there was an error in the debug code which prevented me from seeing the error in the live code
editor (re) constructed.
now we have an events system in place to handle item usage in particular. this will be a MAJOR overhaul with several important benefits
it allows (eventually) for the total de coupling of equipment from the game code.
no more losing items in the hustle, we set up an event, and it can be triggered when the appropriate action occurs in the game.
while the events handler itself is complicated, the usage of it is not, and will streamline code greatly.
so now back to fixing crons again so they are all working (ahem, vaccinations and energy recovery)
Presently I'm in the process of constructing an editor to key in all the item effects..
I have also been notified there may be a lingering problem with the vaccinations not working and health not decreasing.
I'm going to get the item effects editor working, so that I can crowd source the translation.
When I say crowd source, I probably mean, myself, bobbie and tenesee dog, but its hopefully more than just me!
once I get the editor done, editors can start curating the equipment while I go and smash the new crons until they work