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AKC standard showing events
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I was watching a dog show and found myself thinking
"Dang,that'd be cool on ala." I have thought about this idea,and I think there could be perks to this community dog show.
A new training icon-
I though "Well,if we were to do this,shouldn't there be
a different icon you can train for?" Somthing along the lines of "Show ettiquet." This is would be great for a few resons 1. In real life,dogs must be well mannered when showing,or they'll be given lower scores. 2. It would be compleatly optional to train in this area. 3. If this area is maxed,it would give perks to the young's showing ability.
Higher quality dogs-
People would want to breed high quality dogs. If people breed higher quality dogs,there could be less of a need for retiring dogs and for pounding dogs. I currently breed for standards,to keep myself from breeding willy nilly and producing pups no one wants. I think if many other people would do more selective breeding,we'd have less unwanted dogs.
We could have great prizes! There could be some
new super rare stuff that would be worth lots of money.We could have ranks like (in order from leat to greatist) Local,Regional,National,and International.
We could have a set (Local-International) each month. Locals being the first five days of the month,Regional being days 6-10,Nationals 11-15,and internationals 16-20. In order to compete in the next level you'd have to make it through the last level in the top 20 or so. The winner of International could go in a sort of hall of fame.
These standards could be AKC or any other recognized kennel club. This would be like a communtiy dog show. It could be programmed for dogs with standard marking to be put through,with opacitys and Showing Ettiquet and also weight and height being factored in.
Just to clear this up,I know ala is a dog agility sim,this isn't by any means meant to run the show,it's just meant to be another way to make money.

11-28-2011 at 9:12 PM
I support. It would probably be a nightmare to code though


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