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Gross.-7 Energy, +5 Mood, -10 Health
Dead Toad
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(12-24-2012 at 9:54 PM)
Red's Side
were are youuuu???????????????????
(12-21-2012 at 7:00 PM)


Your display name is the same as my irl Great Dane :3 lol yup im random!
(08-5-2010 at 12:11 AM)
(08-4-2010 at 8:35 PM)
i also gave you a dead toad yesterday
(08-4-2010 at 8:35 PM)
how did you get sooo many training sessions!
(08-3-2010 at 2:44 AM)
Aww sorry nevermind I sold it
(08-3-2010 at 2:43 AM)
I have a dead toad i could sell you for cheap
(07-19-2010 at 8:38 AM)
WAAAAAHHHHHH!! D: I miss you! I cannot wait to get my life back to normal. BAH HUMBUG. *pouts*
(07-6-2010 at 9:18 AM)
(07-2-2010 at 1:02 AM)
I absolutely love musho. simply gorgeous.
(06-6-2010 at 3:27 AM)
Do you have a code for mahka?
(06-3-2010 at 9:31 AM)
Kate! *squishylove*
(05-17-2010 at 9:30 AM)
Haha, thanks ^^ I have a corgi myself, but he's not a cream color :P lol, he's tan and white ^^ And of course he's just got brown eyes -- he's quite the adorable little bugger :)
(05-13-2010 at 3:04 AM)
Awww.. thank you! :)
(04-22-2010 at 5:56 AM)
Lol, well, I had lots of patients today, and I have to do documents on them after treatment. But we had to do our squadron workout :C So I had to come BACK to work after that, and I was stuck there for 2 extra hours just to make a dent in my work. One of the therapists was there with his wife (his kid does therapy) and he tells me "Go home! You don't get paid overtime!" and his wife has the gall to tell me "Yeah! You have no life! People in the AF have no life around here!" o___o I seriously wanted to punch her. And I feel like poooo ;_; <333 AFJROTC? xD
(04-11-2010 at 2:45 AM)
I'd love to see Pugs on here, I have one as well^^
(04-7-2010 at 8:15 AM)
(04-7-2010 at 7:17 AM)
lol nignht night
(04-7-2010 at 7:14 AM)
I love thunder and lightning storms! they are the best!
(04-7-2010 at 7:12 AM)
I love the rain. I love the days when its sunny and raining lol those are the best.
(04-7-2010 at 7:01 AM)
lol tis rainy here on the pacific coast. Actualy i think it just stopped xD
(04-7-2010 at 6:55 AM)
lol It's still early here. tis only 7 lol i prolly wont go to bed for another 4 hours lol
(04-7-2010 at 6:45 AM)
XD I do some times but all the Bones and Supernatural recordings keep me pretty busy lol and some one stopped recording Angel so i have to find it again xD
(04-7-2010 at 6:38 AM)
David(his real name XD) has been my fav actor since he first stared in Angel years ago XD
(04-7-2010 at 6:32 AM)
OMG! My favs are Booth and Sam =P i'v never heard of trauma or schrubs
(04-7-2010 at 6:21 AM)
*high fives back* yay! lol hey what your fav TV show? XD mine are Bones and Supernatural
(04-7-2010 at 6:08 AM)
mine too. I'm an animal loving,country girl who loves dark colors(not emo or goth XD), I hate make up and hair spray. All my friends that used to love all the things i do said they wouldn't become a prep but then after a while whala they were back stabbing prpes. I hate people....
(04-7-2010 at 6:04 AM)
lol i love being home schooled. Wake up at 8 or 9 do school while playing games(I do online home schooling) get done in about 2 hours XD oh yeah! lol the only thing is that my mom thinks i need friends(i dont get out XD) I say Bleh! my friends have always betrayed me and stabbed me in the back i dont need em.
(04-7-2010 at 5:50 AM)
lol i always did hate home work but now all my school work is home work XD Yay homeschooling!
(04-7-2010 at 5:48 AM)
yay! Shiny Confettii!
