New trial rules? What do you have to say about it?
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... Ok so while I don't really care much either way I thought since I'd seen it in chat that I'd create a place for debate on it here. I personally don't like the idea of not being able to trial in teams cause that's how I do my trials since I have some monsters and don't like to drop them in on people and steel their wins, but that's just me. I probably won't be in here much to debate, but debate away! :) What's your opinion? do you have a good supporting reason? Got any suggestions that you think are better? Anything that has to do with the new trial system ideas you can talk about it here! Enjoy, and as always please don't be rude to myself or others we all have opinions even if they are wrong xD
Doom Shroom (#7039)
02-3-2012 at 1:36 PM
Totally against not being able to team up or limiting how often you can trial a dog. It was a lot of work to team them up and cost a lot to get energy companions (not that I really use them on trialers anyway but others do). <br /> <br /> And, really, I hate constant changes. I rely on sameness. A lot. Makes me panic to not being able to relax with what works but constantly working around changes. But that's probably just me.
Hemp (#5641)
02-2-2012 at 9:57 PM
Ooh okay. XD I about panicked there for a minute or so.
Kiraleeka (#6974)
02-2-2012 at 2:35 PM
No it's not in place yet there were just a ton of people in chat arguing about it so I thought I'd post this so they could take it to debate instead of arguing in chat xD
Hemp (#5641)
02-2-2012 at 12:28 PM
Did they already put this rule in place? If they did I missed it. o.o<br /> <br /> There is a huge debate about it going on over here: <a href=></a> :)<br /> <br />