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Rule Add
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It would nice if somewhere in the rules there was to be added that "laziness" does not excuse one from following the rules. Nor does the excuse that you acknowledged the rule while breaking it excuse you from following it either.
That might have been already added, but in case not, here is the suggestion.
That might have been already added, but in case not, here is the suggestion.
Tiger (#42)
10-14-2011 at 8:29 AM
We would still have to say it since the same people still wouldn't read the rules.
Steaks (#5484)
10-11-2011 at 6:17 PM
The mods say it more often than the new players read the rules, lol
Eden (side) (#7324)
10-11-2011 at 1:25 PM
Yes, Clayton. Well, apparently common sense is not in everyone. Even so, mods wouldn't have to say it as often if it were mentioned in the rules.
Steaks (#5484)
10-11-2011 at 1:56 AM
You mean "ignorance of the rules does not mean exception of the rules"? That should be common sense... :P and mods are sayin it all the time
Nafia's Side (#7514)
10-10-2011 at 9:14 PM
Support. A lot of people, including me, are lazy but I am never excused from rule breaking and no one else should.