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A collectible flag.
Finnish Flag
you own: 0.
A large mosquito sits suspended in time, in a beautiful nugget of amber all the way back from the time of the dinosaurs!
Mosquito in Amber Pendant
you own: 0.
A special gift Shiba Inu for our users who have stuck with us!
Derpy Shiba Inu Plush
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(05-11-2016 at 10:00 AM)
If you ever return msg me on xbox ( AceBlue ) & I will pass you my skype. You can msg xbox without an xbox or live membership. Xbox windows 10 app is free. Thanks, sorry for the hassle but I can't give out my skype name on a scribble. Miss you. <3
(05-11-2016 at 9:53 AM)
Miss and remember you. Hope you finally made it to finland. <3
(07-13-2014 at 11:54 AM)
Hi ZJ (:
Welcome to ZJ (#1511)'s profile.
currently: "I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor." : Michael J Fox

Last Seen: 5:38 PM on 06-23-2014, played for 1340 days

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Side account:
Signy Zombie
What am I doing?

Welcome to Trial and Error Kennels

Many of my dogs names come from mythologies, something that's always been a passion of mine to study. The rest are, at best, random. At worst, a temporary name that stuck.

Dave used to be a girl, all of his puppies have two daddies.

Awards won by dogs in shows:
Völsung in Best Custom GSD:

Stolichnaya for Ugliest GSD 2010:


I am always willing to haggle on dogs I have for sale or items for sale in my shop.

I currently have three CAs:

Olli the Octopus
Trinket the Shiba

I'm always looking to buy:
Finnish Flags
GSD customs

About Me

You can call me ZJ. Or Zan or Zander or ZanderJames or Cthulhu. I have several other nicknames from close friends, from Goose to Zboo.

I'm 25 and am currently enrolled at U of Minnesota: Twin Cities, where I am getting a Scandinavian Studies Degree with an emphasis in Finnish and a minor in management. My goal in life is to live abroad someday, hopefully in Finland. It does mean I'm struggling my way through learning another language on my own, but it's exciting. I can say very little now in Swedish and Finnish, so if you are one of our players who can speak that, I'd love to have a short conversation. Very short.

I enjoy all sorts of things, specifically music, getting tattoos and piercings, history, mythology, baking, cooking and reading. I'm a geek and a metal head.

You will find I'm quite broadminded towards many viewpoints, however I do not allow intolerance.

I have a degree in History from UWMadison and have been a lifelong Wisconsin resident until now. That means just about everything you assume about Wisconsin applies to me.

On Alacrity I am excited to be involved with working on the Admin Team and I am in charge of the amazing group that is the site Newbie Helpers. Previously I worked on the Newbie Helper team, both as a member and running it and I loved my time there. I've also spent a long time as a mod, and loved every minute of it, ups and downs. I've been on the site for well over two years and have seen a lot of changes.

I'm a longtime supporter of getting Shibas on Alacrity, since I first joined way back in the day.


An xmas present from ShiNya to me! Done by Gracie #88.

By Ashton #5636 :3

A Shiba for me, drawn by ShiNya #2561

By Rainwolfeh #16354 in commemoration of my adminship. :3

A birthday gift from Wiz! <3

A birthday gift from Ace! <3

My rabbit Toasted Marshmallow who I adopted from Nyctra

Made for me by Lakarr #4657

Linnunrata by ShiNya

Tag, photo courtesy of Linnea Björk Timm at Flickr

Shiba by Poonie #4253 as a prize for Stoli winning the ugly dog contest!

Flower by ShiNya

Banner by Jackii #16222

Image from my Secret Santa 2011

Shiba! by Larthy :3

Tag/Image by Mutt #17304

Full Size Image
Tag/Image by Ash #5636

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 123 | Training Sessions: 548
Dogs in "Trial and Error Kennels"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
CUSTOM Aspenglow Light My Fire (#11849) German Shepherd 999.99 months male
T&E BC | Amazonia (#140207) Border Collie 212.91 months female
T&E APBT | Sirrus (#158009) American Pit Bull Terrier 344.68 months male
CUSTOM Evlon`s Sortie (#161470) German Shepherd 207.95 months female
ZJs Dog (#161430) German Shepherd 105.36 months female
T&E Shiba | Grasshopper (#195655) Shiba Inu 310.67 months female
Rogue (#190926) Australian Shepherd 96.96 months female
T&E Shiba | Marcy (#195548) Shiba Inu 62.13 months female
Brownie (#233849) Australian Shepherd 22.68 months female
T&E AS | Julie (#234881) Australian Shepherd 179.73 months female
Trial and Error: Land of No Return:
Trial and Error: Problem Specific:
Trial and Error: Obtaining Knowledge:
Trial and Error: Experimental Method:
Trial and Error: Basic Strategy:
Trial and Error: Solutions:


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