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Idea for feeding
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1.) Idea for Feeding:
Most people can't afford the autofeeder and if they can than maybe not for all their pets. I am suggesting a "Feed All Dogs" button. Many people don't like to click and click until one of their dogs are feed and repeat. I think the "Feed All Dogs" button would help, like give all the dogs you own, the amount of food they need to go make it easier.

01-31-2011 at 1:54 AM
Okay, thank you Tiger. Yes, but very few times no matter which one goes first, sometimes they overlap. :-)

01-30-2011 at 6:24 PM
Kairi, if you take Robyn's Baby off and put it back on itll be infront of the Husky plush. They layer depending on how you put them on, so the last item you put on will be on top

01-30-2011 at 4:30 PM
here is an example of the companion overlapping <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=32837">For Exaple for Idea #2</a>
edit history
2011-01-30 05:30:21 by #8393


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