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Tweak Foundie Auctions
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Hello there! Recently I've noticed a lack of certain breeds in the Foundie auctions. Namely, zois. A friend and I are trying to start a brand new zoi line, but there are almost never zois in auction. I believe it's been almost a week since I've last seen them in there (edit: there was an auction with zois yesterday, for the first time in a while), and this is making any progress nearly impossible. I noticed this with the GSDs when I tried to start a GSD line a little while ago - I had so much trouble snagging foundies that I had to give up. So here's what I'm suggesting:
Shorter auctions for the foundies, meaning you can squeeze more foundie auctions in throughout the day, thus giving those of us looking for a particular breed a better chance of getting it. Instead of 3 foundie auctions during the day (I say 3 because that's all I'm awake for), maybe make it six, so each auction would stay up for 3 hours.
No breed repeats back to back, or even within the same day. It frustrates me to no end when I'm stalking the end of a Pap foundie auction, only to see the next breed appear as "Paps".
If anyone has alternate suggestions to these that might even up the rotation and give all of us more of a shot at certain breeds, please share! :D
Shorter auctions for the foundies, meaning you can squeeze more foundie auctions in throughout the day, thus giving those of us looking for a particular breed a better chance of getting it. Instead of 3 foundie auctions during the day (I say 3 because that's all I'm awake for), maybe make it six, so each auction would stay up for 3 hours.
No breed repeats back to back, or even within the same day. It frustrates me to no end when I'm stalking the end of a Pap foundie auction, only to see the next breed appear as "Paps".
If anyone has alternate suggestions to these that might even up the rotation and give all of us more of a shot at certain breeds, please share! :D
Luna Moon, Brick c: (#8327)
02-9-2012 at 3:26 PM
Support! And i feel special because I was mentioned :3
Hemp (#5641)
01-31-2012 at 11:49 AM
jive (#4772)
01-23-2012 at 3:37 PM
Definitely support! I've been trying to start new lines of various breeds, and it's so hard.
PapTheMag (#9432)
01-23-2012 at 10:03 AM
I m actually quite glad there is more Paps. There were not Paps in the auctions for the LONGEST time last year. But that was annoying. Shorter times would be very helpful. I support... Even if it's for a different breed. C:
Decay (#18243)
01-22-2012 at 9:38 PM
I 100% support. I swear all I ever catch in the foundie auctions lately are Paps, corgis, and Jack Russells.
-ɸ- Ionic (#17844)
01-22-2012 at 9:34 PM
Mutt (#17304)
01-22-2012 at 5:38 PM
Support!<br /> <br /> I breed Borzoi and I hardly ever see them in the foundation auctions despite checking three times a day.
Eispiritu (#180)
01-22-2012 at 4:27 PM
Support!<br /> <br /> This I can see can be quite annoying :/
Kalid (#101)
01-22-2012 at 10:50 AM
Support! every time i check the foundie auctions, it seems to be the same few breeds in there.. lately the Curs, paps or corgis. if they could figure out a way to stabilize breed rotation, that would be awesome.
Mizzy (#11754)
01-20-2012 at 11:48 PM
Support! If foundie auction times were halved, that's already twice the amount of money that will be removed from the economy.
Aust (#9721)
01-20-2012 at 4:45 PM
I support. <br /> <br /> <br /> I tried founding a sheltie line awhile back, never being able to fine them. After a week, I gave up, just to find a sheltie action followed by another.