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Pushes a bitch into heat on the next 30 minute interval and keeps her there until you remove the Cookie. Infinite uses!
Heat Cookie
you own: 0.
If you try to pet it, you may get cleaned as well! +.01 Speed every 5th hour
Bathing Birman Cat
you own: 0.
A plate of chocolatey brownies, from the Spring 2011 bake sale. (-1 Hunger, perfect Energy, +1 Speed, 5 uses)
Plate of Caffeinated Brownies
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(09-27-2013 at 9:06 PM)


#120215 <3
(03-28-2011 at 5:47 PM)
Haha sure no problem (:
(03-28-2011 at 5:40 PM)
Yep she really was ^^ (messages full hehe) To sell training sessions you can post an ad somewhere or respond to one, you have the set amount of training sessions, you can see those in the box where the amount of money you have is. Normally they sell for $100-$150 per click so if it's in-kennel they send you the dog and you train with all of the sessions they asked for or if it's out of kennel then you go to that dog's page and train for however many they are asking for (:
I'm not new, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. :)
(03-22-2011 at 11:05 PM)
Shadow Rayne Kennels
Welcome to alacrity, serenamweor. The best thing to do when starting any site is to check out the FAQs (I'm Confused~above~), TOS and Rules (bottom right).

We also have brand new videos that'll show you about the site so you can see if up front instead of searching around for it on your own. For more information on the items of the site you can visit the Alacrity wiki site. These pages explain everything you need to know about alacrity and if you have further questions on the information you can send them into the Issue Hub-Newbie Helper section (Help Alacrity>Issue Hub).

I hope you enjoy ala as much as we all do.

Also remember that all of the newbie helper team is here to help you. :)
(03-22-2011 at 7:40 PM)
White Raven's Miscellaneous Dogs
welcome to alacrity
Welcome to serenamweor (#11320)'s profile.
currently: I now have a side and a good male collie! Yay!!

Last Seen: 9:57 PM on 04-6-2011, played for 13 days

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Side account:
serenamweor (side)
What am I doing?

Pet's name: Strawberry
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Pet's name: StripeBoy
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Heya Y'all! I'm breeding Collies now but I might still have some Borzois. If you want any of my Borzois then please PM me or Scribble me! ^_^
If you're thinking, 'She only has 2 dogs...' then I can explain! I used to have 5 dogs but then I sent one to the pound. Then I got another. Then I sold 3 foundations because I didn't want them. So I wasted 15k on nothing...D8 But then a friend of mine gave me my beautiful collie, SuperLove with TP in the thousands! And that is my story! ^_^


discover your dog breed @ quiz meme
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 10
Dogs in "Mweor Lover"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Gray Drizzle (#31295) Borzoi 32.04 months female
SuperHeart (#47062) Border Collie 12.90 months male
SuperLove (#47981) Border Collie 10.17 months female


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