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#37057 wants for nothing!
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(01-18-2016 at 1:33 PM)


Ohmygawsh i LOVE your profile layout! SO cool!
(10-27-2015 at 10:22 AM)
Iɴᴜ-ᴄʜᴀɴɴ (Dogs)
yoyo what up bae it's been too long
(10-21-2015 at 7:32 PM)


Nonono this ain't your bae.
(10-19-2015 at 4:59 AM)


hi im cooler than those lords so you should talk about me instead
(10-18-2015 at 5:49 PM)


Sir down below, get out this is my bae not yours
(10-18-2015 at 4:25 AM)


Ma'am down below, stop bothering this kind sir about good lord and saviours.... That is my job.

Sir do you have a moment to hear about our good lord and saviour Potagon?
(10-17-2015 at 10:45 PM)


Hello there sir do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Galeru
(10-17-2015 at 8:48 PM)


scribbily dibbily doooo
(06-12-2015 at 7:54 PM)
(04-4-2015 at 5:16 PM)
Heaven Sent

(newbie helper)

Hello eepay, and welcome to Alacrity!
Learning a new site can be confusing but we have many resources and information to help you out! Please be sure to give everything a read over and feel free to explore the site =).

  • Rules: Here are the rules of the game. You can find this link at the bottom of every page. Make sure you read everything. We don't like to see our players get into trouble.
  • TOS: Our terms of service page can also be found at the bottom of every page.
  • FAQ: Our frequently asked question section can be found under the "Help Alacrity" tab. There is tons of information available if you are confused about how something works. Be sure to check out the links on the FAQ such as 'beginners guide', 'users guide', and 'Alacrity wiki'.
  • Issue Hub: Our issue hub is located under "Help Alacrity". This is the place where you can report rule breaking to the moderators, report bugs, and ask any site related questions to the newbie helpers. The issue hub is one of our greatest tools for player support. No question is too big or too small.
  • Say Hi!: We have a friendly site, so stop by chat and say hi. If you prefer the forums, come introduce yourself Here!

    This is a lot to take in but the Newbie Helper team is dedicated to helping you learn about the game and answer questions that you have on the site in the issue hub. We hope you take a look around the site and stick around and enjoy the game =).
  • Welcome to eepay (#37057)'s profile.
    currently: hombros

    Last Seen: 2:47 AM on 12-20-2017, played for 159 days

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    What am I doing?

    displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
    Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 10
    Dogs in "My Kennel"
    - in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
    Preview Name Breed Age Gender
    Glitch Girl ♥ (#66640) Siberian Husky 999.99 months female
    Hunter (#298342) Shiba Inu 72.57 months male


    Username: *
    • = required field
    • two accounts per person
    • email verification necessary
    • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address