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Vaccination Idea
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Okay, this is another thing I thought of based off my own lazyness.

I'm tired of having to vaccinate my entire kennel every Saturday to trial through out the week. I'm suggesting a feature or item similar to an upgrade that will make the vaccinations last either 2 weeks or 1 month (I'm leaning more towards the one month) so it doesn't make the vaccination tags void and now useless and there's still a benefit to adding the feature.

Additional suggestions / support is loved. :)

Gracie's idea is awesome:

"I really like the idea of a trailing perk. It could include always vaccinating and a bump to trial score like the Kitsune. Maybe you could make additional trials each day as well? I think a lot of us heavy trialers would get it."

I was just thinking of an idea about being able to make more trials (since there's never enough through out the day) and the trial score boost would be an excellent bonus since I do trial out the wazoo and back in again XP

12-7-2015 at 11:37 AM
I can't save any money on here for all the constant vaccinating lol. It is odd. I hope it gets moved to once a month!

06-1-2011 at 9:04 PM

05-28-2011 at 6:43 PM
Oh! That would be an awesome way of doing it, Gracie! I'll edit that idea in! :D

05-28-2011 at 6:13 PM
I really like the idea of a trailing perk. It could include always vaccinating and a bump to trial score like the Kitsune. Maybe you could make additional trials each day as well? I think a lot of us heavy trialers would get it.<br /> <br /> Shadow, vaccinating every week is somewhat realistic since each day is roughly a month for the dogs here. :]<br /> <br /> I'm not fond of a warning color in the slot for vaccinating because most of my dogs don't get vaccinated and it would annoy me. (Unless it was a pretty color. &lt;3) A pop up reminder would be better, but only if you can opt out of it.

05-28-2011 at 7:35 AM
I always wondered, since Ala is always said to be leaning toward realistic, what vaccination our the dogs getting every week? xD My dogs certainly don't go to the vet every week to get vaccinated.<br /> <br /> THAT being said, a vaccinate all or upgrade perk to make the vaccinations last longer would be wonderful.<br /> &lt;_&lt; Or both.

04-21-2011 at 8:53 PM
A Vaccinate All would be lovely. I am less concerned about the length but it's a pain to go through all of my dogs one by one Saturday morning - but since I trail them all it has to be done and I inadvertently miss a few. Might help if there were a warning color (like for hunger or in heat) for vaccinations as well?

04-21-2011 at 8:00 PM
maybe they could do a trialing perk and have it in there....

04-18-2011 at 10:17 AM
Maybe to help folks remember, a little pop-up could be coded that shows up every Friday alerting you that it's vaccination time, and a button is included to "Vaccinate All Dogs"?<br /> <br /> Since the main issue seems to be either forgetting to do it, or it's a big hassle to have to vaccinate one by one.<br /> <br /> And if a person doesn't have the money to cover all vaccinations, they can just disregard the notice and, now reminded of vaccinations, can go vaccinate just a few dogs one by one.
edit history
2011-04-18 00:18:38 by #66

04-18-2011 at 7:09 AM
@Working GSD Kennels, they do have an auto vaccinating item called Vaccination Tags. If that's what you were meaning. :) <br /> <br /> I support, but maybe we should have to obtain something that does it? It could be a perk? Something along those lines.

04-18-2011 at 6:38 AM
Yes totally...Or an auto Vaccinate like they have just made for the auto feeder. PLEASE. I have too many dogs in my kennel to keep having to go through each one singly.<br /> <br /> Working

04-18-2011 at 12:16 AM
i agree ala should make a 4 week limit on the vaccinations without limiting the price. i'm tired of finding out i cant enter my dog into a trial and having to go all the way back and vaccinate it than going back and entering again when i could have just entered. besides 4 weeks is the real limit on vaccinations.


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