is trying to
private chat with you.

Magical Rubber Ball
you own: 0.

Caffeinated Brownie
you own: 0.

Plate of Caffeinated Brownies
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles!
[view all]
Didn't know if you knew but your advert Link is not working. ^^
I was actually thinking of asking for a joint present for a better tablet, or at least one that shows whats happening on the screen on the actual tablet. I had one that didn't a long time ago and it was a bit of a pain to use.
Thank you for all the help with this, I really appreciate it :)
Thank you for all the help with this, I really appreciate it :)
Ah, alright i'll keep that in mind. I use a mouse so my lines are always shaky without smooth/curving tools
Awesome! Were there any tutorials or anything you used to help you? Just getting started with it and all I know is the line-work layer is going to be my best friend.
Hey Larthan! I was looking around, and I heard that you possibly use Sai to draw with?
Know any art classes? XD Out of all the 7 kids my mom had this one can't well draw xP
Larth, thank you so much for adding more items to the Danes. I am forever grateful :) thank you for working so hard :)
Alright. Thank you so very much, Larthy! <3
#290055- not 54
#290054 or #290056
I always max before breeding any dog. ^^
I always max before breeding any dog. ^^
You wouldn't consider selling one of your see-able ghosts husky pups, would you?
You wouldn't consider selling one of your see-able ghosts husky pups, would you?
Well what luck of mine you chose a dog I have then! :D
Thank you for all the training! I couldn't figure out how she got mostly maxed overnight lol
What is Mweor?
Messages are full. :p
Ohhh! Well cool (:
Hey I don't know why you gave me money, but thank you (:
oh ok
why did yo train me dog
Pssssst, you forgot to put, "I am Awesome."
There should be enough room now.
Sorry to randomly message you, but would you be interested in my invisible Huskies or any other dogs? I am running out of space in my kennel and I am trying to find homes for some of my dogs. They are free!
Ah, lol I just sent you a message lol. Sorry! I was thinking 50k for both?
Hey, Could I possibly buy the two Husky pups you have in your Sale tab?
Larfyyyyyy! Guess what? I'm baaaaaack! Just wanted to say I've missed you, Larthasaurus. <3
Oops, sorry. XD I forgot about the other one.
I know right. I hate the cliff hanger it left us at. I can't wait for Part 2.
Omg I love your status! XD Hobbit right?
I just want to say I love your status. I read it and it made me laugh (and I was obviously also very intimidated because you are fearsome dragon *nods*) :D
I tried to send you a message, but your inbox is full. Thank you.
hi :3
Aw thank you so much for maxing her for me! I didnt even notice until I went to train her today,that was very kind of you,thank you so much!! :)
Oh my goodness. I was unaware! Thank you Larthan!
The accounts are 10 USD :)
The accounts are 10 USD :)
Thank's so much for the Dane ♥
Why did you buy my puppies and then sent them to a elderly home?
Please enjoy her and please keep her

Ahh many thanks for training my dog! <3
Oh never mind
Do you have any husky studs
yes she is all but the dogs with the word training on them are maxed :D
Hello I have a female Dane in heat and was hoping you would grant me a breeding with this male.?
Darn, I wish I could but I can't do pay pal. I will keep an eyes out though :)
Do you do commissions? If so I may have to get some art sometime :)
Your art is amazing!

"You have 11051 new messages"
*weeping* T_T
*weeping* T_T
That's so amazing!!! :D I'm really loving the art you did a fantastic job!
Yay! That'd be so cool! :D
in chat. The "Thing" you posted
your thing looked very nice larth! Good job! :D
Op, Sorry!!!
I just haven't chatted with you in a while, Thought I might drop in and chat a bit.
Sorry for confusing you!
I just haven't chatted with you in a while, Thought I might drop in and chat a bit.
Sorry for confusing you!
You dont seem too happy? Something wrong?
Hows life?
Hows life?
Hey :D
The pups were born if you want to take a look.
Thanks so much for my wishlist item :D
Hello. It's me hilli11!!
Larth I'd be happy to help on y Ipod 4th gen, scribble or message me what you need help with, (=
Thanks for the tarantula plush! :3
Thankies for the Wishlist item! :DD
Thanks Larthan :3
Oh My Goodness! O.o Im IN LOVE
Oh Really! OoO thats GREAT!
My grandma has a kindle and like 57 books on it! Any other cool stuff?
My grandma has a kindle and like 57 books on it! Any other cool stuff?
No i wasn't deciding based on color just wondering, (= And this helps a lot!! Thanks!!! Its on my wishlist for Christmas so *crosses fingers*
A couple questions, is Black the only color for the nexus 7?
Do i pay monthly or is it always free wifi, anywhere anytime?
And can i get it at walmart ect? Or where may i purchase the tablet?
Is it bigger then an ipod? And you mentioned a kindle case would fit? Does the kindle case Protect the screen from drops ect?
And thanks so much, sorry for all these questions! I'm checking all my bases, (= Thanks for the help!!!
Do i pay monthly or is it always free wifi, anywhere anytime?
And can i get it at walmart ect? Or where may i purchase the tablet?
Is it bigger then an ipod? And you mentioned a kindle case would fit? Does the kindle case Protect the screen from drops ect?
And thanks so much, sorry for all these questions! I'm checking all my bases, (= Thanks for the help!!!
ok so i responded on "New Phone" About a tablet (= Thanks for all the help! Its Greatly appreciated!!
The pups are born.. go ahead to pick which one you want :)
oh, I'm sorry larth, I didn't have rude intentions, )= I'm really sorry! But thanks for the advise,
do you have a Raggiana Birds of Paradise
thank you for your fast help ^^
People are putting in high bids for the Wolfdog!!!
This is modern canines side
i have a coder issue in the hub..
Thanks for putting the monthly items up for auction in cash! I love the theme and i love that I can actually buy them! Thank you! :)
Larthan_ the issue was resubmitted and titled "Bones(Larthan may answer)"
Ok. (: Have a great day
Its ok! (: sorry maybe i can do a story for you!
You read my story?
Well nevermind their predicts SUCK. XD
Aurora and Smudge need to make puppies. >:3
UMMMMM thank you? .-.
Wow! I can't wait to read lots of books on my brand new Roku!
:0 Do you want me to send it back tomorrow?
oh. :) I just saw your name when I was buying something. :))
Hey! I was wondering... do you play felisfire? :)
I'm sorry :c
Do you want to adopt a dog from our rescue? ouo
Alright thank-you hope you enjoy him!
