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#20187 wants for nothing!
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(01-5-2012 at 6:43 PM)
Is maxy avalible for adopation or trade? I would give you a choc bunny for her?
Welcome to ala! :) And, since i bred Brownie with your dog, can I have one of the pups they have later?
(11-27-2011 at 1:34 PM)
Hi! Welcome to Alacrity. I'm Ravyn, and I'm part of the Newbie Helper team on Alacrity. To get you started, please read the "Help" link - which has two beginner's videos for you to watch, FAQs, a link to the Alacrity Wiki, a beginners guide, and more. The Rules, and the ToS (the latter two can be found at the bottom right corner of every page) are also some things you should take the time to read. If you have any questions after that, feel free to post in our lovely issue hub, where a Newbie Helper like myself will dash over and answer it ASAP. Stop by chat some time - we'd love to meet you - and I hope you have a wonderful time here :D
(11-27-2011 at 7:50 AM)
Riverside Kennels
Hey there! Thanks for reffering me. =]

Hope you have a fantastic time on here!
(11-27-2011 at 1:13 AM)
(Dar) darkiss4428
hey i noticed you were new WELCOME!
i kinda make it a habit of when i run across new player's to offer them a free pup please take a look at my list any pup with a hammer beside it you are welcome to 1 free ^_^ just let me know if you like one and i'll send it rite over k?
(11-27-2011 at 12:58 AM)


Hello! ;) Welcome to Ala! I have 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgis that are maxed and the girl is in heat, which means you can breed her. I want them to go to a newer player and I was wondering if you would like them, for free.
Welcome to Wolfie-Ringing the bells of Christmas (#20187)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!

Last Seen: 12:03 AM on 04-2-2012, played for 22 days

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What am I doing?
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 14
Dogs in "Back in Time"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Hershey (#103603) German Shepherd 13.44 months female
Luna (#103701) Australian Shepherd 15.69 months female
Petes (#128511) Australian Shepherd 8.76 months male


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