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Heres the scoop:
The original alacrity database tables are very old. So old, they dont convert very well to mode databases. They had a lot of bugs in their definitions, but the former database was very forgiving, and like many things in alacrity resorted to 'this is the probably what you are looking for/trying to do' logic as opposed to 'this is what you are looking for or trying to do'
When we transferred, I decided to flip it live and track down bugs rather than test set live after fixing, b/c there are 150 tables, each having 50-150 columns each, that tracking them down 1 by 1 would have taken months, and even then it would have required a full audit, and probably would have missed many of the esoteric ones to begin with!
Transferring the data to a mode system enforced a lot of error checking on the system that wasnt being done before. While I fixed as much as possible, Alacrity is a large project even by todays standards. So , lets work to squash old bugs and new!
  • 1 Bone shall be rewarded for each bug discovered!
  • secondary discoveries not yet posted to this thread will be awarded 25,000 alacrity cash
  • if it is a very esoteric or hard to notice bug, we shall reward more at our discretion.
  • These bugs may be new and related to the database changeover, or old and existing.
  • Bugs are paid in the order received, here, in issue hub or in mine or bobbies inbox
Discoveries (once listed here or in below in the thread) no more awards will be granted for it
  • customs
  • issue hub
  • forums
  • breeding/birthing
  • Removing companion/background removes them but doesnโ€™t remove them from the image. (unrelated to database transfer)
  • A few items have a broken image icon.
  • adding kennels - sunkissed (paid)
  • vip feed all - broke - hecmom (paid)
  • groom -broke - hecmom (paid)
  • user shop - errors removing and editing - snivy (paid), harleypupper(paid)
  • foundation auctions -Sundew (paid)
  • paypal - bearman(paid)
  • fences - hecmom(paid)
  • game shop -inconsistent behavior - bearman (paid)
  • beauty shows

10-17-2024 at 9:15 AM
bug by katta, puppies should not be able to crop and dock! --- paid

08-24-2024 at 3:35 PM
Hey, not sure if this bug has been reported yet, but I noticed today when I was vaccinating my dogs, it gave me 250 Alacash instead of charging me 250.

07-23-2024 at 2:39 PM
User shop is a total disaster code wise. But fortunately the main shops are almost fully operational (Bobbi is entering the items) and I am setting up the monthly claim item for monthly shop.

After that , I will probably try to construct.a new and improved a user shop based on the shop code (the admin code for main shops is great, and think users will like it for their own shops too

07-23-2024 at 1:06 PM
Not really positive this is a bug but the 'mass handle items' button under inventory doesn't seem to do anything anymore. There was also the foundation auction thing but I already mentioned that a while ago haha (Wouldn't say no to a bone for that though ๐Ÿ˜‚)

07-18-2024 at 12:52 PM
Forget the training sessions thing... I am NOT observant; I am an idiot. Ignore me please! (at least on this one!)

07-17-2024 at 7:45 PM
@Sin of course and thank you for all you do :D

07-16-2024 at 11:29 PM
paypal is now fixed, thanks to you!

edit history
2024-07-17 02:05:22 by #18687

07-16-2024 at 10:30 PM
Possible issues with buying bones via PayPal. Bought the 3 Dollar Bundle at around 10:01 pm EST and the purchase shows as having gone through via my PayPal's history. Will provide screenshots and receipt if needed :)

Purchase did not say conformed on the Buy Bones page and no auto-message received on inbox. Could be lagging a bit due to server change so I'm willing to wait a couple days to see if the charge reverses or bones appear in account

07-16-2024 at 7:49 PM
Wow! You are magical! It took you all of 6 refreshes of the page and they were back! (evidently it was something you were already working on it in the half hour it took me to type my post?)๐Ÿ˜‚

07-16-2024 at 7:44 PM
Also? I JUST noticed now, because I'm SUPER observant. (not). My training sessions are not showing. I probably might have noticed earlier if I had pups to train.... They might be there, just showing none. And by none, I mean it says Training sessions:
So, Since I DO have pups to train on Hec 2. I'll let you know.

07-16-2024 at 12:30 PM
not a problem at all, this is to be expected.

there are many bad tables from the old system. I'll get it fixed asap

07-16-2024 at 2:23 AM
Okay... Hate to be a pest. I had two fences break, and when I went to replace them, I got an error code.

07-16-2024 at 2:13 AM
Yesss. Thank you! Back to being able to "Give them morning vitamins" Healthy coats, Healthy nails, Healthy pups!

07-15-2024 at 11:49 AM
Not sure if it has been mentioned, but when you equip a scholar collar on a dog, their eyes change colors. My GSD's went from green to black, and another one when from blue to brown. Once the scholar collar is removed, their eyes go back to normal.

07-15-2024 at 3:34 AM
re: user shop

issue traced to empty strings and old mysql implicitly casting them to 0 (nono in modern systems)

07-15-2024 at 2:03 AM
re:hecmom (feed all and grooming)

This was a bug. previously the value for mood was defined as a range of -127 to 127.

the old database discarded statement when trying to set a value out of range. its a partial fix for now ,but basically, I just increased the range

since your mood was 126 , when you used a mood altering item, it threw an error
example nailclippers , mood = mood + 5.
your mood was 126, therefore mood = 126+5. 131 is greater than 127, and thus threw an error!

try your nail clippers and fishoil now, should be solved!
edit history
2024-07-15 03:34:10 by #18687
2024-07-15 03:05:42 by #18687

07-14-2024 at 7:34 PM
So, When I go to the VIP options and try to use the feed all button for fish oil, I get the error message for value 1 mood. Okay. I understand. Some of the dogs may have their mood higher than others.

I just tried to go in individually on a dog with high mood(127), but low health(76) and groom them(nailclippers) but got the same error code.

Is this the new metric? or a bug?


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