Would you like me to send you a copy of Cyi?
Okay :3
Yaaaaaaaaaay the pups are here :D Want one?
I apologize for replying through a scribble, but my messages are stuffed to the max. I fixed it, please let me know if this is still too much and I will edit it again. Thanks for letting me know c:.
Huge thank you for maxing Alabama! Thank you so much for your generosity :)
Thanks, no none of them are glitches but they are cute!
Though I might would share with any ratties that come along they're adorable. <3 #nun#
Though I might would share with any ratties that come along they're adorable. <3 #nun#
Mah milkshake it be banana flavored. |D
I really hate that song btw lol.
-drags can into garage-
We foxes tend to partake in the noms contained within said cans.
Cant be havin no freeloaders stealing mah noms. >:I
I really hate that song btw lol.
-drags can into garage-
We foxes tend to partake in the noms contained within said cans.
Cant be havin no freeloaders stealing mah noms. >:I
LOL my butt is hypnotizing. |D
Okay :3
Yaaaay! The pups are born! :D Would you like another one?
I cant have caffeine it makes me sick. :C
Which makes me sad cause I love frozen coffee and stuffs. ;w;
Which makes me sad cause I love frozen coffee and stuffs. ;w;
I totally wasn't scared.
I totally wasn't scared.
Pffff Water dragon things cant drown you're faking it! >:U
-pokes at with stick- >.>
Larth? Larrrtttthhh? LARTH? DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! D:
-pokes at with stick- >.>
Larth? Larrrtttthhh? LARTH? DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! D:
-slobbers all over profile- o.o
Nice user!!
No problem :D
Sent :D
It says that your not accepting dog transfers o.o
You dont have to pay for her unless you want to :3
Okay, I'll send her over in a minute :D
Okay :D Which one do you want?
Would you like one of the Shiba pups? :3
omg xD Thanks 8D You too C: But really, thanks so much for helping me. I'm trying to set up a breeding line with my huskies and shiba's but maxing goes so slow since i only get 60ts with both accounts. It means allot to me that you helped me C:
It's not my birthday today ono
You trained my dog o.o thanks so much!
Are you thinking of retiring the 2nd? I'd be willing to take him/her.
Merry Xmas :3
ooo really me Loves you!!!! your so awesome!!!
stupid in box..that is totally cute!!! Love it..must go delete messages sending moneys now..
YAY my malk owl is the April 09 rare - the age 4 one. Has yours hatched yet?
Yeah, and I tend to think it would be the 2009 rare since they advertise the super special Dec 18 pets as rares and super rares and such. Getting an uncommon would be a bummer.
Hey, thanks for the note about the CS malk owl - but look again! not sure if yours is the same but this one is a rare (unless I really am blind!)
Mwahaha! Romantic :P
I probably watch it twice a year and cry every time :P What did boyfriend think of it?
Sorry! I watch these movies all the time. Paulie's on right now, have you seen that one?
Thank you so so so so much for training The Way! I was so confused when I went to care for her. Thanks again!
hahaha that is pretty how much mine is going now...been so long since i had some litters...
Holly crap you were not kidding about major puppies :O
awesome...thanks...ya me making lots of puppies right now..everything is freaking coming into cats all just had their pups so I crammed them on my side while I wait for the other breeds to have their pups..
stupid thing is full ya I will send ya one...once sec...
oooo did pumpkin give birth..been watching her for a bit now...hehehe wanted to see what she would produce
well busy is good :D We where having a good time there chatting and stuff...feel bad I kinda just upped and vanished for a bit all of the aunt finally passed been kind of off for a bit now...but getting back into the swing of things...
haven't talked to you in like ya been
hehe Poke....runs away...
hehe Poke....runs away...
Of course not! *shifty eyes*
*skips by* Hey Larth! I brought you this VERY SPECIAL fingernail polish remover. Fun fact; if you let it sit for half an hour, it can get rid of glue on people, like, you know, if you glue your hands together? Did you know that? :D
(10-18-2012 at 8:54 PM)
Zexion(Official MCR fanclub leader/KH fanclub leader(Overly obsessed with Zexion, MCR, 1D, and CS))
Zexion(Official MCR fanclub leader/KH fanclub leader(Overly obsessed with Zexion, MCR, 1D, and CS))
Yay fellow zombie!
(10-11-2012 at 2:17 PM)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Oops! i forgot to ask... can i advertise?
(10-11-2012 at 2:17 PM)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Make sure you enter...WOE! Un-Smooth glitches Natural (NOT DYES)
(10-9-2012 at 5:25 PM)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Glitch Breeder (angry about somebody and im SO serious) (Surviver; ATTACK ME... NOW)
Can you put #50343 up for lease? (female breeding request) It can only be under 600...
*smooches* <3 Thank you!
me so sad I missed you on chat ;(
sorry got home late fell a sleep...
its a larth!!!!
Don't know wether you're interested in or not, but I just maxed the two pups of yours. :) They are lovely and I can't wait to see how they will act as parents. Hope the puppies coats will looks as great as theirs will.
Just thought you might like to know. ;3
Just thought you might like to know. ;3
Larthan you have 2 bones left, right? can I buy one of your bone o3o?? pleeeassee?
Larthan you have 2 bones left, right? can I buy one of your bone o3o?? pleeeassee?
I did. :) And haha, I was so confused!
You sent me your message on 1:39 server time and right now my pc shows me 1:39 real german time. xD
Wow... For a moment I thought ala would run on german time.
You sent me your message on 1:39 server time and right now my pc shows me 1:39 real german time. xD
Wow... For a moment I thought ala would run on german time.
Just saw some of your Husky Customs: They indeed are very amazing. I'm kinda jaelous since I sold all mine. x)
Haha, I may buy one of your pups. Just have to consider which one.
Haha, I may buy one of your pups. Just have to consider which one.
Thank you <333!
Oh ok sounds good thanks :).
Kiba said in chat that they are fixing it :/ I don't know when it will be done.
When will rollover happen?
Congrats on winning Blix's contest 8D
Here, there, working :P I haven't been on Ala since December, jee I feel old XD You have skype?
