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Shiba Inus as a breed
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I thing the Shiba Inu would be a great breed for alacritysim.com. They are some great dogs that have great attitudes. Here is some information on the breed, and I could not figure out how to put pictures on so I put the links on. SORRY The smallest of the Japanese native breeds, the Shiba was originally developed for hunting in the dense undergrowth of Japan's mountainous areas. Alert and agile with keen senses, he is also an excellent watchdog and companion. His frame is compact with well-developed muscles and he possesses a double coat that can be black and tan http://www.dogs.net.au/kazumi/images/page2_463.jpg http://www.puppyfind.com/view_photo/?breed_id=97&list_id=c0wp6ni4j9&img_id=njc46zbw5n4&back=%2Ffor_sale%2F%3Fbreed_id%3D97%26country%3D%26state%3D%26page%3D22%26order_by%3Drand%26back%3D%252Fbrowse%252F%253Fstr%253Ds%2526page%253D1&sid=090079c58bb0ca92a76d64c7fcbd7307, red http://www.puppyfind.com/view_photo/?breed_id=97&list_id=p9xah2zn46&img_id=2g7n7uvmrn4&back=%2Ffor_sale%2F%3Fbreed_id%3D97%26country%3D%26state%3D%26page%3D22%26order_by%3Drand%26back%3D%252Fbrowse%252F%253Fstr%253Ds%2526page%253D1&sid=090079c58bb0ca92a76d64c7fcbd7307 http://www.pauldingvoice.com/bb/phpBB2/files/shiba_inu_puppy.jpg, red sesame http://www.puppyfind.com/view_photo/?breed_id=97&list_id=n59yq4k7ew&img_id=b9x03r6hkn9&back=%2Ffor_sale%2F%3Fbreed_id%3D97%26country%3D%26state%3D%26page%3D11%26order_by%3Drand%26back%3D%252Fbrowse%252F%253Fstr%253Ds%2526page%253D1&sid=090079c58bb0ca92a76d64c7fcbd7307 http://powellkent1.home.mchsi.com/ESW/Images/JemJump12Dec10_%28640x480%29.jpg, and cream http://www.puppyfind.com/view_photo/?breed_id=97&list_id=139258bu8v&img_id=xtl1wqn9xjp&back=%2Ffor_sale%2F%3Fbreed_id%3D97%26country%3D%26state%3D%26page%3D16%26order_by%3Drand%26back%3D%252Fbrowse%252F%253Fstr%253Ds%2526page%253D1&sid=090079c58bb0ca92a76d64c7fcbd7307 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Shiba_Inu_cream.jpg, History Descended from the primitive dogs of the ancient people of Japan, the Shiba Inu was bred to hunt small wild game, boar and bear. The name Shiba in Japanese means brushwood, after the breed's hunting terrain or the color of brushwood leaves in the fall and Inu means dog. World War II nearly spelled disaster for the Shiba due to bombing raids and distemper, but after the war, bloodlines were combined to produce the breed as it is known today. Temperament A spirited boldness, a good nature, and an unaffected forthrightness, which together yield dignity and natural beauty. The Shiba has an independent nature and can be reserved toward strangers but is loyal and affectionate to those who earn his respect. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SHIBA INU'S ON ALACRITYSIM.COM PLEASE SUPPORT.

04-21-2011 at 3:35 AM
i think that would be really cool if we could get as much dog breeds on here as possible. The shiba Inu would be really nice. But i think that if they did that than i would wonder what it would look like because the siberian husky looks alot like shiba inus (i thaught thats what they were when i first saw them)


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