(04-7-2010 at 5:37 AM)
yay for dull things! XD
(04-7-2010 at 5:33 AM)
Toddler minds are the best! lol Shiny Shiny Shiny! Yes i know what you are thinking. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawr XD
(04-7-2010 at 5:30 AM)
Sharp things o.O not my department lol I like shiny. Although it is shiny i dont like sharp things xD
(04-7-2010 at 5:22 AM)
lol We just got a ham slicer! tis awesome lol
(04-7-2010 at 4:53 AM)
No i think i won the battle and war =P
(04-7-2010 at 4:44 AM)
lol haha! i just finished it =P along with jello and orange juice XD MINE!
(04-7-2010 at 3:58 AM)
Will do! XD
(04-7-2010 at 3:36 AM)
Very nice. =] I have artwork a friend of mine did for me that's in the form of a tag. I'll use it once I eventually get an upgrade. XD
(04-6-2010 at 7:53 AM)
Lolol, but I also don't have a life xD; I wonder if anyone else has gotten them all :x
(04-6-2010 at 7:46 AM)
xD Well, luckier than some! :3 Here's what I have: http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e325/Wouf/DUUUCKS.png
(04-6-2010 at 7:39 AM)
o: Which ones do you have double? The only extras I have is a Normal Looking up xD (and my Yellow Families.. but let's not go there :P) Need one of them?
(04-6-2010 at 4:09 AM)
Yup, one use.
(04-6-2010 at 4:04 AM)
Maxes out their training skills to their full potential. So instead of doing it bit by bit, they're all done!
(04-6-2010 at 4:01 AM)
The Magical Water Bowl is supremely awesome. I just used it on Murtagh.
(04-6-2010 at 3:55 AM)
Yes, amazing markingless pups! Aiedail had a Magical Rubber Ball, so she has perfect personality. ^^;
(04-6-2010 at 3:50 AM)
Thanks! When he's old enough, we should breed your Leo to my Aiedail. They're both Fawn with no markings.
(04-5-2010 at 4:52 PM)
Heyo. :o *waves* Thank you for the scribbling on muh profile page. X3 Luff your tag. <3
(04-5-2010 at 2:26 AM)
Thank you xD The eggs look funny and lopsided :x I was gonna put my name in there, but for some reason my Text wouldn't work Dx *kicks Photoshop*
(04-4-2010 at 11:35 PM)
Well that is good. Can you RP now, or are you still screaming at walls? 'concirned face'
(04-4-2010 at 11:23 PM)
Hello! The lady ever call back?
(04-4-2010 at 8:49 PM)
Super cute puppies :3.
(04-4-2010 at 5:36 PM)
Those pups are so cute! Big fan of Pembroke's!
(04-4-2010 at 4:42 PM)
Awwww, I am in love with both your dogs. And I is defacing your profile. :)
(04-4-2010 at 7:53 AM)
Jupiter Foxclaw
awws your puppers are cute!
(04-4-2010 at 5:48 AM)
Random Dreamer
Lol, yush xP I shall win >8D *maybe* >.> As long as it doesn't get unreasonable, I shall continue to bid :D May the best bidder win xDD
(04-4-2010 at 4:09 AM)
Mhm. .................. ..................... .................. .................. Did your sister like the easter hunt?
(04-4-2010 at 3:58 AM)
Oh. Good choice. d:
(04-4-2010 at 3:49 AM)
Do you have a spicific wall you yell at?
(04-4-2010 at 3:45 AM)
That lady..............................................................................................................................................................Ick.
(04-4-2010 at 3:41 AM)
O.O I love you. Thank you for the toad. I will treasure it. 'shot' The lady has still not replied?!?
(04-4-2010 at 3:37 AM)
Yes. I got a sitting yellow. Do you RP?
(04-4-2010 at 3:32 AM)
O.o I.... You..... 'Is speachless with envy'
(04-4-2010 at 3:29 AM)
Ow. Cramp, cramp, cramp.
(04-4-2010 at 3:28 AM)
(04-4-2010 at 3:13 AM)
Yep. Rude rude rude. Just like my brother.
(04-4-2010 at 3:11 AM)
Wow. That is /rude/.
(04-4-2010 at 3:05 AM)
Ick. That is anoying.
