thanks for the TS on Bary :D
Dumb question, but the version of Join.Me that is labled 'free' is correct?
You wouldn't considering selling Ktori, would you? (:
Hey Rain if your still giving away interest may I have some? Thank you so much dear <3
Allie needs some interest *big eyes*
I appreciate the generous jester, raineh. Thank you so very much. <3
Aweeee, raineh - you didn't have to do that, love.
(08-24-2015 at 1:54 PM)
Sorry, sorry. I just purchased 8 Shelties and I'm trying to name them. ouo
this is Attie. c:
Rainn.. could I buy your familiars off Flight Rising with Alacash/Items? =o
(08-19-2015 at 7:22 PM)
Ah okay :3
I was gonna pm you about the art you're looking for :)
(08-19-2015 at 7:10 PM)
Your inbox is full :3
Great. :) 4 bones sent your way! - Lexy
Hi Rain. :) Yup, still looking. I'm hoping to finish off training Aether before I sprout a gray beard. If you're interested, let me know; you can even start today if you'd like.
Your layout is amazing <3 The artwork is perfect, love. In the USA the same-sex marrige law was passed in all fifty states today! =)
I'm glad that same-sex marriage is now possible. It's great that homosexuals can finally feel free and do not have to travel to another state just to be married.
Anywho, just wanted to drop by and say that! =) Love Ya, Raineh!
Allie <3
(06-23-2015 at 5:29 PM)
just silently scribbling your profile :D
you didn't see anything...... :)
Thank you so much for training my dog! <3
If I were to pay you to throw TS on two of my dogs, how much would it cost me? C:
Shall I send the biscuit now?
Would you be interested in helping me to train Elle and Jake for a MDB? c:
I tink you should empty a few messages
I'm just going to go ahead and tell you that you win. I only had a little over 3 mil
Can you help me to train Kiki and Flyer? Any TS helps. I'll send over any payment you'd like.
Eep gosh pm'd you! Dang! Forgot you didn't like t! XD
(02-16-2015 at 9:39 PM)
YOU maxed Valentine - thank you so much!!!
(02-10-2015 at 11:36 PM)
would you really do that? why tank you, i'll remember to link you up
(02-10-2015 at 11:34 PM)
are you seriously maxing my pup? all i can say is THANK YOU
all the dogs in the To be trained kennel
you should really get on azoptaos again we've added lots of cool stuff ;u;
(and i have no cuddle buddy there cries)
hate to ask since you've already done so much to help me out, but if you have time while snake is in his snock, can you toss some TS on these dogs?
sobs I hate to ask this of you but could you train any of these dogs please ;w;
one two three four
Thank you for training them
rainnnn can I pay you to max my dogs xD Thanks for Empress
If you could throw ts on this cutie, that's be awesome!
Thanks for finishing Fritz's training :D
Thanks for training Clover!
Ahhh!!! I can't thank you enough!!!!! Now to get that big boy trained. Can I contract you into training my doggie? If not then it's okay :D
say can i make you my personal trainer XD That was amazing!!!!!!
Thanks. (:
I was thanking you because you spent a good amount of TS on a capped dog I have.
Would you like to buy any of my dogs they are cheap
Hi Raineh, I haven't told you this yet but due to some real life problems my alacrity life will be put on hold for a long while.I just want to let you know, I appreciate your kindness and you are a great friend! ^^
Sincerely, Rebel Navigator Dogs
thank you for helping with my dogs training, I appreciate it :)
/slaps you with a dead toad
Pass it on ;D
Yuss! I will send it on over gurl! xD :)
Oh okay, never mind then. I'd figure you'd let a surgeon do it instead of these other people but ok xD
lol I asked if I could be chief medical officer or if you had to pick someone.
I have 46k treasure if you're interested
do ya? I could be one if you want me too.
psst do you need an Chief Medical Officer? cx
I have 15k treasure I can trade you
(04-29-2014 at 11:33 AM)
bless you for naming that dog Money Pit
No problem. I'm a Trekkie too. ^^
The chat icons you made are freakking amazing.
(04-23-2014 at 2:46 AM)
Chief engineer officer would be an amazing position!
(04-22-2014 at 9:51 PM)
lol I wanna be cool is not a question... That was an !
(04-22-2014 at 9:50 PM)
CuC pokes
How does one get into alaprise?
I wanna be cool?
ooo can i be helmsmen
ill steer us to all the coolest hangouts B)
can i join the alaprise
i wanna xplorrrr
Would It be okay If I switched to Cheif Medical Officer? I want to be in touch with my star trek self xD
I would like to apply to be the Communications officer on the USS ALAPRISE, Sir! (err mam)
Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to breed Rainy Days with my dog Thunder (I just realized the reference). Please let me know, thank you! (:
Okie just wanted to know If you had any Ideas
How much do you think a heat cookie will sell for?
oh hi
you should add an avatar on azop because your blank picture is bothering me LOL
It's okay if you don't cx
Rain bby!
Do you remember me? <3
Well Hey! at least we can see eachother n stuff! fun! I miss the good food there, unlike the plastic processed stuff they sell here! xP * messages are full*
Hey You you! * tacklesnugs* how are ya? Message me any time! 8D
Really.. o-o That was quick. Thank you so much. And sorry if I wasted your time, but is it trouble if you trained one more? ;-;
Oh, okay. So Apollo could be trained in a day? I will equip all of the companions.
Really? I don't play that game. v.v So is it okay if I send a dog over? ouo how long would it take?
