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This magical collar doubles the effectiveness of each training session used when equipped to your dog. Unlimited uses, but effects do not stack even if you equip 20!
Scholar Collar
you own: 0.
While equipped, dogs will not need vaccinations.
Vaccination Tags
you own: 0.
The African dog with a painted coat, this is a highly social animal that lives in packs, and is an efficient hunter. While equipped, your dog will have maximum Sociality, Self Confidence, and Attention Span.
African Wild Dog
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
no wall scribbles just yet!
Welcome to KoviPolf (#40916)'s profile.
currently: Taking haitus. Return unknown.

Last Seen: 11:07 PM on 03-27-2018, played for 80 days

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Side account:
What am I doing?
NOTICE: I am taking a long Haitus once again. My account WILL be online, but I WILL NOT be actively playing. Messages and profile scribbles WILL NOT be read, so please do not message me until the notice is gone. If you wish to keep in touch with me, please send me a PM titled "Other Contact Info". The best way to contact me is through Telegram or Discord. Feel free to ask for those if you wish.

Hello there, and welcome to Green Grove Kennels!. All dogs who are being maxed will be in the unkenneled section, Maxed dogs in the Maxed Kennel, and all my dogs for sale will be in the Sales Kennel.All my maxed dogs will be up for breeding. I will NEVER breed unmaxed dogs!. Anyone is welcome to breed with any of my dogs, as long as the dogs they are wanting to breed meets the breeding rules. The breeding rules are as follows:

1. Must be maxed
2. Must be 400+ TP
3. Must have maxed social stats

I have the right to deny any breeding I do not wish to do. If you have any questions, feel free to leave me a message and I will be back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you once again for visiting Green Grove Kennels, and I hope you enjoy! (:

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 22


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