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168 threads
Display manipulations, tags, and all other art NOT FOR SALE here.
- My original species :)
- by reset by player (#38786)
- "Hi there everyone! Painter here, just dr ..."
(11-12-2021 at 11:31 PM)
CursedCanine (#47930) said: "Oh my I really like them as a ..."
CursedCanine (#47930) said: "Oh my I really like them as a ..."
63 threads
Show off your poems, haikus, and stories!
- A little something
- by FeelYaAlien (#46036)
- "[Just warning that my english isn't good ..."
no replies
2 threads
Post here to look for a collab partner.
- Looking for a Line Partner
- by serenamweor (#11320)
- "If you don't know what that means then y ..."
(07-25-2012 at 4:18 PM)
TexAirWolf (#25396) said: "I would but i do tradional and ..."
TexAirWolf (#25396) said: "I would but i do tradional and ..."