Hey Larth :D
Okie Dokie :D
lol I need to borrow a fox cub might make an add tomorrow for it's late XD
Okie dokie. I would breed Portrait again if I could X3
Puppies!! I retired two pups for one was a horrible glitch and one was a dull non glitch. But the two females that are in my unkenneled section turned out lovely! One Orange/yellow glitch and and a non glitch that has awesome markings. And I used an insta-pups couldn't wait surprised that I got good looking pups normally the insta-pups hates me xD
Awww :( I'm sorry! I know it is really expensive. I have to save up all year for it, because those hotels are definitely not cheap. I hope you get to go one year in the future, because I want to see if I can hunt you down!
*scribbles your face* C:
Will you be returning to Dragon*con this year?
<3 you are the best.. Thank you!
Ok, then I've got Crash, Shade, Wolfe, Cloud, Moldy, Scruffy, Oliver, Twist, Sprinkle, and Waya. :B
If you see a maxed male of mine not for stud, please let me know! Thanks!
Do you count the males in your trialing kennel? If so I found a few. P:
Do you count the males in your trialing kennel? If so I found a few. P:
Do maxed trialing males count for you? ;o; If so, I stalked some more and got a few. Hurr hurr
Ok, thanks. Now, can you show me how they look on a bc?
How much are the Chinese Crested dogs and do they do any thing?
Sorry, i forgot that :<
Hello :3
I just sent you dog, H2 Lito a breeding request. If you can, accept it. Thank you! ^^
I just sent you dog, H2 Lito a breeding request. If you can, accept it. Thank you! ^^
biiiiiiiig kitteh! <3 larfy makes such good pretties :)
Someday I'm going to have to do something awesome for you :3 Thank you Larth!
hehe well it is greatly appreciated!
@_@ Thank you Training Ninja!
Maxed male Clownfish isn't up for stud. c-:
I have more pics on my profile i added 1 of puppy khloe <3 :D
those were taken like 2 years ago XD she looks more pitbull now when i ge more updated pics of her ill message you
No like petie off of little rascals they called him and American pitbull (which is a mix of apbt and american bull dog) so thats what her parents were they were both the American pitbull or something i wasn't there when the got her but thats what the owner told my nanny so i don't know XD
no, her parents where american bulldogs so XD
Well his mom was a husky he looks different from that now he was a pup there
Pictures :D
These are My Nanny's Dogs :) (And Yes Khloe is a pitbull so keep negative comments to yourself please )
Khloe 1
Khloe 2
Khloe 3
Khloe 4
Cisko is a husky pitbull male whose brother was hit by a car when they were pups. Cisko got Khloe pregnant twice with 12 pups each time but they were taken out the 2nd time
Mackie Joe Is a 7year old Pitbull/Boxer/Bull Mastiff Mix with a pudgie face <3
Mackie Joe
Mackie Joe 2
We sadly had to give Roxy Roodle away :( She was a cute little Dachshund
These are My Nanny's Dogs :) (And Yes Khloe is a pitbull so keep negative comments to yourself please )
Khloe 1
Khloe 2
Khloe 3
Khloe 4
Cisko is a husky pitbull male whose brother was hit by a car when they were pups. Cisko got Khloe pregnant twice with 12 pups each time but they were taken out the 2nd time
Mackie Joe Is a 7year old Pitbull/Boxer/Bull Mastiff Mix with a pudgie face <3
Mackie Joe
Mackie Joe 2
We sadly had to give Roxy Roodle away :( She was a cute little Dachshund
alright thanks for your time and i might have to think about lol thanks tho
if i buy it and don't like it can i give it back and get my money back? or can i send you a GSD to put it on?
what does a Pan-Thor
look like on a GSD?
look like on a GSD?
kiitos larthy. :3 <3
It's okay. I've tried my luck at others, but nah. I ain't gettin' 'em.
I wouldn't be able to offer on him, would I? he's an awfully cute dog.
I wouldn't be able to offer on him, would I? he's an awfully cute dog.
Finnish Flag!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Runs about crazily*
*Runs about crazily*
Mkay! 8D
I'll message you when they're born. ^^
I'll message you when they're born. ^^
ahh... yea that sounds like no fun
still nice to have friends there^__^
blaa is asked if i wanted to add you and i am asking for permission just ignore the typo's
i stalked you on face book! i said i have ash and robyn on my friend list ans asked if i wanted tobottomyou but i was gonna let you know and ask if i can first so what ya say wanna be friends?
No problem! Was getting off, and no point in them going to waste!
can I get second pick out of your husky litter? ouo
can' elbow me easily xD :-D
certainly you can't type with your face on and toes.
*chews Larth's Face and Toes*
*chews Larth's Face and Toes*
*snaps at larth's fingers.... can't type anything now! ;U*
Mhm. :)
What about Phillip and Waya? xD Alazar and Chipper are capped, so not sure about them.
What about Phillip and Waya? xD Alazar and Chipper are capped, so not sure about them.
"If you see a maxed male of mine not for stud, please let me know! Thanks!"
I believe Helloween is a maxed male not for stud? :o
I believe Helloween is a maxed male not for stud? :o
*slobbers on profile.
Snaps at Larth *nom nom nom
I was wondering if I can buy like 30 TS for you :3 if I can I'd use it on my dog captain. Thanks!
Does the picture change with an update?
Sorry! I've deleted some :3
alrighty. then just any dog ^^
Fixed her
Hey c: Can I see how your CA, Blue Tiger looks on a dog? Preferably Aussie pup?
Awww. D:
Hiya c:
Can I commission you draw me a tag of my sona's eye? 8'D
Can I commission you draw me a tag of my sona's eye? 8'D
No promblem!
here is a magical rubber ball enjoy! you do a good job on the site thanks for your hard work!:) and the other admons do too:) i appriciate you guys!<3
Oh. Phew. Making sure you didn't do it on accident. c:
ouo Why do you got all your dogs coat info open. HIDEH IT BEFORE A PERSON COPIES IT. D:
Thank you :)
lol I went to check my records for something else there's no way I could have missed them
thank you too and thank you for all the training sessions on my dog
sent the trade on CS
sure if you want to pay that much.......
I am not great at pricing stuff but how about 500 ala cash each?
one thing I haven't figured out over there, uhmm not really totally sure how much to charge for them though
Thanks for the boost I really appreciate it
Awww we love you too Larth :)
Haha, thank you. :)
Well you did a great job with it. ^-^
Pretty tag. :>
Your tag is really beautiful :>
Thats a little sad...
Huh? No i dont mind! I love all these jokes!
