie (#9914)
08-24-2011 at 4:10 PM
Im a Borcollian.The god Borcollia gives us powers,fire,ice,etc.I have power Fire.When I die I will go to Borcollia.I can be sent back down in a new life any time then.,
Dr Meredith Grey (#12307)
06-4-2011 at 8:25 AM
im sure that every opinion is being questioned, asking for evidence. it's quite humorous actually. what are our choices??? hmmm lets see,,, Nothingness, heaven, hell, we have individual heavens, some souls tied to the earth unable to move on. What if, its whatever we chose??? whose to say, we don't create our own afterlife, even if we think/believe/want it to be Nothing? Wouldn't be ***Amazing*** if reincarnation was real? as soon as we die, we're reborn as an animal or another human. i don't see why we couldn't be.
Nafia's Side (#7514)
05-30-2011 at 6:20 PM
Well my dad just died, so i have been having dreams about him. Not just like memories but thing when i come home to my room and he's there sitting on my bed. It's happened twice, the first time, i hardly got anything but 'I love you'. The second he congratulated on my excellent work and on my tests. In the end he told me not to cry anymore and that he was happy in Heaven. WHich is why i believe that there is a Heaven. i think that, within time though, you will be reborn into a new life elsewhere...
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2011-05-30 08:22:12 by #7514
Nitrous (#9181)
03-12-2011 at 5:40 AM
"I believe that there is proof to this religion. Im not going to find it because you probably have 10 fingers to type with and the website google"<br /> <br /> And yet, even with those, I have found no proof.<br /> <br /> I do agree with you on the count of fear of loosing yourself. Existing is the only thing I've been doing literally every nanosecond of my life. I've existed longer than I've been breathing, blinking and thinking. Obviously, to lose that and venture into permanent unconsciousness is a horrifying concept.<br /> <br /> And to think that I'll stop existing one day, and never think or feel again terrifies me.
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2011-03-11 18:41:17 by #9181
Tawny(#1899) (#1899)
03-12-2011 at 4:49 AM
double post woops!
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2011-03-11 17:49:46 by #1899
Tawny(#1899) (#1899)
03-12-2011 at 4:48 AM
I am a Catholic so therefore i believe that we either go to heaven or hell. I believe that there is proof to this religion. Im not going to find it because you probably have 10 fingers to type with and the website google. XD<br /> <br /> <br /> Im very scared of the thought of reincarnation. You wouldn't even remember your passed lifes. Right now im even afraid to grow up because i will forget everything including what im doing right now. I just hate the idea of loosing yourself.
Firefly (#939)
01-13-2011 at 12:41 AM
I would think that we just cease to exist. If there was something really awesome after death, then why is it engrained so deeply, even in humans with books telling them about all the great things they'll have after they're deceased, to NOT DIE? <br /><br />All in all, I don't care all that much at the moment, though this might change when I'm older and everything gets closer. I'm a teenager, I don't see myself getting run over by a bus or something anytime soon.
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2011-01-12 13:42:03 by #939
Nitrous (#9181)
01-9-2011 at 3:16 AM
Personally, I don't think anything happens, as the soliloquist said, we just cease to exist. It's just not logical to suggest or believe otherwise to me.<br /><br />I'm an atheist, so that's that. <br /><br />In a perfect world, I think it would be cool if you got to decide to come back in another form. <br /><br />But in order for that to be true, I'd probably remember it the last time it happened, wouldn't I?<br /><br />And I suppose I would have chosen something more interesting than a person.
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2011-01-08 16:17:12 by #9181
ravynflight (#5730)
01-9-2011 at 2:17 AM
I think that we go somewhere, but then again, we may not. *shrugs* I guess I'll find out when I die. I'm satisfied with that, but I rather like the idea of sticking around and bugging people/imparting frustratingly cryptic advice to freaked out people. Or going to an ideal world, where I can do all of the things Ravyns like to do. :D
oakdenugg (#9346)
01-3-2011 at 9:42 PM
We might go to Heaven. I mostly hope we get re-birthed if we did not find out our purpose in life. We should either be rebirthed as a human, or an animal.
DASH! (#8969)
12-30-2010 at 7:05 PM
I personally think I will go to either Heaven or Hell. Depending on if I decide to follow God or not. As well as beleive in Jesus.
Eispiritu (#180)
12-30-2010 at 7:46 AM
Well where ever we go I want it to be a place of pure happiness. Or better yet the world you desire most, it would be as if you were born again into the world of your dreams. You can be whatever you want where ever you want. With anyone in your life you'd like to see again. I hope that's what happens after death.<br /><br />A world where your dreama do come true...and if you make a mistake you can start again. Or erase that mistake, because you can control it :)
Jambers (#8362)
12-30-2010 at 7:34 AM
i like the idea of Heven, would i want to go there YEAH, i also like the idea of just staying here and hounting people after i die. personly i think something does happen, but i have no idea what.
the soliloquist. (#498)
12-27-2010 at 3:28 PM
Nothing. I believe we simply cease to exist. Our bodies decompose and we become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so everything is connected in the great circle of life. :) <br /><br />... that started off my own words.
TwistedRaiyn (#8330)
12-9-2010 at 8:16 AM
I have no religion.. Just beilive what I beilive. I myself, beilive in rebirth. May sound weird that I beilive in spirits, ghosts, orbs, ect. aswell.. Everything living in the world, I beilive, has a soul. Everything is reborn, to some point, but somtimes leave a 'echo' [Some people, well the ones who beilive in ghosts mistake these for ghosts but they cannot see you, it's just a replay.] No one really knows 'till they die.. My 'made by myself' religon does takes bits and parts from religons, such as first nation, part wiccan, ect. Alot of things. [I'm first nation]. I, myself have 4 questions that cannot be answered by anyone.. Unless your dead or somthing. o.o The questions: How was the universe made? [I don't beilive that god made it. i don't beilive the big bang] What happens when you die? Why are we here? I know time exists, but how?
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2010-12-08 21:26:05 by #8330
synergy ! (#585)
11-26-2010 at 10:38 PM
i do believe in god, but i don't believe in heaven or hell. although, i do believe in reincarnation; C=
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2010-11-26 11:38:28 by #585
nellixlex (#7510)
11-26-2010 at 6:36 AM
I am an atheist, therefore I don't believe in a "high power". However, I do believe that when we die, our electric current still remains. It's actually been scientifically proven that this happens. I read an article somewhere that explained, "energy is not created, nor destroyed", and with myself being an allied health student, I know about the electric conductivity of the heart. All living things have electric currents running through them which keeps them alive. Electricity is energy, not necessarily physical like a tissue or vessel would be. So while these parts decay, the electric current our bodies used to be alive, still remains. Now where this goes, no one's really sure. Do I think we still have consciousness in this electric current? I don't know. Although, ghosts are thought to be of electricity, so who knows?
*Claws (#7799)
11-25-2010 at 2:41 AM
<center>I personally think that when you die, you go to heaven and then you are reincarnated (sp?) That's what I think :p</center>