(04-4-2010 at 3:02 AM)
Oh, that is a bummer. Maby she has no reseption? Must. Find. Family. Of. Ducks.
(04-4-2010 at 3:00 AM)
No, when I went to your peofile to scribble, I got a duckling as a random event. YOur profile is lucky. d:
(04-4-2010 at 2:57 AM)
Hehe. This could get confusing for the people who do not read the other half of the conversation. Yay! First duckling! Your profile is lucky.
(04-4-2010 at 2:55 AM)
You are a nice person. ^-^
(04-3-2010 at 6:30 PM)
The girl said she liked my friends, but my friend said she didn't. D: Oh well.
(04-3-2010 at 5:37 PM)
My group never fits in, but occasionally people just swarm our table at lunch and start talking really loud so we can't hear each other. >> There was this nice girl in my class who wanted to sit with us, I said sure, but one of my friends said no. D:
(04-3-2010 at 5:12 PM)
There are a lot of jerks and 'populars' at my school, but I've formed meh own ltitle group with three of my closest friends. x3 My enemy is the worst preppy popular one, when she isn't even popular. -has two enemies- You learn to form 'em. >>
(04-3-2010 at 5:10 PM)
Agreed. :x -is tempted to throw bomb at high school-
(04-3-2010 at 5:08 PM)
Lucky, I wish I could graduate this year. X3
(04-3-2010 at 3:50 AM)
yeah lol When we went to pick out Kika she was bright neon green now she is a dark brown XD it's cool to watch em change color. Adha only goes from edium green to medium brown. Not as vibrant as Kika.
(04-3-2010 at 3:46 AM)
lol getting new pets is always fun ^^ here are my new babies. Adha is the boy on bottom and Kika is the girl on top. Clicky
(04-3-2010 at 3:38 AM)
lol never met a sugar glider. We just got my girl anole home. They seem to like each other lol. My brother named her Kikatowski XD I call her Kika. Now we have Adha and Kika XD I have some AWESOME pics but photo bucket is being dumb.
(04-2-2010 at 11:31 PM)
lol Thanks for the scribble. Just thought I'd scribble back lol. Yeah green anoles are awesome! We are getting another one today. My little brother was crying because he wanted to name mine XD So we are getting him one. It's cool to watch em eat their crickets.
(04-2-2010 at 10:50 PM)
Johndeer II
Lol. Would you believe that my feet feel frozen even in 90 degree weather? I think that's why I don't get too cold. I'm already cold, so it doesn't feel as cold to me. I have, like, fifteen blankets on my bed to keep me toasty at night and feel all safe and snuggly. xD
(04-2-2010 at 10:39 PM)
Johndeer II
Lol. Yeah... It's not too warm here right now, though. It's supposed to be over 70 degrees on Sunday... I think I'm going to get heat stroke. I like the cold. I'm a skier. xD And I also like to mountain bike, so if it's too hot I can't go as far because I get really light headed from the heat.
(03-22-2010 at 11:53 PM)
*scribbleScribbleScribble* Hi! I heard you have a zombie dog O_O Meep, just an excuse to scribble on your profile =D I love pugs as well, by the way xDD
(03-16-2010 at 4:20 AM)
Yay! LOL x3
(03-16-2010 at 4:16 AM)
Yes I just couldn't resist! ;D
Welcome to Kai- Send me dead toads! (#10)'s profile.
currently: Send me your dead toads!

Last Seen: 10:59 AM on 12-6-2013, played for 141 days

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What am I doing?
nom nom nom
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 2 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 62
Dogs in "Hued Rhapsody"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Frankie (F) (#1002) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 105.33 months female
FrankDog (F) (#2485) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 97.44 months male
Franelle (F) (#3127) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 87.78 months male
Franchester (F) (#6026) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 92.91 months female
Frances (F) (#7110) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 63.30 months male
Franfit (F) (#9093) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 55.26 months male
Franto (F) (#9199) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 18.99 months female
Franeeko (F) (#9742) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 47.67 months male
Franmoo (#9746) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 36.15 months female
Frayello (#10192) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 49.59 months female


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