Wow this april fool jokes are confusing!
Cleaned out some messages, it should be better now. :3
Thank you for the wishlist gifts! <333
I love space!
Oh, and you :>
Yes, I love space and you!
Oh, and you :>
Yes, I love space and you!
Eh, it's just to say thanks for helping, no biggie :)
Larthan, you have made my day. Thank you so much! I have searched so many times for that and did not expect to every even find one! Wow! :)))
Thank you! :D
why are you training my custom?? :3 thanks for your help! I really appreciate it <3
Random act of kindness, much? lol Thanks again. <3
Woah, so many training sessions on my dog's log. Thank you! May I ask why you trained her?
...thinking NyKitty and how much I wanna draw her in a fur pile again...duurrrrr =3=;;; pardon meee
The tail pile... XDD
hi i saw you had a high bid on my blue husky if you would like i can hold you one for 5k less than your high bid when some more are born ^__^ just an offer let me know if your intrested
oh, why thank you haha.
is that you training my dog?
OK, I replied on the issue. Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for fixing my issue with the Black Dragons! :)
Thanks... now it goes on my cat collector dog first hehe
oooh I want one then!
How much would a copy of the silver tabby kitten be?
Love your Catahoula Feetie Pajama CA! If you ever make them for Corgis or Borzois, please let me know. c;
thanks for maxing Tamashī no shinzō's last skill for me ^^
I can take her so whenever someone asks for her it'll be easier to send her to her new home ^-^ Thanks for the help!
:o yay. She's a cutie. Did you want to send her to me or hold onto her?
Oh, yay :D of course you can.
about? xD Sorry Fridays are busy for me.
Do you like roleplaying in the chat?
Awwww!!!!! I could hug you forever!!!! <333333333333
It seemed like they panicked:P Ala has many walls of doom ^.^ Just not everyone has seen them yet XD
Did you need that message of doom that was in chat?
Okay :)
my bitch valleyfeild just had puppy's do you want to pick one out ?
That would be great <3
Hmm.. I know I've asked you before, but do you have a Deviantart?
Bones, Ala money, rare items? xD How much do you charge for a fully colored piece of art?
Heya Larth, would you be willing to do some art for old Ooze? I heard she pays good ;D
Oh darn I don\'t have that ATM, sorry! Maybe later xP
How much are those pajamas? xP They are tooo adorable!
Mkay. I\'m just gonna try and scrounge up some more ^^
Hey, until I send you some more I really don\'t feel right having your bones :c
:D I had thirty so and i was like... o.o ? so so i gave them to you! :) tee hee 0.4 do not do much but, eh x3
Awww Larth! D: I\'ll gather up some more and send \'em to you. I feel really bad :C
Blue Bayou is gorgeous! <3
Hey Larth, did you ever get those feathers? I want to make sure they reached you safe and sound. :)
no problem :)
Heya, not really sure how but a Xenokitty found its way into my inventory. Sent it back to you since you\'re the artist who made it. There\'s no record of anybody sending me one in my logs either. >.>
thank you for maxing Atris\'s last skill for me :D
Happy Birthday!!!!
Oh okay. Sorry for pestering c:
Oh well I was wondering because I wanted a CA made for me.
Where did you get the CA\'s on Lady Belle and Flight?
Do you like rping?
^^ Thank you for the help with one of my dogs!
EBGames is holding HM: ToTT for me :D it was only $29!!
Ok thank you :)
Ok well I saw the scribble so I could message anyone/scribble them and ask them I have all the rights to do that ask someone something. Now if you dont want anyone to see it you can delete it or just nicely ask the player if they can message you.
Are you looking to get trash I have some :)
I have AIM. I'm just rarely on it unless reminded to get on. Could you note me your AIM?
I'm always on! :C Your msn is being lame
I did for a period of time, yes. I, however, do not now because I was always worried of feeding it to my dogs so I got rid of it D: [as I use mass feeder] Um...there was someone else who hoards it but I can't quite remember who.
Ohyes. All bitches paired with him in the predictor so far have been gorgeous. <333
Hi there, I'm interested in possibly buying one of your custom accessories, but I was wondering if you have a Rhu on a dog that I could check out first. Please let me know when you get a chance and thanks :)
Oh well, I still like it xD
Anyways have a nice Christmas ;)
Anyways have a nice Christmas ;)
Larthan for some reason your name reminds me of the different Cthulhu carols/songs xD
Alrighty! :3
Thank you! What do you want in return? :)
Awesome, I will have to send you a gift tomorrow though :D
I love the items too!!
I love the items too!!
Thank you for the Christmas gift! What would you like in return? :D
Oh, thank goodness, I thought you were mad at me.
Larthy, are you mad at me for mistaking you and Carni..?
I just bought 1 of your maxed girls:) I saw her when she was 1st born and i was hoping you would sell her XD She is just gorgeous thank you!
No! You aren't the same, Trust me larth, I just forgot because your tags mixed me up, and that colorful paw of yours, I am sorry Larth.
Oh, my sorry Larth! I meant to scribble Carni, I lost my center for a second XD
Nope, you were trading something for a background..Remember?
Did you still want to make that trade?..I have a background now! But sadly it's Horse Stable :(
You can put them back on sale now, I will take #107376! The predicts are just stunning. :)
Thanks a load!
Hey. :) Could you hold #107375 and #107376 for like.. 10 minutes? oo
I'd like to test them with one of my males and hope nobody else will buy it 'til then. ^^''
I'd like to test them with one of my males and hope nobody else will buy it 'til then. ^^''
He's very nice :) just not exactly what I am looking for, thanks!!! <3
Hahah oh, darn xP Will have to keep searching then xP
Any chance you are selling pup 3? I need a male xP
Oh, well thank you. I'm not very good with computer stuff. Now I feel like a doofus :P
My picture was on photobucket, and I tried to just use the direct link they offered because it looked identical to the one on the user guide but it didn't work.
I'm sorry, I tried to. I copied and pasted from the user guide the first two times, and then I tried to use the one you gave me... I think links hate me...
Yup XD It was hilarious and yet mean at the same time
I can see what you mean.
