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Raccoon Effect Remake
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Not sure how people will feel about this suggestion but I thought I'd submit it =). So the raccoon is supposed to increase the chance of random events and any player I've heard from that owns one never notices a difference.

What I'm suggesting is either:

A. Increase the chances to be even higher than they already are
B. Make it so the raccoon awards its owner by bringing home one of the random event companion/item of that particular month. (If there are multiple RE items that month, the raccoon will bring only 1 of them. After all, his paws are only so big!)

Let me know what you think! While it is true you are supposed to get higher random events, the effect just doesn't seem very visible and not as fun.

Thanks to anyone that reads! =D

12-24-2013 at 1:14 PM

12-22-2013 at 12:33 AM

11-29-2013 at 12:28 AM
SUPPORT B- and i agree postive RE's.

11-23-2013 at 3:29 PM

08-26-2013 at 7:12 AM
Or maybe to add on to A, increase RE chances but make them positive REs

08-26-2013 at 5:57 AM
Support. The only RE i get are taking money from me. I've taken both my raccoon's off now because i'm loosing money and never get the item of the month anyways.

08-25-2013 at 3:55 PM
Support for B, I get RE's very rarely

08-12-2013 at 10:16 PM
Support for either options, but more for B than A.

08-11-2013 at 6:39 PM

07-10-2013 at 8:08 PM

07-9-2013 at 3:29 PM
I like this support!

06-12-2013 at 9:04 PM

06-4-2013 at 9:40 PM
Support. <br /> <br /> It rather decreased my RE frequency. So it should start doing something useful :-)

04-27-2013 at 3:23 AM
I've gotten 4 RE's since placing my raccoon on a dog at 7:41 last night up until now. I don't know whether you'd call that frequent or not. 2 were "nothing's" & 2 were "money makers".<br /> I'd usually only get RE's once every 2-3 days.<br /> <br /> With that being said I'd still support either of your ideas. It wouldn't hurt to increase the frequency for those that don't seem to see a difference. (:<br /> <br /> Edt: Yup, I've definitely seen a decline in the RE's. I'm no longer getting 4+ a day.
edit history
2013-04-30 23:52:30 by #9907

04-23-2013 at 8:38 AM
support C:

04-22-2013 at 3:53 PM
I love option B as well :) Support

04-21-2013 at 11:38 PM
Support :D

04-21-2013 at 5:52 PM
Either work for me :)

04-21-2013 at 5:13 PM
Thumbs up!! I totally agree. I like B. But A works fine too.

04-21-2013 at 5:12 PM
Love option B. Support.


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