What are your prices? ouo
Do you train doggehs? o3o
Thank You for helping train that dog! :)
(01-17-2014 at 8:23 PM)
(01-17-2014 at 5:23 PM)
i might've spent all night reading TGB's history recap journals
what have you done to me
i keep forgetting that you have this account now and i poked your other account help
ai9ubiuftdicyufupionoiyfiubn my computer just bluescreened on me Dx I lost the picture. Just gimme a a few minutes to fix it.
Raiiiiiineeeeeeh I need your opinion on something ;n;
omg raineh how many freaking TS did you use on Remington? XD
do you think you can put a great dane for adoptation or auction
do you think you can put a great dane for adoptation or auction
do you think you can put a great dane for adoptation or auction
Oh ok that's awesome!!! I love Iron Man!!
Hiya Rain, how did you get that Iron Man symbol beside your name?
do you have any brozi male dogs that are ready to breed
oh darn.... well thank you for your time :)
i was wondering if you do commisions?
i was wondering, do you do art on divantart?
Awe! Cool Its adorable any way I could use the line art?
Okay I was just wondering, and where did you get your tag?
Rain do you do Comissions?
I saw your post in chat you cant avoid someones yard if they need to go potty they need to go potty it's like asking a fish not to swim :/
i like your tag its cute ^^
oh I thought you did layouts sorry about that thanks for your time :3
hey rain are you doing layouts for other people if so how much?
Can always spend it on me! XD I'm just kidding <3
Are you selling any of your catas?
o3o I must start saving points harder then. xD
o3o how much are your commissions?
(11-30-2013 at 1:49 PM)
Omg get out LOL
Do you do commissions? I love your work!
Omg yay you finally got a new lappy 8D
(11-28-2013 at 7:23 PM)
Hallo! Just wanted to say hallo.. and that's all.. xD
aww its cute thank you very much rain :3
could I have little pic of cynthia my ferret shes on my profile and how much will this cost?
Oh and I could pay you a bone for a custom pixel avatar too.
This Sherlock please, as a Border Collie:
Hey Whats a bone barn? |D
/nudges toward group chat/
Raaiiin ouo Here's
GIMP for Macs
/pokes Can we felsdar RP in your chat? ouo
I don't know I this will work or not, but here! Happy Birthday Rainy!
Oops I messed it up D: Anyway I found that on Tumblr and thought it was adorable vuv
(10-1-2013 at 4:43 PM)
Hey, if you wouldn't mind training my dog art boy, How much would it cost?
Heeeey Raineh is it okay if I use your pasture puff horses on the server? <3
(08-8-2013 at 8:43 PM)
Oooh I didn't know you were a SPN fan
Thank you so much! Do I owe you anything?
Yes, I do still need one.
XD Thank you so much XD I'll send you 100,000 if thats ok XD
(07-26-2013 at 7:24 PM)
shall i send the bone now? (: Thanks so much!!
(07-26-2013 at 9:30 AM)
If I give you a bone would you max my dog plots a true hero?
Ok when I get on tomorrow I'll send the cash
Ok thank you, I'll start on Dillingers basic and stats if I can tomorrow
Did you do Alyce's basic? If not, it's done along with 2 other stats
Ok, I have 0 TS left for today but tomorrow I'll do Alyce's and if I have enough left Dillinger's, so would it be 44k for the other two?
When would you be able to do the other 2? If it's possible
Romeo first, and don't know, what were you thinking?
Thats was really fast ! I\'ll send the payment right now . Thank you very much !(:
Hello, yes I am looking for someone to train my dogs . I am offering Ala cash !
Thank you so much!!! I will let you know if I ever need another dog maxed!
Well, no thank you. Thank you so much for replying! I have someone who is doing it for 10k
However much you are looking for!
OKay so someone else (randomly) maxed Usurper. However instead of returning the bones could you try and max one of my other dogs?
Hm.. Could I give you a bone or two instead? I'm a bit low on Alacash.
I saw that you helped my dog in training (a lot actually) would you like payment?
Sending 11k sorry it took a while. :(
(06-18-2013 at 8:09 AM)
i see no problem with that, just let me know so i can pay you
(06-17-2013 at 8:49 PM)
if i pay you a bone can you max, San fransisco and Brenton
Yes there is, I was trying to get the full amount to pay the rest. I paid 14k already, so I owe 11k, correct? It should be ready by tomorrow. If you want I can send 4k now
(06-10-2013 at 1:00 PM)
ok, yea thanks!!
Ekia and SAVE... Save is the one with 400 something tp... Ekia is the one that is nearly capped. I think her TP is something like 8932 or something?
OK... I have one that is under 500 TP and then I have one that is very closed to capped... Would you be willing to train those two, and I'll give you 5 bones for both?
is it ok if I breed my sibrean husky with your invisa seen holder?
Ok, Thats perfectly fine. how high of TP can you go?
(06-9-2013 at 5:40 PM)
Would you be able to max my dog dark knight and if so what's it cost in cash/bones? I.e. ____ cash or ___ bones
Hi! I'm in need of a trainer. Can you train a dog with higher TP then 500?
Ohhh ok I'm sorry I'll be sending. :)
(06-7-2013 at 8:57 AM)
and can i pay in bones
(06-7-2013 at 8:56 AM)
how much cash would it cost to max tharp
How did you get 50 Revitalizer!!!!!
I've paid 14k so far, I will be sending you more in the next few days. :) thank you for maxing Pedro!