Well when we had the lady audit the garage he turned the heat down super low, and when she asked him to turn it up he said "not enough money" XD and then the second time, the lady put her memory stick in my dad's computer and voilà she got a virus that took her two weeks at least to get rid of XDDDDD
Well when we had the lady audit the garage he turned the heat down super low, and when she asked him to turn it up he said "not enough money" XD and then the second time, the lady put her memory stick in my dad's computer and voilà she got a virus that took her two weeks at least to get rid of XDDDDD
Dawwww that sucks! They can be real idiots sometimes XD I should tell you what my dad did when the government came to audit his garage XDD
*Pokes Larthy* Why you upset luff??
It sneaked into my lair and I didn't even know it!
It sneaked into my lair and I didn't even know it!
Alright, same to you on your litter!!
Larthy! I love this puppy, she is amazing! Any chnce you might accept a trade for one of the puppies in my kennel? If not, I hope I can grab her should she go up for sale! :)
Sí, pero no sería de ala y no podía comunicarse.
Yo estaba hablando de un chat de sitio web que es moderado por un sitio diferente para que la gente puede hablar español y conocer los mods ..
Es una pena que no pudiera insertar un vínculo para el pueblo idioma diferente a un chat que es moderado por un sitio diferente.
La vergüenza no es un chat para los españoles: (, sólo deseo que había al menos una forma de que un chat para el pueblo español y portugués.
LOL your tag totally does look responsible for the crash.
DARN YOU, little dragon!
DARN YOU, little dragon!
:O Thank you for training my pit! :D
Oh okay.
Hi, do you do just regular art commissions? Not CA, just like a tag or something? I've seen your art, and I love it.
Hi, I just sent you a breed request for my maxed female husky, Hex.
Woot! just send 'er over whenever your done ^_^ thanks!
xD Sorry, /lazy. I should have one in my shop, if not feel free to send over some bones, I'll send 20 of which to Robby, and you'll be able to get it through admin script if I'm not mistaken.
Do you max train other people's dogs?
sorry dear, Im asking 25-30 bones c:
Is a slot still open to get a dog trained? :3
What does a Chinese crested look like on a dog??
-hits you with a zombie and frolics away- C8
Pleasure doing business with you. :)
Thank you for helping me :)
Mhmm, that makes sense. It's great to have a list in the first place. <3
Hey Larth, I was looking at your wonderful new 'We Need Hits' list, and thought it would be more convenient if it was separated into zombies and survivors (so you don't have to click on a lot of names to find someone on the opposite team). :3
It may take a couple days for me to get it in the mail (since I have to take it to the post office), so could you wait to send the bones until then? I would feel better knowing it's on the way when I spend them xD I'll clear out my inbox so you can send your address.
Again, not to bother, the name's the same as before. V.V
Not to bother you, but I gave you my side account #, now what? ^.^
You're quite welcome, Miss Larthan. ^^;
Yes, my account is working now. Thank-you.
I finished the Tag for you! yay it's Done! I hope it's like the one you have in your mind ^^;
ohmai larth ;O;womanw can i ever thank you! Please, go see here and pick something you like to have from me ;O;
hey larthan can buy 756.17 | 16 Sp | 14 Dr | Out Con Foc MAX from you for 30K? if not its ok but i love him and i cant wait 13 days but its fine if not
i would just love to breed captain planet to my irelands likeness they would be a great match :D
Ok thank you(: I am thinking about it because she would be great for one of my boys once he is maxed =3
Is there any chance that might be a mood? If she is I will buy her for sure ^.^
I did.
It won't let me login! D=<
Oh... Mabye I'll join... do you have a link?
Awww! What is Mystical Realms?
And I can't pay in real cash. =(
And I can't pay in real cash. =(
Could you make me a kitty or two? And possibly a bunny, also? xD
Did you make the bunny and kitty that is on your profile?
love the bunny
Thanks a lot for everything<3
I sent a stud request to your dog H3 Gambit^^
Thanks - I had more - they are gone - I'm getting used to things disappearing from my account. Oh well.
Well, usually the same applies to me, I've been very good about it up to this point. :P I always have to dig myself a bit deeper it seems.
I couldn't help myself, she's too pretty. ;D Plus I hadn't made an impulse buy since this morning, I was far overdue.
So do I, I always have a small army of unmaxed dogs, of course it never stops me from getting more. xD
So do I, I always have a small army of unmaxed dogs, of course it never stops me from getting more. xD
XD Or $216 like my Halloween dress. I think I can order some next week :3 Maybe on Thursday. I'll shoot you a message when I'm able to though :D Thanks!! <33
O-O Yus... I'll have to order a few XD Just need to save up some money first o-o;; That's the hard part.
-clings- I love your bunbun tags <3
His character's name is Aljan, Darkmoon. He's the prince of the unicorns in my favorite book series evar :>
It's beautiful ;.;
You should have payment :> With a whole extra dollar for me being a pest, lol.
You should have payment :> With a whole extra dollar for me being a pest, lol.
I also JUST realized you can see his heel! Can you add a silver star on the heel closest to us?
I'm being a total pain, aren't I? lol
I also JUST realized you can see his heel! Can you add a silver star on the heel closest to us?
I'm being a total pain, aren't I? lol
Gleeee! It's Kaelibunny! :D :D
Think you could make him a hare lighter? (haha, see what I did there? xD)
Think you could make him a hare lighter? (haha, see what I did there? xD)
Of coooourse I'm serious! 4 moar dollares?
*snuggs miss Larthy flarfy*
*snuggs miss Larthy flarfy*
Oh, well good luck!
Your and admin?!
I see your a husky breeder, Larth. Hehehe. Well, If your looking to breed any of your dogs and get some High TP pups, I have one dog who is 9k TP, and his son whom is 8k TP. If your looking to breed with either Lance, or Chris, just shoot me a massage. I'll be glad to put 'em up for stud. C:
Totally not obvious XD
XD Poor you *Pats* They'll have to get used to it lol
Larthy if you do get dogs like that you can send them to my side:P If you want lol, I'll rehome them.
Larth! Your bunny tags are amazing <333 Just had to say that
Haha, I meant you have a bone auction going on. How many bones are up for auction?
How many bones are up for auction?
I requested two breedings with your stud Danish^^
I hope you accept.
I hope you accept.
How did I not realize you're an Admin on here? D: Is this a new development?
What is this about not checking scribbles? D:<
Captain Planet=win! lol, I remember that show.
Aww, that's nice, see you around!
Did you draw that on your computer? If so, it's cute! :3
It cloud be..... sorry, i just don't to be in trouble, i said i was sorry, are you a cat?
