So. I spent the last couple weeks trying to revise my nifty all in one software component into a version 1 from beta.
its a swiss army knife tool that will allow us to switch from old style alacrity into new style. what it lacked however was the ability to continuously run updates on page (chat, mail, events , etc.... essentially all the good stuff)
This turned out to be a project unto itself. I would probably need another month just to finish that tool.
So. obviously this is no good at the moment. the prototype tool works perfectly well for the purposes we need it for, excluding these nifty features.
During this time of attempting to re-engineer, I came up with a method to retrofit the prototype.
In a nutshell, we will get 99% of what we need in 1% of the time needed to do it. its a hot mess on the inside, but makes development on the outside pristine.
So we are gonna roll with this super sauce. I need 1 more day to tidy up the tool.
Then chat , mail etc can all be integrated, both on live AND on test.
and that, is awesomeness!