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Caption contests?
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With all the decorated dogs, for many of them a line immediately pops up in my mind.

So I was wondering, if we could post a picture of a decorated dog (most likely just our own) and have players submit captions, would there be interest?

09-17-2011 at 5:50 PM
Support!!!!<br /> <br /> I think that this could be a neat addition to beauty contests. For example, people could post THEIR OWN dog up for "caption" and 5 players could submit captions. Once 5 players have entered, the owner of the dog will decide the winner. It will cost a dog 20 energy to be "captioned" and it will cost $100 to enter a caption. The winner will recieve $200 when the contest ends. The owner will recieve $50 when the contest has run. <br /> <br /> This will be a good way too suck away some Ala Cash from the economy to even things out more. [($500*5)-$250] = $250 for the Ala Economy for each trial run.<br /> <br /> Or, perhaps later on, bone "Captions" (just for upgrades) could be made. This time it costs 100 Energy for a dog to compete and $30000 to create a "Caption." To submit a caption, you would pay 1 Bone. The winner will recieve 2 bones and the creater of the "Caption" will earn 1 Bone. Good for Ala Bone economy because: [(1*5)-2]= 3 Bones for the Ala Economy.


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