I'm sorry, but when people make fun what I like, i get mad.
-tackleclings and throwsa confetti- Congrats on making admin! :D You'll be great!! -turns on music and starts dancing- Woo!
Oh boy, I feel slow, but congrats on becoming Admin! :D I'm sure you'll make an incredible admin. - Also, I'm sorry for not accepting the breeding request you sent for Royce awhile ago! After you sent it, I tried excepting and it had said that your bitch was no longer in heat.
No problem! :)
Okay, when you are open again, please tell me ;3
I saw that picture you drew and was wondering if you could make me a tag? I could pay you in bones or cash. Sorry for bothering you though :3
Always welcome. C: -waddles off-
Congratz, Larth. I always knew you were a great person, here on Ala. Glad they could reward you for it. Have fun being an Admin! :D
what. o.O
what. o.O
*rolls all over Larthy's profile*
One that folds up. Never have parking problems again!
Yeah, I thought by now we were supposed to be living like the Jetsons...
>8U Congratss!!!!!
*hugs Larth* Now you get to visit the admins' super-secret staff room. I bet it has stuff like a coffee maker, and soda, and vending machines you don't have to pay for...
Congrats so much Larthan!! Don't know you that well, but I get the feeling you'll be a great admin!
Congrats so much Larthan!! Don't know you that well, but I get the feeling you'll be a great admin!
Congratulations on becoming an admin Larth :D I know you'll do a fantastic job ^^
Larthhhh. <3
congratulations! ^^
congratulations! ^^
Congrats larthan:) Be the best admin ever!
Congradulations on becoming an ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have been hugged by the great Nals, The UnOfficial Double Post Eater! :hughughughughughug: Feels great, don't you think? xD
NICE ONE LARTH :D... srry for shouting
You are very welcome :)
Congrats on taking on all this new work. May your time as an admin be long and rewarding. :)
Congrats on being an Admin! :D
LOL! Thank you! It's Perfect! XD
LOL yeah I like to refresh pages and watch those silly cats XD
Okay XP I wonder who it was then? -wanders off-
Larthhhh did you say you sell bones? I can't remember but I think you did...
Oh why thank you! :D
:O I would love to; but I only breed Corgi and Pits. ;~; I'm trying to keep only them in my kennel aside from my customs of other breeds. -flops- I'm sorry ;~;
haha thanks should be open now...I can't log out or else it fills back
Has pressie for you. Check out my tag. :D
Had a great time with you today! :)
Thanks so much for being able to do it. Can't wait to see them :D
hey Larth, could I have you make me one of those tags for bones?
Hey Larth...send ya the 33 USD to your paypal account. Working
Certainly ;)
no problem:)
300000 ala cash sent
ok can ya give me the cash total then? I will send it as a gift through paypal so you don't get the stupid paypal tax taken out of it...
yeppers that sounds like a plan :D Just let me know when you want payment..also I am assuming you have paypal for the USD right?
Yeah, but I was sort of hoping they'd just quit...8I
Also, they messaged me telling me to drop it. How's that for backtracking?
Also, they messaged me telling me to drop it. How's that for backtracking?
dimensions don't really matter to me..Most of the tag work will be displayed in my art section and once I get more time I will organize them into a slide show for my actually tag area like I see so many people with the flashing different tags. I can always resize so whatever works best for you.
haha ok got ya....ya lets do the shading seems to pop really nicely. Although do you think you could do a group pic of all the different GSDs in a flat? And the individuals with the shading? I would prefer to do the fursona in the ala cash equiv since I have a lot of that laying around and then would be happy to pay the tags in USD.
ah so late its not processing duh...haha
Ok do you have example of flat color tag style vs shading one? so not familiar with the computerized drawing terms yet...still stuck back in old school pen and
Ok do you have example of flat color tag style vs shading one? so not familiar with the computerized drawing terms yet...still stuck back in old school pen and
ok just wanting to be clear $# equals USD equivalent? or was that number of bones?
Well anything to do with GSDs...don't know if you would do them as a group or as separate. I would be looking for German style Dark Sable GSD, Bicolor GSD and a traditional GSD color wise. Position doesn't really matter to me I let the artist decide on that. And somewhere to have my user name or ID on them as tags.
As for the fursona I have examples of her on my profile. She has 3 tails normally but can extend to 10 tails when more power is needed. I am again pretty much open to how you would like to pose her or place her etc.
well that was probably not much
As for the fursona I have examples of her on my profile. She has 3 tails normally but can extend to 10 tails when more power is needed. I am again pretty much open to how you would like to pose her or place her etc.
well that was probably not much
no probs waiting...I can do ala cash or USD no worries...little low on bones right now ;( need a triple special
ooo my bad how rude of me for not I should of in the first post..If you where up to doing anything...ok there we go all
Hey Larth how is it going?..I keep seeing your tag art popping up around here and I must say I need to ask if you would be able to do a few for me and possible a fursona drawing? I have become addicted to the fursona drawings now and am trying to find other artist willing to do it. Let me know and what your costs are. thanks Working
That's what I've been noticing, too. I've stayed out of chat a lot recently because the mods seem to be jumping on people for what seem to me like little things a lot of times. But only if it's "offensive" to their sensibilities. :/
I know, but chat has been harder and harder to hang out in. You can't say a thing that isn't happy, happy without being told to stop being so mean. :/
Ah, well. I mostly just debate and train anyway, recently.
Ah, well. I mostly just debate and train anyway, recently.
What annoys me is that I get called on it because I told someone the honest truth, but they get a free pass to tell everyone in chat how awesome their dog food is when it's bad for every. Single. Dog.
I'm really starting to lose my love of this site, honestly. :/
I'm really starting to lose my love of this site, honestly. :/
That crap just makes me mad. what the hell. Elitist? I wasn't being elitist. I was telling the truth.
Hi Larthan i see you have a Pit Bull. I was wondering if you would like to show your pittie off in my beauty show. it is called Pit Bull Galore (Must be Adorable). Well if you like to go right ahead. And thanks for your time bye. :)
Larthan! Mist had her puppies! She had four, half and half. They are so very pretty! If you want, you have first pick and we can work out a price later :3 Thank you for breeding with Mist! I hope you with breed Vincent with her in the future too!
*headdesks and raises white flag* Finnne. :(
*swats at* Nooo! D:
The pups are here! And I am so bad I am keeping two of them XD DX
Are you ready for the pups *w*
Okay then!
