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Under-age Round up
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I think there should be a thing where if you are under-aged and you try to sign up without any WRITTEN parental permission that you lose a lot of features from the site. Like the chat box, scribbling on others profiles, news posts, forum posts, etc. You know? We seem to have a lot of people under the age of 13 who say they have parental permission, but it's not written. I'm suggesting this because Robyn could get in a lot of trouble from letting younger kids on here without any written permission from the younger kid's parent.
Steaks (#5484)
06-28-2011 at 4:52 AM
It's not a rule Rob comes up with herself, it has to do with COPPA. All sites have to abide by COPPA's rules.
Aust (#9721)
06-27-2011 at 5:19 AM
No support. If parents really cared what there child did on the internet they could just track the browsing history or watch the child play on here.
Eden (side) (#7324)
06-27-2011 at 4:15 AM
I'm saying that anyone who doesn't have proof that they have verification should not be allowed to participate in anything that includes public interaction from other players, excluding receiving scribbles, and sending and receiving messages. A lot of things can easily slip into the forums/chat box/news.<br /> <br /> Also, younger players can sometimes tend to be rule-breakers and very immature. This is a big reason I want the "Written permission" from parents so that we can try to calm all the fights and rule-breaking from the under age members of Alacrity.<br /> <br /> I also don't like the fact that a majority of whom I am interacting with on here are -13. They can, again, be troublesome and have no idea what the word "Grammar" means.
Riff (#14157)
06-24-2011 at 6:27 AM
No support.<br /> <br /> Alacrity doesn't have much "inappropriate" content that wouldn't be recommended for younger users, and as Nitrous stated, users must agree that they have permission in the TOS.<br /> <br /> Plus, Alacrity doesn't even ask for your birth year as it is, so I imagine it would be a hassle to have users who've already signed up put in their birth year.
Kass (#14135)
06-24-2011 at 6:15 AM
No support.<br /> <br /> It's a good idea, don't get me wrong, but as long as we keep the 18 or older forum separate, and Ala doesn't have a lot of inappropriate content, it should stay how it is.<br /> <br /> If the site is "child friendly", I think children under 13 should get to enjoy the same features on Ala as the rest of the users.
edit history
2011-06-23 20:18:32 by #14135
2011-06-23 20:17:06 by #14135
Nitrous (#9181)
06-23-2011 at 11:48 PM
No support. <br /> <br /> As much as I am totally not a fan of that age group, Robyn has already done all she is required to do in order to maintain the site's operation legally. <br /> <br /> If they <i>say</i> they have permission, they've accepted the TOS and Rules of the game already. Their argument wouldn't hold any water in court if a parent or the Gov't. decided to sue. The cross examination would go a little like this:<br /> <br /> "Your child did complete the registration page and sign up to be a member for the game, correct?"<br /> <br /> "Yes."<br /> <br /> "And isn't it true that in Exhibit A [insert evidence here] it clearly states that members thirteen and younger must have parental permission in order to join?"<br /> <br /> "That's correct."<br /> <br /> "And also that by accepting the TOS, which is required for registration, your child has indicated that they do have parental permission to play?"<br /> <br /> "...Yes."<br /> <br /> "Nothing further."<br /> <br /> Alacrity wasn't meant to be a kids game. It's been stated so many times I'm starting to beat my head against the wall because people just don't seem to get it. Those under 13 policies are mostly reserved to protect websites clearly marketing towards children, which isn't so much Ala. (Think Neopets/Club Penguin) <br /> <br /> Do you think it's going to be beneficial to the game to make it such a hassle for that age group to join? Remember that players are also donors, and I've decided against joining many a game because their registration process was a hassle. And as an adult, none of it has been as rigorous as actually mailing or having a parent sign off on something. <br /> <br /> To be honest, Alacrity isn't a big game. Again, think about Neopets, Club Penguin and sites like that. They're MASSIVE. Neither have been sued or been at issue over their COPPA certification.
edit history
2011-06-23 13:50:51 by #9181