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#1111 wants for nothing!
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Well, I sent it again, third times the charm I hope. I did notice some pets missing and a few new, so I suggest changing your password if you think it's a hack.
And it canceled again because you moved or deleted a pet. -_-
Alright, how about 500 for the lowest level common, multiplying by two for each next level. OMG: 500, Very: 1000, Common: 2000, etc?
Now, what were you thinking price wise?
It's alright. ^^ Things happen.
I've resent the trade suggestion. I noticed a lot of pets where missing from the original trade suggestion I sent and a few new ones too. v.v I've become more familiar with your pets than I wanted to. I feel like a stalker. xD
It said it was deleted because one or more of the pets in the trade were deleted or moved. Want me to send it again?
Oh, I see. It takes a while to start up, but imo Aywas is really fun! I'll probably be offering bones for Aywas stuff for a long, long time into the future, so if you plan to keep playing then there's no rush xD
Hi! Unfortunately I'm not really interested in any of those pets other than the quadcore pilo, which I don't know the worth of. Would you happen to have any rare items like custom creators? I could also trade a bone for 500k BP each ^^
Welcome to CrimsonSides xD (#1111)'s profile.
Last Seen: 11:07 AM on 05-22-2013, played for 80 days
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displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
0 | Training Sessions: 18
Dogs in "My Kennel"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
★♀ Coral [487]{Maxed}[PINK] (#151079) | German Shepherd | 128.28 months | female | |
Candy* (#183078) | Siberian Husky | 26.52 months | female | |
Red Smooth Glitch/Black Sable (#186307) | German Shepherd | 14.40 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#189603) | German Shepherd | 6.21 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#189601) | German Shepherd | 6.21 months | male |