Do you want any of the puppies? and thank you for breeding with my dog <3
Did you do anything to my lovelies T_T XD
Nuuuuuuu not yet! >:P -make Larthan wait longer-
lol understandable. My sister has this weird thing where she doesn't like public bathrooms or school bathrooms, I don't mind but as long they are clean and aren't horrid smelling like those porter potties D:
LOL I just read your profile scribble on Silas the Jinxed Wolf's page. I just burst out laughing! Sorry I just had to say this.... XD
Lmao Larthan, the "poop conversation" is somewhat normal for me cause of my problem but it would be awkward if someone would announce it in a public place nut at home or at doctors is another thing xD
...pokes the scribble box....
I messaged you on your side....
....does the happy pibble dance.. :)
I messaged you on your side....
....does the happy pibble dance.. :)
Hmm. Okay! :)
Which program do you use? Photoshop CS3, CS5? Or something else? I'm thinking about getting one. :) You should become an artist here. :)
Wow. You're a really amazing artist. :o
I forgot you probably will see this account before the other, but I messaged your other one. :P
your more than welcome^_^ i ilke randomly giving people things if i have them or can get them
Thankies, Miss Larthy Flarfy <3
Thankies, Miss Larthy Flarfy <3
*bites Larthy*
You didn't have to go and train her XD
You didn't have to go and train her XD
Your dog Captain Planet is gorgeous <3
sent you the 50 Bones back
can i have the bones? now Stacy is ready
I wish there were real immortal lockets. :/ I miss my first dog very much.
*poke back* Thanks Larthan, but it looks like she's getting a locket after all! :D
OKay ♥
Larthie has 280 Bones i could borrow?? which wil be given back within 3 mins.
Pan- Thor is so cool!!!! I'll be on the comp. Soon and see if I can scramble up money.
Larthan, Pan-Thor is terrific! :goes to search for bones:
Thank you, Larry getting pits after the peek??
Are you almost done?
That's ok. :) I have so many dogs I dont really have room or time for more. :(
Hi :) Sorry I havent been on. I ended up being really sick. I still feel like really horrible. :(
The puppies look cool! All glitches, including a subtle one. I heard sometimes those make good glitch pups in breeding. My favorites are 89 & 91. That black one is really something & 91 is so colorful! Grats on the gorgeous pups!
The puppies look cool! All glitches, including a subtle one. I heard sometimes those make good glitch pups in breeding. My favorites are 89 & 91. That black one is really something & 91 is so colorful! Grats on the gorgeous pups!
Just want to check if you got my bones for the picture ♥
Okay ill buy just 1 more ♥ Let me go to your topic ♥
i might get you to do more later ♥
Look at Diesel, the Doberman Pinscher!! he is perfect!!!
Cant wait to Sell Dobie
Hey i can pay you the rest now ♥ i have 44 Bonies
do you want me to send it now?
Hi :)
I have a couple of custom males if you want to try a breeding with them. One is similar to your girl but purple :)
Tropical Jazz
Purple Dusk
I have a couple of custom males if you want to try a breeding with them. One is similar to your girl but purple :)
Tropical Jazz
Purple Dusk
I see.
Larthan, do you have WolfQuest?
He'll certainly be very well looked after. Can't say the same for his training, though. xD
Whut?! You just ... gave it to me?! THANK YOU! 8D
I like #70044.
I would have loved too, but unfortunately, I'm not a fan of super high TP'd dogs. I really appreciate your offer, though! <3
Well, ya see, I would like one very, very much, but what's holding me back is their TP. I don't feel that I could train a dog with that much TP, due to the fact that I am severely limited training-sessions-wise. On top of that, I would be very surprised if you didn't charge a hefty amount for the pups, which, again, I wouldn't be able to afford.
On the other hand, I need a challenge. All of my other trainees have around 400TP or less, and the whole point of the site is to breed and trial dogs which will excel, so... I'll take one. xD
While on the subject, do you want some clean glitches? xD
On the other hand, I need a challenge. All of my other trainees have around 400TP or less, and the whole point of the site is to breed and trial dogs which will excel, so... I'll take one. xD
While on the subject, do you want some clean glitches? xD
i realized that, i changedit in Sales chat, but i couldnt change in the adverts because i already posted it, but im changing it this time
Would you be able to lower and reserve dog #68798?
you are out of...
Silver Tabby Kitten
in you shop :)
(is not looking to buy them just being nice!)
Silver Tabby Kitten
in you shop :)
(is not looking to buy them just being nice!)
I got an error message about you, I only have 60 so...I'm not full either. Odd.
Couldn't message you since yours were full but trained twenty and will train 20 free out of kennel ones. :)
Okay. Thanks for replying. <3
Does Larthan want to be an artist for Nelly's myadopts site that's gonna be a .com site soon ? :)
You don't need to. <3
You don't need to. <3
oh because my money is in the bank
Okay. Check out my list on my profile. I am behind on gifts. I didn't even get to ten yesterday. You have to cooperate here. D8
Well.. Just tell me what you want, then. xD
:O Larth, you need a better wish list. I can't gift you food. :c
He's up for sale now. Feel free to nab him. :)
*poke pokes Larthy* That male is available for sale, if you want him. I've just been too lazy to put him up yet. I can do so now. :)
^-^ You're welcome!
*hides behind to keep safe from Xy*
Well, you did help me out with that article for my final <3
He's yours then! Let me send him! :)
Pups are here, I don't know if you'll like any, if not you can wait until a future litter XP they're kinda...static? alot
hi! can she sheltie on my side breed with your sheltie? umm i think her name is sage, is that ok?
I'm interested in one of your tigers but I would like to see what it looks like on a dog first if we could work something out for that.
Blixy told me to. <.<
Oh, okiee.. TT_TT
Make me one! Can you? :D
Your welcome! :) I love your profile picture it is very cute!
umm... this sounds really weired but could you copy the image url or these dogs:
Blix, Ayla, Defy, Sandy, Lightning, Zing, Bramble, and Choco please?
That would be awesome. My computer is broken and it won't let me right click :(
Blix, Ayla, Defy, Sandy, Lightning, Zing, Bramble, and Choco please?
That would be awesome. My computer is broken and it won't let me right click :(
How about like 5K? It's the best deal you'll get. It's okay if no, I just love your art!
2K=2,000. Deal?
Um, can we change it to I'll pay that much for one!
