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is trying to private chat with you.
A special, limited companion for Dene's fundraiser. Keep this on a dog pre-breeding session to boost all pup's TP by 15%. Effects can double if you have one on the male and female.
you own: 0.
A special, self-filling bowl of special tonic for your dog's companion. Doubles the effect of an energy/mood/health boosting companion when equipped. No effect if no companion is present.
you own: 0.
This stylish cap and goggles inspire your dog to start running trials in your own back yard! Trains your dog +0.2 in a random event every four hours.
Aviator Cap
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(01-18-2016 at 6:58 PM)
Would you be willing to trade 255214? AKA your Shetland Sheepdog named Newborn Puppy? I think she is adorable :3
(01-18-2016 at 6:41 PM)
☤ ®∆Ʈʑ ❷✪❶❺ ☤
Are you by chance selling 255211?
(01-18-2016 at 3:44 PM)
FUZZY WAS HERE! And also, I joined Best In Show with you as my referer!
Welcome to Haiden [Husky & Sheltie Breeder] (#18607)'s profile.
currently: More than meets the eye~

Last Seen: 10:17 PM on 04-17-2018, played for 774 days

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Side account:
Akiru [Haiden's Survivor Half]
What am I doing?
Some of us walk by the wayside, and some of us soar to the stars. Some of us sail through our troubles, while some live with the scars.

My Shop

It has things, and sometimes stuff.

Join Best in Show! A Dog sim where you can breed, train and show a number of different breeds! Please refer player #1563!

Trading some CS pets for Ala$/bones/items ^^

I have a few Very Rares, quite a few Rares and more common/uncommons than i know what to do with >.>

Message/trade me! ^^


© = Custom
ƒ = Foundie
½ = Second Gen
⅓ = Third Gen
¼ = Fourth Gen
* = Maxed

0/13 Bones
my next custom pair <3 (0/25 bones)
Maybe this girl, if i get the bones ^^


Training is currently; Closed
0-199TP = Free
200-300TP = 5k, Maybe free
400-600TP = 10-20k
700-900TP = 40k
1000-1200TP = 80k
1300-1500TP = 150k
1500+ = message me TP :)

Custom dogs: Open
I’ll take ‘commissions’ to make custom dogs in the CT, the prices vary with my mood so… 10k (negotiable)
When it comes to glitches, I’m best with shelties, shepherds, catas, and aussies, and I prefer making smooth glitches so I’ll try my best ;)
I’m also pretty good at making pup predicts, but I guarantee nothing until I try ^^

Pre-made Designs:
Sometimes I derp around in the CT, and make cool glitches that I don’t like, and other people may want. So I’ll post how many bones it takes to make them, how much it costs to get their markings and a link to their pic ^^
Snow derp merle Cata, 10 bones to make, 5k for design ^^
Nattie Cata 1, 13 bones to make, 5k for design ^^

I'm experimenting with layout tables, if anyone has any pointers or tips, they are appreciated! ^^

Random Stuff Here


What dog breed are you? I'm a Labrador Retriever! Find out at Dogster.com


displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 83 | Training Sessions: 302
Dogs in "Haiden's Kennel"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
250000 (#250000) Great Dane 14.67 months female
Frozen in Time:
Training/To be Trained:
Higher Generation:
4th and 5th Generation:
3rd Generation:
2nd Generation:
1st Generation:


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  • = required field
  • two accounts per person
  • email verification necessary
  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address