Um, can we change it to I'll pay that much for one!
You posted a forum of headshot pictures of dogs. I'd like one
I'll get a headshot of a dog! Brown coat, purple eyes, and a tongue sticking out!
well thank you very much!!!
sorry did not mean to post 3 times and i see she is not for sale but i will keep your beautiful pups in mind do you find they are easier to sell if you basic train them?
how much are you asking for daisy? i would love to buy her!!!
thank you for the info by the way <3
ahh thats not bad at all actually. i will maybe contact you later after i get all the other random stuff i need to buy if i even have $2 bucks left...i'd totally pay in bones because i do have a few of those but thats not what you are asking for haha :P
aww >_O ok. out of curiosity, how much do you charge for something like your tag? in case i ever do find some extra money for that
o0o00 XD you do commissions? 0:) hehe
where did you get your tag? :3 its super adorable!
Airbrushed is best XD I would respond via message, but I'm over quota and Ala won't let me ;.;
....I just realized all the kibble and chow I sent you sends 1 message per can... D: Sorrryyy!!
Note to self: never be generous when tired. x.x
Note to self: never be generous when tired. x.x
puppehs are here :D
Its ok i got one and i found it i had no use for it so now its in my shop for the same price i bought it for
Sorry tpo bother but do you have a rejuventor i can borrow or buy from you?
I can train your dogs. I get 46 sessions a day and I have a trainer perk. I can do 20 sessions a day, because I have some customs I need to max. So maybe 10k for a week with 20 sessions a day?
Owwww! That's got to be terrible!
Oh god, I hope you recover soon from your stye ._. I had one, and it grew really big, but what happened was once it was nice and big and juicy with puss, I sneezed and my eyes closed tight and it exploded /everywhere/. Like, i mean everywhere, on the car windows, my mom, me, and then leaked down my eye and face and it was the most disgusting thing ever :c
Go and make yourself some tea, and take the tea bags out, and before they get cold, put them on your eyes. It's suppose to draw out the infection, make swelling go down and make it feel better. Anyway, I hope you feel better bud ;-; I miss seein you around..
Go and make yourself some tea, and take the tea bags out, and before they get cold, put them on your eyes. It's suppose to draw out the infection, make swelling go down and make it feel better. Anyway, I hope you feel better bud ;-; I miss seein you around..
A stye? What's that?
Wha'd ya do to your Eye? Sorry I didn't say it on Chat, got chat-banned.
would you lower her price a bit:
May I reserve G flash?
and blue steel if its not a bother we could always trade dogs too i have pups up for auction
can i buy Milaya and Sharp for 2 bones?
i wasn't going to send her to another person.i was just asking for some trainning sessions since her chute skill is so close to being maxed
=3 may i borrow a Scholar Collar
Thank you! :)
Larthan do you have a Scholar Collar i can borrow for a mintue
Thanks for picking up that husky the lower bidding or lack there of I assumed people didn't like him..since all his litter mates went so fast....he was my pick out of his litter...Glad he has a good home now Working
Thank you much!!! <3
Loff you toooo
And I love you too!! :)
Hey Larth, I saw the corgi (colored) art you did and wanted to say it's beautiful! You should totally do CA's like that :3 I know I would buy them! ^^
haha and hes pertty
hey do you want one of the pups from my bitch and your stud \o/ B Carl
Oh my... Unagi is beautiful! Definitely one of the best looking Borzoi on Ala :D
Oooh...Ok, never mind, I get it. Thanks!
Can you line and color the cat you drew me? I can pay extraaa...
I raised enough money, and decided to get another CA, so I would like your help drawing one again once I get more money! :D
Did I leave my schola collar on one of your dogs?
:o this puppy is gooorgeous!
i added some FMLs :3
ME not telling YOU? How about YOU not telling ME! >:O
-chews on- :D hi XD
-chews on- :D hi XD
Alright, thanks for getting back to me! You have some beautiful dogs here. :]
Hello, I was wondering if you would be selling the female Borzoi #39757? She's very pretty.
Grr. I wish I had enough bones to buy one of your amazing tigers <3
all of your dogs have a tiger! i love it!
I need Panthor! Rawr! XD When will he be there for me to snatch up? <3
Im saving up my bones to get your tigers.They are so pretty
Bought your Golden Tiger, very pretty <3
Hello!! I'm hoping to get your blue Tiger, It is AMAZING!! I'm broke though, Heh heh.... ^_^
I love love love your White Tiger! I just had to snatch it up from your shop hehe. :) I'm sure you'll be needing to make lots more copies everyone loves it! Your such an amazing artist. You should have been making your own custom accessory's a long time ago. <3
I am Bookeh Hayashi Gratia. (#1339) to be excat. xD
Lol I love how you put the tiny cute hedgehog in the same scene as the big scary Momma Bear. :P
Are you the same Larthan as the one on Mweor? :D
I commented on your Custom Accessory forum. I hope you'll be able to make it for me. xD
Welcome to Larthan (#8598)'s profile.
currently: Responsible breeders are NOT responsible for dogs in the pound, and not all rescues are responsible either.
Last Seen: 9:50 PM on 09-30-2019, played for 1865 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?

Dogue De Bordeaux by me, for Bobbie (#29063)


by ShiNya <3
Note: Once you give away a dog to someone else at random with no prior agreement, no matter what YOUR intentions are, that dog now belongs to the person you gave it to. They can do whatever they want to and with the dog.
Any dogs for sale in my kennel will be basic trained. If you see a maxed male of mine not for stud, please let me know! Thanks!
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
76 | Training Sessions: 844
Dogs in "Dragon's Den"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Wildling (#309465)
![]() |
Shiba Inu | 146.00 months | female | |
Reason (#311155) | Shiba Inu | 133.20 months | male | |
Dreamer (#311044) | Shiba Inu | 42.60 months | male | |
Mantis (#311035) | Shiba Inu | 133.47 months | male | |
Manipulation (#310994)
![]() |
Shiba Inu | 145.74 months | male | |
Galaxis (#311034) | Shiba Inu | 133.50 months | female | |
Ugly Dog PLZ DYE ME (#314187) | Shiba Inu | 113.16 months | female | |
Litter 1 (#314186) | Shiba Inu | 113.16 months | female | |
Litter 1 (#314189) | Shiba Inu | 113.16 months | male | |
Litter 1 (#314188) | Shiba Inu | 113.16 months | male |